Healing Testimony for Fibromyalgia & Adenomyosis

Healing Testimony for Fibromyalgia & Adenomyosis In this article highlights an amazingย testimony from GoE Trainer Isaac Lim as he interviewes his client Tamar. Tamar was healed from Fibromyalgia and Adenomyosis primarily with Energy EFT/Modern Energy Tapping. Fibromyalgia is a condition that has no medical cause and treatment involves using painkillers to control the symptoms.

We were heartened to watch a recent video shared with us by GoE Trainer Isaac Lim. Isaac interviewed his client as part of his YouTube channel. His client Tamar reported that her body had forgotten how to be happy. However after her time with Isaac she reported that her pain wasย reduced by 90%, and that she was amazed and shocked by every session - commenting 'I have my life back!'

Tamar ended by saying:

I also do reiki and combined with tapping it is really working well,ย  I really can recommend to others, actually I've recommended to so many other of my colleagues already, they have seen a lot of my progress and they are very happy about that.ย  Thank you so much Isaac.ย 

Isaac Lim Writes:

I had the opportunity to record a video testimony of my client whom I helped find healing for her fibromyalgia and adenomyosis. I hope sharing this will show how even conditions that medically have no effective treatment but painkillers can be healed and find relief with primary MET besides EMO, StarMatrix, and other GoE energy healing.


๐Ÿ—ฃ Chat!
Isaac Lim
Information about Isaac Lim
Energy EFT Master Practitioner Trainer, EMO Master Practitioner Trainer, Modern Energy Tapping Professional Trainer, Modern Energy Coach Trainer & Modern Stress Management Trainer in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Training courses and events with Isaac Lim:
view event โ–ถ
Modern Energy Tapping Foundationย with Isaac Lim
22 May 2024ย - Online , Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Isaac Lim has kindly contributed the following titles to the ๐Ÿซ GoE Library:
GoE2021 - P03 - Sixth Sense Body Scanning with Isaac Lim

GoE2021 - P03 - Sixth Sense Body Scanning with Isaac Lim

Posted Nov 25, 2021
Our bodies "talk" to us - and we "listen" with our 6th Sense. What can we discover?
view in library โ–ถ

Contact details and membership information for Isaac Lim:

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