Heart's Desire and Happiness - Modern Energy Case Story

Heart's Desire and Happiness - Modern Energy Case Story

Case story from GoE Trainer Maria LiPuma who uses modern energy techniques, including Modern Energy Tapping, to help battle a difficult entity of a former musician.

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Maria LiPuma GoERecently I had been working with a young woman who was suffering from autoimmune problems for 10 years. When she first got sick she had to leave a very promising career as a gifted musician. She was unable to work and was resigned to bed rest. This caused her a lot of physical and emotional pain. She promptly let go of her dreams, and began the work of regaining her health. Her healing journey had led her to numerous health practitioners, many being alternative. The struggle had been long and arduous as she continued to fight and not give up hope. 

Even though she had made some improvements in her health and was now holding a steady job and participating in various creative interests, she was constantly feeling tired and had to monitor her energy in order to do some of the things she enjoyed doing. In addition, she no longer knew what she wanted to do in regards to her career. She felt too old to pursue her original dream and didn’t even know if she still wanted this anymore. She came to me with the intention of clarifying her life purpose; igniting her passion and creating goals that align with her heart’s desires.

We began by applying Modern Energy Tapping to reduce stress and tune in to her body. After a couple of rounds of tapping, she began to cry saying she was just so tired of trying to feel better and she didn’t have the energy to even think about what she wanted to do with her life. In fact thinking about what she wanted to do created more frustration and overwhelm because she didn’t believe she had the energy she needed to do it. She said "I just want to be happy"! When I was perusing my dreams I was happy. I felt passionate! Life felt good!  

I asked her if she could liken the illness to an entity what it might be. She quickly said it was an overpowering, irate creature that was all over her, suffocating her. She felt like she was fighting this creature and if she was successful in having it let go of one part of her body, it held on tighter to another part. She felt bound by this entity and no matter how much she fought she couldn’t get free. She was so tired of the fight.

I suggested that we both have a look at the creature and instead of fighting it, accept it. Call a truce. We eventually were able to send love to it. As we looked at the creature with love, it began to release its hold on her. We continued to send the creature love and appreciation and it sat down and relaxed. We were intrigued and amused. My client and the creature made peace with each other.

Even though my client felt a great deal of relief she expressed that she still didn’t feel hopeful that she could move on to dream and be happy. I suggested she talk to the creature and see if it had any insight. She told it that she wanted to revive her dreams and create new ones. That doing this will make her heart sing and feel happy. The creature simply said to her: “YOU DON”T DESERVE TO BE HAPPY.” Whoa! My client was startled by this response. I suggested she ask the creature why it said this.  It said “YOU TOLD ME THIS”; I was just doing what you wanted me to do.. keep you from being happy.

She promptly told the creature that she had a change of mind and realizes now that she does deserve and want to be happy. She asked it to support her new belief and he willingly agreed.

My client left my office that day with a gleam in her eye and a bounce in her step, feeling hopeful for the first time in a very long time. 

I love a happy ending!

Maria LiPuma - GoE Modern Energy Trainer


MET BookModern Energy Tapping: Engaging The Power Of The Positives For Health, Wealth & Happiness

Enter a NEW dimension of personal healing, expansion and success with Silvia Hartmann's paradigm shifting Modern Energy Tapping! Energy based, love based, future orientated and entirely safe, Modern Energy Tapping is all about finding the actual solutions to our energy problems. 

Powerful, logical, simple and a fantastic experience each and every time, Modern Energy Tapping is the NEW way of getting what we want out of life - without the trauma! Engage The Power Of The Positives For Health, Wealth & Happiness.
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