Inner Child Healing:
Healing The Child Within
An Introduction To Modern Inner Child Healing by Silvia Hartmann
The inner child is a metaphor for aspects of ourselves that were created and came into being earlier on in our development as a human totality.
As we grow on from the moment of conception forward, and as not just our physicality but the entirety of the human totality, and this includes our conscious minds, our energy minds and our energy bodies, grow and develop, we CHANGE.
We change all the time, but the energetic components of what once we were stay resonant and steady, and they remain a part of us, always - the tip of this iceberg of the total person ACROSS TIME is our conscious memories of what it was like to have been a child, but that is only a fraction of the truth.
We really all do have "an inner child", and indeed, there are many inner children, as many of them as time events unfolded and we changed from one state into the other and still do.
However, the concept of the "injured inner child" is the metaphor that describes those times of our life and the totalities we were right then who sustained specific and long lasting injuries.
When this happens, it is as though parts of us become lost or disabled; this is also often referred to as "soul loss".
A non-esoteric way of describing this is to say that our energy matrix has flaws in it; aspects which have become structurally displaced or simply damaged.
This damage, although still REMEMBERED in the body, is not VISIBLE UPON the body; or at least it won't become visible until many, many years have passed and the underlying energy matrix disturbances have finally manifested in physicality.
In truth, we should all be ONE FLOWING TOTALITY, where everything is known, across time of life, everything remembered, and everything is working together to make sure our lives are rich, vibrant and exciting.
Working to heal the inner child is very moving; it is very healing indeed as we learn to re-connect with parts of ourselves, with aspects of ourselves and with TIMES of our own incarnation. When we bring the will to healing and to re-connection to this endeavour, CHANGE happens - healing happens, restoration happens and we can finally achieve a sense of freedom from the past.
This freedom from the past is different; it is no longer built on denial or repression, or trying to forget; instead, there is a resonant clarity and awareness of "what happened then" but this is no longer what shapes the future.
When we have succeeded to heal "the child within", we are truly free to turn around then and place our eyes upon the future, and make our path out into the lands of future, clear and unburdened, and in that sense, it is only then that we get to be a true child again, and see the universe once more with a child's eyes - full of wonder, full of trust, and full of delight.
ย Silvia Hartmann
Added Apr 20, 2008
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