Introducing Turkish Member Support ManagerThe GoE is very pleased and excited to announce that Cumasiye Özgür is our new Turkish Member Support Manager. Read on for more....
Added Mar 15, 2017
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The role came about after GoE Director Alex Kent and GoE President Silvia Hartmann were discussing what a fabulous job the Turkish Trainers were doing representing the GoE in Turkey, with 15% of our members now residing in Turkey. Which we think it's awesome! After brainstorming ways we could improve our service to our Turkish Trainers and Members, it was decided that we should recruit a new Member Support Manager for Turkey. Someone based in Turkey with excellent English, and a native Turkish speaker who could strengthen the links between The GoE and it's Turkish speakers, and provide a point of contact for those needing assistance. Cumasiye Özgür applied for the role immediately, with such enthusiasm and we are delighted to confirm that she has been awarded this part time role, which she has already begun. Cumasiye is an experienced GoE Trainer and we are sure that she will excel within her new role. Cumasiye will be on hand to help with a variety of tasks such as providing translations, being someone for practitioners to talk to in Turkish, liaising with our new Turkish local printer, helping trainers order supplies, press releases, renewals, social media and much more. If you are a Turkish Trainer or Member of The GoE Cumasiye will be making contact with you very shortly to formally introduce herself and provide more details of what she can offer you. Global Member Support Manager Zoe Hobden writes: Our presence in Turkey has grown and grown and it's been a pleasure to see our Turkish Trainers boost our membership numbers within Turkey so quickly. It's fabulous that we can now be an even better support for those who need us, and make the membership we offer those in Turkey more valuable to them, now that we can offer more in their native language. I am looking forward to working with Cumasiye, and congratulate her on her new role. Having a GoE representative who speaks Turkish is a big step and unlocks so much potential. We are really looking forward to what this new role can bring to The GoE and it's Turkish family. Further Information
Added Mar 15, 2017
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