Introduction To EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques

EFT™ is a therapeutic approach to discharging excess emotional distress and liberating one's natural growth process. It has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine and the modern science of Applied Kinesiology. The basic theory is that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. By correcting the disturbance on an energy level we simultaneously correct it on the emotional level.


  Emotional Freedom Techniques™

EFT™ is a therapeutic approach to discharging excess emotional distress and liberating one's natural growth process. It has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine and the modern science of Applied Kinesiology. The basic theory is that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. By correcting the disturbance on an energy level we simultaneously correct it on the emotional level.

These techniques are gentle, rapid and startlingly effective.

EFT was formulated by Stanford Engineer Gary Craig, who took extensive training in TFT and then created a single content free sequence of tapping on major meridian- and neuro-lymphatic reflex points, combined with whole brain stimulation exercises. In doing so, he opened the field of meridian/energy therapies to everyone, regardless of their previous learnings, educational standards or experience with meridian therapies.

When to Use EFT™

EFT is basically a content free process that can be applied to any human problem that has an emotional component. This includes virtually any kind of mental problem or disturbance, and many physical problems that are neuro-somatic in nature. In many other cases of physical illness, reducing emotional stress, fear and pain can significantly aid and speed recovery. Here are some examples where typically EFT is highly effective:

• Addictive Cravings
• Allergies
• Anxiety and Panic Attacks
• Anger
• Compulsions and Obsessions
• Depression and Sadness
• Dyslexia
• Enhance Your Self Image
• Fears and Phobias
• Grief and Loss
• Guilt
• Insomnia
• Negative Memories
• Nightmares
• Pain Management
• Physical Healing
• Peak Performance
• Sexual Abuse Issues

... and many other applications as well.

Who uses EFT™?

EFT is used by an ever growing number of people first of all on a very personal basis. Being able to release one's own negative emotions, as well as past and current traumas, free oneself from haunting memories and from negative beliefs and conditioning has been described many times as "A Priceless Gift".

Professionals who seek to help their clients are the second group of people to whom EFT has proven to be one of the most useful and most globally applicable techniques they have learned. In many cases, EFT's ability to rapidly release pain and suffering and the fact that client can continue to treat themselves once they have learned the simple technique, has brought a new dimension in the effectiveness of many different forms of healing, from homeopathy to reflexology, and from hypnotherapy to NLP.

Here are some of the fields of expertise our existing members combine on a daily basis with Meridian Therapies such as EFT:

  • Acupuncturists

  • Aromatherapists

  • Hypnotherapists

  • Reflexologists

  • Clinical Psychologists

  • Transactional Analysists

  • Holistic Counsellors

  • Classical Homeopaths

  • Reiki Practitioners and Reiki Masters

  • Spiritual Healers

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programmers

  • Neuro-Semanticists

  • Psychotherapists

  • Health Care Workers

  • Victim Support & Trauma Specialists

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