Video - Using Matrix Reimprinting with EFT for Phobias

Video - Using Matrix Reimprinting with EFT for Phobias

What's Matrix Reimprinting all about? Want to see a Matrix Reimprinting session?

This live session, filmed a few months ago, deals with an intense frog phobia. The session starts off with classic EFT - then uses one of the Matrix Reimprinting techniques to locate the traumatic event behind the phobia. Matrix Reimprinting is then used to get resolution on the traumatic event.

In a very high percentage of cases, traumatic events, regardless of their intensity and nature can be resolved within one session of Matrix Reimprinting.

Not only is it very quick and relatively painless, traumatic memories can be re-written as positive ones and negative beliefs made into new resourceful beliefs.

Karl Dawson will be presenting Matrix Reimprinting with EFT at the 2011 European EFT & Energy Psychology Conference.

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Karl Dawson EFT Master
Information about Karl Dawson EFT Master
EFT Practitioner in Astwood Bank, Worcestershire, England.

Contact details and membership information for Karl Dawson EFT Master:

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