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A Brief History Of Meridian & Energy Therapies
Adrenalin Allergie Auf Deutsch by Silvia Hartmann - komplettes selbst hilfe program gegen Stress, Angst und zu viel Adrenalin im Koerper.
Attractor Field Technique AFT Introduction & Charts Free Download - Comprehensive document with many different tapping points and sequences. Based on Thought Field Therapy.
BSFF Be Set Free Fast by Dr Larry Nims session flowchart diagrams
Clearing & Re-Vitalising The Chakras
The MET Chakra Protocol by Nicola Quinn
Sample cases and instructions how to use Events Psychology with EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques
How to help companion animals with training and behaviour problems using EFT by proxy, also for animal bereavement and other animal related applications. More info at
EFT Complete Introduction - Swedish Language
EFT for animals in German: EFT Fuer Tiere auf Deutsch
El Protocolo de EFT para Animales - EFT For Animals Spanish Language
EFT Creater Gary Craig interviews AMT Trainer Sue Sawyer about her use of EFT in the treatment of asthma.
Complete paper on kundalini chakra treatments with EFT by Dr Michael Millett
EFT On A Page Indonesian Language
EFT on a page - Portugese Language - EFT Numa Pagina
EFT On A Page Swedish Language
EFT On A Page - Italian Language
Classic EFT fully explained, includes full Classic EFT Protocol and FAQs. From Adventures In EFT by Silvia Hartmann
Download new EFT diagrams featuring the Energy EFT "Heart & Soul" EFT Protocol. Includes two EFT Diagrams for adults, three for EFT diagrams for children and high quality printable versions.
EmoTrance BeautyT protocol for animal healing by Silvia Hartmann
The EmoTrance Primer - EmoTrance explained in simple words so there can be no misunderstandings. More translations are available at
Audio recording of EFT & EmoTrance Master Trainers Silvia Hartmann & Sandra Hillawi discussing the power of healing events, the energized end state, and the danger of settling for too little in modern energy psychology and healing. You can also find a transcript here: Energized EFT Transcript
Energy & Spirituality exercises with Sister Margarita Foley. Suitable for Christians and other denominations/faiths.
Complete first part of the 2012 essential new EFT book by Dr S Hartmann "Energy EFT." Contains full instructions and complete new EFT Heart & Soul Protocol.
English translation of Zauberwelt by Silvia Hartmann. Illustrated 3mb ebook about the effects of energy in every day life.
How to give The Gift that only you would have to give - fabulous energy healing method based on Project Sanctuary by Dr S Hartmann
Introduction to the uses of Events Psychology for practitioners of Meridian & Energy Therapies & Energy Psychology
Complete self help program for anxiety and stress by Silvia Hartmann
Caduceus Article about Energy Psychology
An introduction to the reality of energy exchanges in intimate and love relationships by Sandra Hillawi
The Heart of Gold EFT Protocol by Silvia Hartmann. Translated by Jacqueline Besseling
Download the full slide from Penny Croal's AMT EFT & Energy Conference 2012 presentation, Let's Get Naked with Matrix Reimprinting.
Logosynthesis: Restoring the Flow by Dr. Willem Lammers & Andrea Fredi
23 page report on Logosynthesis
METs Auf Deutsch: EFT & BSFF In The German Language
Fully illustrated 3mb ebook Zauberwelt Der Energie in the German language by Silvia Hartmann
There are 35 downloads in this category