MET & The 'Wirral Swallows and Amazons Adventure Group' Charity
In January 2003
Tom and Bev Bolton, Co Creators of FREEWAY-CER Meridian
Energy Therapy, set up the childrens charity 'Wirral Swallows and
Amazons Adventure Group' for disadvantaged and
children with special needs. Four years down the line and having
raised over ยฃ160,000 for the charity, here follows an update
from the dynamic duo...
AddedJan 30, 2007
| 10,664 Reads
Tom Bolton writes: In 1984 my life was in a mess I was
just divorced, had lost my job, was suffering depression and
bouts of anxiety, and everything in my life was going wrong
I was at a stage when I was so fed up with life I almost gave
in. luckily I met a person who taught me a
technique from the Ageless Wisdom teachings and within a couple
of days my whole life changed. I looked around me and saw others
who looked as sad as I had. I felt sorry for them and
decided that I would like to help people feel the inner peace
that had so quickly come into my life. I spent many
years then doing research and studying ageless wisdom teachings
and holistic practices and in 1990 met my soulmate Bev. In
2000 we created FREEWAY-CER Meridian Energy Therapy which is now
being taught worldwide.Today I am a practicing Therapist.
In 1994 Bev and I decided to take up respite fostering and to
this day still enjoy helping children and their families through
offering respite and running a children's charity.
One weekend in 1996 we had two very boisterous young children
staying with us for a few days and on the Telly came a film
called 'Swallows and Amazons' starring the lovely Virginia
McKenna of 'Born Free' fame. The children stopped quibbling
and arguing and sat quietly watching the movie for some
time. Afterwards they wanted to play on the beach nearby
pretending to be the children in the film. Their behaviour
changed from naughty to being friendly with each other and
wanting to help us carrying shopping etc.
We were amazed and bought a copy of the film from the Museum near
Bowess in the lake district. We showed this film over the
years to lots of other young people who we were fostering
and it had the same magic effect on them. The film also had
a magical effect on us so much so that in Sept 2002 we
decided that we would start a charity to help disadvantaged
and disabled children to have 'Adventure Holidays'
that would help them to gain confidence, overcome fears and
realise that they could achieve almost anything no matter how
disadvanged or disabled they were.
We had no money and hadn't got a clue how to start a
charity. However we tapped on all the things we thought
impossible, our doubts, our fears, all negative things in us that
said this is impossible. We imagined seeing hundreds of
young people enjoying challenging and exciting adventures just
like the kiddies in the movie. In our minds we saw them
canoeing, climbing, playing on rafts, getting out of their
wheelchairs and abseiling, swimming, some roller blading others
ten pin bowling, playing games seeing sunlit lakes and huge
mountains going up into blue skies. We took adventure
training and passed our powerboat level two training.
We visited North Wales and Cumbria and soaked up the
atmosphere. We drove around lake Windermere and Coniston
water and imagined boats full of happy children. We discovered an
adventure centre on the banks of Coniston about a mile from
Peel Island the island in the film. We told the staff at
that centre of our dream and they leant us a canoe to paddle out
to the Island. We got on the Island it was a strange day
overcast, but as we landed on the beach of the Island the sun
peeped through the clouds and shone on us. We felt very
emotional almost hearing the sound of children laughing as they
ran around the Island all those years ago in 1929 when children
could safely camp out at night and when Arthur Ransom the
author and his peers camped on this very Island. We
felt passionate and knew that we would succeed in our dream, and
when we returned home we went full steam ahead.
Our local social services tried to stop us as they were very
cautious about safety issues but our determination kept us going
nothing could stop us now. We contacted Virginia McKenna the film
star and she consented to be our Patron.
We contacted the Charities Commission, asked advice and also
heard about a Grant called Awards for all applied and got the
first ยฃ5000.
Anyway to cut a long story short we took 12 weeks only to
become a registered charity 'Wirral Swallows and Amazons
Adventure Group' became a reality on the 26th January 2003
and in March we 2003 took away our first 5 groups of young people
to enjoy their adventure of a lifetime.
Its now January 2007 and already since we became a charity
we have raised and spent directly on the children over
ยฃ160.000 and used it to conduct 40 residentials serving over
1400 young people. This year we have already
planned and paid for another 375 children to have these life
changing adventures. We attract over 50 skilled volunteers
each year to help and use the finest Outdoor
Adventure Centres in Cumbria and North Wales with AALA
trained and approved Adventure Instructors and have so far not
had one accident.
We have had miracles happen for the children. One little
girl who had been told she would be in a wheelchair for the rest
of her life is now able to climb mountains and run and laugh and
do all the things other children can do. Other children who
had been very destructive in their neighbourhoods are now going
youth clubs and one young lady who had no ambition in life at
all is training to be a Veterinary Surgeon.
It just goes to show that anyone who has a passion and desire to
help others can do the impossible if only they believe it will
happen. First clear all the blockages and doubts, next
visualise and imagine the very things you want are already
happening and very soon nature will provide you with everything
you need and it comes into your lives in the most unusual and
most amazing ways. Nature is abundant and if you are
working with the evolutionary force of nature you will attract
events, circumstances and people to you to help you fulfil your
Bless you all
Tom and Bev Co Founders Wirral Swallows and Amazons
Adventure Group and Co Creators FREEWAY-CER Meridian
Energy Therapy
Check our website for
latest information, courses and and
AddedJan 30, 2007
| 10,664 Reads
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