New Download - The Complex Instant Manual

Debbie Vajda writes: I am delighted to be able to announce that a free download of the Complex Instant manual is now available in the Downloads Section. Complex Instant is a protocol which I have been led to develop through muscle testing. It grows out of my use of Larry Nims' brilliant work with Be Set Free Fast (BSFF). Its goal is to help us find and treat all of the nooks and crannies which are related to the presenting issue. I hope you will find that it is a useful addition to your toolbox.

If you would be interested in learning more about Complex Instant, please feel free to join our new listserve. Just e-mail me backchannel at and ask to be added to the Complex Instant listserve.

Hugs and blessings to all,


Debby Vajda, LCSW-C
Gaithersburg, Maryland

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