Proxy Tapping Past Selves (IC Healing)
I received Silvia Hartmann's Inner Child Healing Protocol and was very impressed with it. I've used it a few times with clients with excellent results. I took the liberty of expanding on the process and added some NLP (Future Pacing), BSFF, imagery, and Tapas Acupressure Technique. Here is the expanded protocol.
Added Apr 20, 2002
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Adapted from Silvia Hartmann's "IC Healing Protocol" - 2/2002
Use the Emotional Freedom Technique to tap on negative experiences, events, and troubling issues from different ages/stages of your life.
During each age/stage tap on specific emotions - anger, rage, grief, sadness, depression, anxiety, guilt, envy, remorse, regret, rebellion, etc. "Even though this self felt anger towards my dad for not being there for me, etc."
Tap on positive emotions that the self didn't get to experience enough - happiness, joy, peace, emotional freedom, assertiveness, safety, playfulness, etc.
You can ask that other compassionate, wise, or loving parts of you tap too and assist those past selves that need the help.
You may have experienced an issue during more than one period of time in your life. Tap on them wherever they apply.
In order to gain additional material to tap on you can look over pictures of yourself at different ages/stages and tap on what you notice. For example, "Even though this child was sad, etc."
You can apply each step of the Tapas Acupressure Technique or Instant Be Set Free Fast to process the issues instead of tapping.
An optional step at each age/stage or with each troubling event/issue is to heal any Post-Traumatic Stress (Be Set Free Fast). "I now deeply and profoundly heal any Post-Traumatic Stress this baby may have experienced including shock, trauma, stress, distress, upset, disturbance, and bother to her/his system."
Possible material to tap on: Think about the baby self that was conceived. What were the circumstances of conception? What was going on in your parent's life during the pregnancy? Sense what might have been going on for you at this time. What were some statements you were told about for this time period?
Even though this baby should never have been born, I now deeply and profoundly love and welcome this baby.
Even though this baby was unwanted, I now deeply and profoundly love, accept and welcome this baby.
Even though this baby's mother drank all through pregnancy, I now deeply and profoundly love and welcome this baby.
Even though it was said that this baby was born under an unlucky star, I now deeply and profoundly love and welcome this baby.
Even though this baby's mother cried and grieved when she found out about the baby, I now deeply and profoundly love and welcome this baby.
Even though this baby's mother was angry about having this baby, I now deeply and profoundly love and welcome this baby.
Even though this baby caused her/his mother health problems, I now deeply and profoundly forgive and love this baby.
Disconnected, Separated, or Dissociated Parts: Even though a part disconnected from me during this time (because she/he felt unsafe or unwanted/unappreciated/unvalued), I now deeply and profoundly love, appreciate, and welcome this part back.
Even though there may be other parts that played a role in rejecting or keeping this part separated, I now deeply and profoundly love and forgive these other parts.
I now deeply and profoundly heal this part from all wounds she/he might have sustained.
I now deeply and profoundly heal any other part(s) that may have rejected this part or that may have had anything to do with this parts separation.
Be specific in the wording if you know the event or experience in which a part may have disconnected. For example, "Even though a part disconnected from me during kindergarten/the first time I was abused, etc."
Repeat this step wherever it may apply.
Install: I now deeply and completely heal this baby. I now allow this baby to have all that she/he needs to be happy and healthy and to thrive.
Imagine this baby self in the womb receiving all that is positive (based upon what was initially tapped on - "This baby now receives and embraces luck, acceptance, protection, love, wholeness, etc.").
Optional: Imagine the positive consequences throughout your childhood and into the present and the future as a result of having received what you needed.
Possible material to tap on: What stories were you told about your birth? Do you have a feeling or sense how things were for you and your parents then?
Even though this baby caused her/his mother so much pain and suffering, I now deeply and profoundly forgive and love this baby.
Even though this baby was born too early, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this baby.
Even though this baby nearly died, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this baby.
Install: I now deeply and profoundly heal this baby from all wounds she/he might have sustained at the time of birth.
Imagine this baby receiving all that she/he needed at the time of birth.
Optional: Imagine the positive consequences throughout your childhood, and into the present and future as a result of receiving what you needed.
Possible material to tap on: What do you know about how you were cared for? Did you receive what you needed in terms of material care and nurturing? What stories have you been told about this time in your life? Do you sense that you were able to develop trust at this time?
Even though this baby never received enough love and attention, I now deeply and profoundly love this baby.
Even though this baby needed so much love and attention, I now deeply and profoundly forgive and love this baby.
Even though this baby was left alone, I now deeply and profoundly love and embrace this baby.
Even though this baby was so helpless, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept responsibility for this baby.
Even though this baby was always screaming, I now deeply and profoundly love and nurture this baby.
Even though this baby hurt from colic, I now deeply and profoundly love and nourish this baby.
Even though this baby didn't feel wanted, I deeply and profoundly love and cherish this baby.
Even though this baby had a mother and father who were too busy to care for her/him, I deeply and profoundly love and accept this baby.
Even though this baby was yelled at, I deeply and profoundly love and accept this baby.
Install: I now deeply and profoundly heal this baby from the wounds she/he has sustained at that fragile time.
Imagine this self receiving all that she/he needed at this time along with the positive results.
Optional: Imagine the positive consequences throughout your childhood and into the present and future as a result of having received what you needed.
Possible material to tap on: What do you know about your caretaker's discipline of you at this time? What kind of child were you told you were? How did toilet training go? What rules were you given then that may impact your life today?
Even though this child was not allowed to explore and be curious, I now deeply and profoundly love and encourage this child.
Even though this child was ignored, I now deeply and profoundly acknowledge and love this child.
Even though this child was overwhelmed by the world, I now deeply and profoundly love and take responsibility for this child.
Even though this child was pushed on way too fast, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child was not allowed to be angry, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child could not do anything right, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child was criticized and yelled at, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Install: I now heal this child, deeply and profoundly, from all the injuries it sustained during this time of life.
I now allow myself to fully and completely receive all the (compassion, acceptance, love, etc.) that I need.
Imagine the child receiving all that she/he needed at this time along with the positive results. (compassion, acceptance, love, patience, guidance)
You may also imagine the child growing up with all that she/he needed, on up into the present.
Future Pace-Imagine yourself in the future as one who has what you need, fully and completely.
Possible material to tap on: What was the experience of school like for you during this time? What may your experiences with siblings have been like? Do you have a feeling or sense of what you thought about yourself, your identity, and your place in the world?
Even though this child was a girl, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child was not valued as a girl, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child was said to have been (a problem, difficult, etc.), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child was abused (physically, emotionally, sexually), I now deeply and profoundly love and treasure this child.
Even though this child was not protected, I now deeply and profoundly love and nurture this child.
Even though this child was not believed, I now deeply and profoundly love and honor this child.
Even though this child was slow to learn, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child was different, I now deeply and profoundly love and treasure this child.
Even though this child was treated badly, I now deeply and profoundly love and nurture this child.
Even though this child was very afraid, I now deeply and profoundly love and care for this child.
Install: I now heal all the injuries (mental, physical, sexual, emotional) this child sustained during this time, deeply and profoundly, with my love.
Imagine this child receiving all that she/he needed at this time along with the positive impact. (protection, nurturing, acceptance, love, etc.)
Optional: Imagine the positive consequences throughout your childhood and into the present and future as a result of having received what you needed.
Possible material to tap on: What experiences did you have in school? What were your experiences with siblings and friends like? What were your struggles?
Even though this child was bullied and pushed around, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child's caretakers didn't take the time to be with this child, I now deeply and profoundly love and nurture this child.
Even though this child's caretakers didn't take the time to talk with her/him, listen to her/him, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child had a hard time in school (failed/got F's), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child felt helpless and alone, I now deeply and profoundly love and nurture this child.
Even though this child had a hard time making friends and getting accepted, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child had difficulty because she/he moved a lot, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though other kids (fill in the blank), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child's father (fill in the blank), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child's mother (fill in the blank), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child felt (fill in the blank), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though siblings (fill in the blank), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though teachers (fill in the blank), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child couldn't (fill in the blank), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child was told she/he would be just like (name of person), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child was told she/he would never (fill in the blank), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Install: I now heal all the injuries and issues this child sustained during this time.
Imagine this child receiving all that she/he needed along with the positive impact.
Optional: Imagine the positive consequences throughout your childhood and into the present and future as a result of having received what you needed.
Possible material to tap on: What was your physical and sexual development progress? What were your experiences with the opposite sex? What were friendships like? What was your relationship with each parent like at this time? What were your relationships with siblings like? What were your experiences in school like?
Even though this child developed so fast, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child developed so slowly, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child was immature for her/his age, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child got unwanted attention because of her/his body, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child couldn't fit in, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Even though this child was teased, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this child.
Install: I now heal all the injuries and issues this child experienced during this time.
Imagine this child receiving all that she/he needed along with the positive impact.
Optional: Imagine the positive consequences throughout your childhood and into the present and future as a result of having received what you needed.
Possible material to tap on: Did you have sexual experiences and what were they like? What were your experiences with the opposite sex? What were your experiences with drugs like? What were your struggles in school like? What were your friendships like? Did you have struggles/conflicts with others? What were the mistakes you might have made at this time?
Even though this young adult made mistakes, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this young adult made unhelpful decisions about drugs (friends, sexual partners, risky behaviors), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this young adult felt rejected, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this young adult didn't fit in, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Install: I now heal all the injuries this young adult sustained during this time.
Imagine this self receiving all that she/he needed at that time and notice the results.
Optional: Imagine the positive consequences throughout your life and into the future as a result of having received what you needed.
Possible material to tap on: What were your job experiences like? Review the negative experiences. What were your relationships like - partners, friends, and family? What situations do you not want to think about? What subjects or emotions do you avoid most? Even though this self had failed relationships, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this self was fired, let go from jobs, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this self felt betrayed/abandoned/rejected/hurt by (person's name), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this self didn't think she/he would ever forgive (person's name) for (specific behavior), I now deeply and profoundly love and forgive this self.
Even though this self didn't want to take responsibility for her/his part in (situation/event), I now deeply and profoundly love, accept and forgive this self.
Install: I now heal all the injuries and issues these younger selves experienced during this time period.
Imagine these selves receiving all that they needed during this time period.
Optional: Imagine the positive consequences throughout the rest of your life and into the future as a result of having received what you needed.
Possible material to tap on: What are your thoughts and feelings about aging and death? Have there been disappointments in your life?
Even though this self disliked the changes in her/his body with age, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this self was afraid of growing older, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this self still grieves over the loss of (names of friends, loved ones), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this self is still angry with (person's name) for (situation/event/behavior), I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this self still holds onto (specify), I now deeply and profoundly accept and forgive this self.
Even though this self grieved over the loss of her/his youth, I now deeply and profoundly love and accept this self.
Even though this self didn't accomplish all that she/he wanted to, I now deeply and completely love and accept this self.
Install: I now heal all of the injuries and issues this self sustained during this time period.
Imagine this self receiving all that she/he needed along with the positive impact of receiving that.
Optional: Imagine the positive consequences throughout your life and into the future as a result of having received what you needed.
Current Parts of the Self
Possible material to tap on: Think about any internal conflicts you have now. For example, "One part of me wants to lose weight but another part keeps prompting me to overeat." Are there any goals you can't seem to accomplish? Do you have any habits you can't seem to shake?
Even though a part of me doesn't want me to stop eating donuts, I now love, accept, and forgive this part. I know this part wants something positive for me as a result of eating donuts.
Even though a part of me thinks I need the extra weight for protection for some reason, I now love and appreciate this part. The safe, adult part of me that knows I am protected no matter what now showers the other part with all the safety and protection I need even with a trim, healthy body. Imagine the safe, adult self showering the other part with protection. Notice the part receiving all that she/he needs to feel protected while having a healthy body.
Even though a part of me keeps stopping me from (goal), I now love, appreciate, and forgive this part.
Install: I now allow all parts of me to have access to (emotion or state). I now heal all the injuries and issues that have ever led up to this problem.
Imagine yourself achieving your goal. Imagine all of the positive emotions, behaviors, and thoughts that go along with having your goal. Imagine this in the present and in the future. What does having this goal now allow you to experience/have/be in other areas of your life?
I now choose to embrace all of my Selves, past, present, and future. I now acknowledge that all of my Selves contribute to my wholeness.
I now choose to embrace all of my past experiences knowing that I learn from them all and I am better for them. Sue Stevenson, Ph.D. Littleton, Colorado Adapted from Silvia Hartmann's "IC Healing Protocol" - 2/2002
Added Apr 20, 2002
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