Request For Proposals - Brighton 2003

Request For Proposals - Brighton 2003 Susan Courtney writes: "Dear Friends and Colleagues, I invite you to submit your proposals for workshops for the European Energy Psychology and Energy Therapies Conference, August 8th – 10th, 2003, in the delightful city of Brighton, England, at the elegant Victorian Brighton Hilton Metropole Hotel, directly overlooking the sea. Following the enthusiastically-attended conference in Oxford last summer, we expect increased awareness and involvement from European presenters and participants."


European Energy Psychology and Energy Therapies Conference

Brighton, England

Main Conference: August 8th – 10th 2003

Pre- and Post Conference workshops

August 6th – 7th & August 11th – 14th

Sponsored by

The Association for Meridian and Energy Therapies (The AMT) and

True Change Energy Psychology

in affiliation with the

Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)

Conference Co-ordinator:

Susan Courtney

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I invite you to submit your proposals for workshops for the European Energy Psychology and Energy Therapies Conference, August 8th – 10th, 2003, in the delightful city of Brighton, England, at the elegant Victorian Brighton Hilton Metropole Hotel, directly overlooking the sea.

Following the enthusiastically-attended conference in Oxford last summer, we expect increased awareness and involvement from European presenters and participants.

This is a very special community, warm in spirit and generous in the sharing of knowledge and skills.

International energy psychology conferences have been held in the United States and Canada for the past five years, and those who attend return again and again to renew deeply-felt friendships and to expand their work by learning from and meeting with the leading developers in this field. This conference will be a great opportunity to network, build connections, and get together with friends and colleagues.

If you are new to this field, then let me explain that Meridian and Energy Therapies and Energy Psychology include a wide variety of approaches which work with the human (and animal) subtle energy system, or vibrational matrix, to effect psychological change.

They include many approaches which combine psychological work with interventions in the meridian system, chakras, aura/human biofield, consciousness and direct energetic healing.

For more information about this exciting and fast-developing field, please visit the GoE website, , where there are articles, instructions in several languages, details of trainings, and an electronic bookstore where you can learn much more. As plans for the conference develop, news will be posted on the site, along with an online registration form.

You can receive the latest news about the conference by subscribing to the conference mailing list.

Enter your email to join Brighton 2003 Conference List today!

This is the second Energy Psychology conference in the UK, and we hope to reach as many people as possible. Please help us by forwarding this call for proposals to the many others in your own network who may also be interested in presenting at or attending this conference.

The conference will welcome those seeking personal development workshops, as well as professionals, including both those new to the field and experienced practitioners. Workshops for both will run concurrently. There will be two plenary sessions, break-out sessions of two lengths: three hours and two hours, and a number of two-hour evening workshops. There will also be a very limited number of pre- and post-conference trainings of one - three days, for which presenters may charge fees.

We expect that there will be more proposals than available slots. So please be certain to submit your proposal before the deadline: February 15th, 2003.

What we’d like to have from you as potential presenters is the following:

Proposal format

  • Presentation title (descriptive, engaging, and as brief as possible)

  • Presentation description: 100-word description of your session as you would like it to appear in the Conference Programme (subject to editing) if selected. Those attending the conference will rely on these descriptions to decide which workshops to attend and whose books and tapes to buy, so make this as vivid and appealing as you can.

  • Each presenter’s full name, title, degrees/accreditation etc as you would like them to appear in the conference brochure, if selected. Include the complete mailing address etc for the designated contact person.

  • Address

  • Telephone

  • Email

  • Website

  • Presenters’ biographies: 100 word background on each presenter. Find a balance between the usual string of degrees and citations and a more personal presentation of who you are and what is important to you about this work you are presenting.

  • Presentation format: pre- or post-conference training (indicate number of days), 3-hour workshop, 2-hour workshop, evening session.

  • Presentation methods: lecture, case study, group interaction, experiential, discussion, video, etc

  • Audience skill level needed: personal development, professional - beginning, intermediate, advanced

  • Audio-visual & other equipment needs anticipated: flip chart, overhead projector, lectern, taller stools for demonstrations, tv, video etc. Data projectors will not be provided, though you are welcome to bring your own.

  • Presentation aims and objectives

  • Presentation outline: what content will be covered, why it’s important to you and to the field, how you will present it

  • For presenters new to the GoE or ACEP, please provide several testimonials from other presentations you have given.

Criteria for selection:

Each proposal will be reviewed by the committee on the following basis

- Relevance to the field

- Originality and innovation

- Relevance to a multi-disciplinary audience

- Organisation and clarity

Benefits of presenting at this conference will include:

- Discount on conference registration

- Your name and description of your work will be circulated to thousands worldwide

- You will showcase your work in the European market, opening up opportunities for further workshops and trainings with newly-met colleagues

- You’ll be our honoured guests at a special Presenters’ Reception

- You’ll receive a certificate of appreciation, a small but sincere token of your contribution to the field

- The most highly-rated presenters will be considered for future pre- and post-conference workshops

- You’ll receive a complimentary professional audiotape of your presentation

- Most importantly, you’ll share your knowledge and expertise with a highly-skilled, influential group and play a significant part in the advancement of this dynamic, expanding field.

Bookstore: We are making arrangements for a professional book store, where your books, tapes, and other products can be sold by arrangement with the bookseller. Please let me know if there are particular titles in this field you believe should be available.

Opportunities: You’re welcome to bring brochures or other announcements of your workshops and also other products to sell during your workshops. There will also be space available for hire in the exhibition hall. Please pass this information on to anyone you know whose products you have found to be helpful and would be of interest to others attending this conference.

Please email your proposal as a virus-checked Word attachment to me,

Susan Courtney at

by 15th February 2003.

The committee and I are looking forward to reading lots of exciting proposals, and to meeting you at the conference in Brighton next August.

Best regards,

Susan Courtney

Director and Trainer

The Association for Meridian and Energy Therapies

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