Starving For
Love Amidst The Oceans Of Energy
by Silvia Anne Hartmann, CTAMT, MSNLP,
People spend an absolute fortune on diet
gizmos, pills and fancy foods. They study nutrition in great detail, weigh
their calories and exercise themselves into early arthritis. They have
plastic surgery to keep looking young and spend ยฃ90 on a tiny tube of
wrinkle cream. They take drugs to speed them up, mellow themselves out, have
a bit of artificial ecstasy in their lives once in a while - and after all of that,
up starving to death in completely different way - quite literally.
For at least 6000 years it has been well
known that the human energy system has the most profound impact on all
levels of health, happiness, and fitness
to live more than just a
half-life of unfulfilled hopes and dreams.
Isn't it about time we turned our attention
to the requirements of this total mind/body system, what it's resident
energy immune system requires for maximum functioning, why it is that our
energy systems are so disturbed, blocked, disconnected - rivers that churn
but do not flow?
Isn't it time we would ask the questions of
Energy Nutrition - what is it, how does it work, and what you can do to
avoid the equivalent of "energy scurvy" across your mind/body
systems which absolutely lead to cancer, all forms of degenerative diseases
and the most serious of mental health problems?
No Even Flow ...
Any practitioner who deals with the human
energy system - acupuncturists, kinesiologists, acupressurists, energy
healers, touch healers, Reiki practitioners, holistic healers working with
chakras, with auras, and all the other disciplines such as the New Meridian
Energy Therapies (EFT, TFT et al) - can tell you clearly that when they see
someone, all is definitely NOT well.
Chakras are displaced and
spinning backwards; they are distorted, disconnected, dried up, atrophied.
Meridians have major
blockages all over their complex river networks
with vast areas that have become nothing but a desert where any life is
struggling desperately to even be able to make it from day to the next.
Auras and Energy Fields
are disturbed, full of attachments, dirt and dust; with swirling vortices
that drain energy the whole time, twisting and churning here and
radiation-too-bright over there.
Even if you're not working with the energy
systems, just take a look around. Look, really LOOK at
people's faces in the street, on the underground in rush hour traffic, in
the supermarkets, at Mind-Body-Spirit Festivals. Look at how they move and how
walk - this is NOT dancing through life with eyes wide open
and ready to find out what else there might be from one exciting day to the
So, this
is how it is. We try to combat these
dreadful states of existence with everything we can lay our hands on
- with vegetables, with potions, with pills and with gurus,
with illusions, with mantras. We overeat, we abuse substances, we try
and trance out with movies and computers and work - in fact, anything -
ANYTHING! - at all to *remove the constant pain* we're in,
a droning, grating background noise that is ever present, always
there, always always nagging, nagging,
dragging us down, sucking
our energy away no matter what we do and slowly
over time, eroding first our will to live with joy,
then our health, then our will to live, and finally take away our lives.
This is the half-life I mentioned earlier. This
is the catastrophe of the Western World.
It is simply so that we have NO
IDEA of how to feed ourselves correctly in the energetic sense.
We were absolutely NEVER TOLD how to take
care of ourselves and our energy systems in any way, and what we WERE told
is useless at best but far more often, intensely damaging instead.
designed was NEVER modelled for us or even acknowledged as something
that's so incredibly vital to living successfully at all!
We have NO IDEA at the conscious level of
how BADLY we are mishandling the currents and components of
the "Oceans Of Energy" of which we are a part and how much we are
HURTING ourselves in the process.
I believe we have a deep remembrance of HOW
IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE deep, deep down inside our minds and bodies,
and we have a tremendous anger and behind that, fields of sadness the size
of Galaxies that pervade us all as we continue to live and act
AGAINST the Even Flow, day in, day out, from moment to moment -
whether we're consciously aware of it, or not.
I have researched this particular
phenomenon all my life, in one shape or form or the other.
There is something so *profoundly wrong*
about the way we conduct our lives that it hurts.
All the time. All of us. And through us, all and everything we touch and
thus, pass on the *wrongness* that seems so interwoven with our very
beings that often, I simply stood in tears and didn't know anymore where to
start, or if there was any point at all, any hope at all to do *anything*.
I have worked and studied and researched,
endlessly and ceaselessly, for as long as I can remember because there IS A
PART OF ME that KNOWS we can do better. It's not a feeling, a hope or a
theory but it is an absolute, incontrovertible KNOWING - and that's what
made me pick up the pieces, time and time again, and go on, after the dark
hours had passed once again.
"Could Do Better ..."
We are *structurally designed* to do
better. You could say, God made us with the potential to *do better* and to
be able to change the experience of this World back into something
altogether different, something so *other* than what we've been doing so far
that truly, I don't think we can begin to have any idea, picture or
conception of what this *other* might look like, be like, feel like.
In the olden days, people came up with
lions sleeping with lambs and rivers full of milk as a representation of
what that might be like - yes, it's pathetic, but the best they could do
with what they had. But that's beside the point.
What is the point is that we now have *a
starting point* in the right direction.
After 25 years of working with energy, one
way or the other, I am beginning to see the patterns unfold, and as I do, I
am beginning to see just where we are going wrong.
Going wrong as in "against the
Even Flow";
Going wrong as in "mishandling our
natural, God given systems through sheer ignorance, superstition and false
indoctrination of the ages".
Going wrong as in "stubbornly refusing
to replace the old illusions with EXPERIENCE, no matter how much it hurts
To find our way back to how it's all
supposed to work requires, however, that we let go of just about EVERYTHING
we've ever been told is right or true about the World, about people, and
about the energy system and go right back to the drawing board, challenging
EVERYTHING and demanding that EVERYTHING prove itself to be real,
workable and effective - not as a faceless herd of statistics
in a laboratory but FOR ONE PERSON AT A TIME, in their own World, in their
own life.
Now, in this brief article there isn't the
space to get into the details of what, how and why - all it is designed to
do is to start your thinking and investigation into your own energy
what you do with energy, where you lose it, what's REALLY going on
WITH YOU, where there are shortcomings in vital nourishments in
YOUR LIFE. I'll give you a tip though - if you start with the forms of
energy I referred to in the title of this article and do nothing else but
pay some attention as to what YOU PERSONALLY are DOING with those types of
energy, you will gain some very interesting insights, right away.
I would like to leave you with one
"little" exercise to back up my assumption that in order to make a
brand new understanding, one person at a time, of how to work within the
Oceans of Energy and experience this World, this life in a "first
person", "you and me" LOVE AFFAIR with the Universe that
NEVER ends, we HAVE to challenge ruthlessly what has gone before.
Kundalini ....
I went through a stage where, just for fun,
I would do the exact opposite of what it said to do in a learned, dusty book
of the ages.
You know about Kundalini, right?
Goes up your spine and when it rises,
you're supposed to get instant enlightenment (and/or madness, just so we have
some severe reservations and can't be congruently willing this occurrence
any longer!).
Just for fun, try the following. First, try
the standard "Kundalini Rising".
Start with the base chakra and try and make
the energies go up and out to your star chakra.
Consider how that felt.
Take a break for a moment (walk around,
drink some water, "break state").
Now, try Silvia's "Kundalini
Start at the top with the star chakra,
connect it up with the Universe, and then let all that boundless, incredible
energy run
*downwards* through your chakras.
Compare the the two experiences.
Especially, answer these questions on the following points:
- Which is more "user
- Which is "easier to do"?
- Which "feels better" whilst
you're doing it?
- Which "feels righter" whilst
you're doing it?
- What is your overall state of
mind/body/spirit AFTER these two exercises, respectively?
- Which one of the two would you do
again, tonight perhaps, tomorrow and every time you need a boost?
- Which one of the two do you reckon does
your energy system more good, and which does more harm?
- Which one contributes more to a sense
of connectedness to the Universe?
- Which one contains more aspects of
information transmission and GAINING something from the exercise?
- Which one would you show to a loved one, or a child?
Ok. It's a personal experience, what can I
JUST YOUR EXPERIENCE, not some holy guru's
declaration straight down from Heaven or a hugely expensive
"scientific" study by important people with heads the size and
weight of those found on the Easter Islands.
Just what
I would tell you though that you feel
isn't right or wrong,
it's what YOU FEEL and that's
what is
own energy system.
Keep paying attention to the Oceans of
*and your perceptions and experiences* amidst
their manifold currents but most of all,
*keep on playing*.
That, as they say, is
always a step in the
right direction.
And the ONLY way to learn to KNOW.
Silvia Hartmann
20. 05. 2002
Emotional Energies
Food for
Thought, for Body, for Mind, for Love - for LIFE!
have an Energy System, you might want to ...
... GO TO
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All Rights Reserved In All Media.
Added May 21, 2002
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