Student Support Packages

Student Support Packages As a GoE Energy Trainer Siadbh McGivern not only offers GoE courses but also a range of packages to provide you with ongoing support.

Packages of support for qualified Modern Energy Tapping Foundation or Professionals include:

Free WhatsApp group

Free demonstrations and Q&A's. This platform is permanently open to all students and available whether or not you are in the monthly subscription.

Demos in the WhatsApp group are the third/fourth week of every month.

Monthly Personal And Global Support Membership

After qualifying in Energy EFT Foundation or MET Professional there is now the opportunity to join a continuous skills development monthly class. This class is run by Siadbh herself and provides peer group support, a mastermind group, practitioner skills development and client supervision. In this way you will gain continuous development and have access to a like minded supportive global community all of whom can share their own experience of the Energy world.

What is available to me with this monthly membership?

  • Whatsapp Group - Siadbh will upload a demonstration that you are free to use or adapt for future use. This exclusive group allows the opportunity to discuss topics or questions or swap consultations with Siadbh and other practitioners from the global tapping community. All video and notes will be permanently available for you to store or access any time you want.
  • A Zoom Class - This is an hour and fifteen minute long monthly workshop where you can practice your skills within the group, learn to develop your skills and either observe or contribute depending on the workshop. This is a great opportunity to liase with and develop new personal and business contacts and speak with fellow energy EFT tappers from around the world.
  • A Phone Call - This fifteen minute phone call with Siadbh allows you to seek guidance and support or time to discuss any issues that may have arisen during the course of your work. It’s a great knowing to feel you have personal ongoing guidance from Siadbh herself as you develop and progress in the work.

Monthly Membership Fee €37

One-Off Support Sessions

A package of 3 x 40 minute phone calls. Here we can lay out plans for your personal work or for a client. How to work out a long-term proposal for an issue either personal or client based, or for groups, schools or parents wanting to work with their children.

Cost: €125

Extra Bonus

If you are a part of the monthly support group you have the added benefit of receiving a three hour package with a discount on your first set.

This gives you a great opportunity to see how work unfolds as a client with the Modern Energy Tapping tools. And for the professionals the opportunity to remove some of your own reversals if they occur.

Cost: €200

Revision Opportunity

For any one qualified as an MET Professional can start off their new year with a bit of support.

Here you can join a MET Pro training whether it be live, or on zoom to revise your tapping tools once more. It is a great opportunity to expand your knowledge even on the tools that you are already implementing. But what about all the ones that you really want to learn more about? Join a training and build your friendships, never be alone out there. Maybe you could meet a tapping buddy for practice. 

MET Professional revision dates:

  • Via ZOOM = Units 1 - 10 6th, 7th & 8th January 2024
  • Or LIVE = Units 1-10 20th, 21st & 22nd January 2024 (Clonakilty Cork)

Cost: €35 per unit.

For more details or to sign up please contact me.

Blessings to you all on this wonderful energy journey. 😘🙏

🗣 Chat!
Siadbh Mc Givern
Information about Siadbh Mc Givern
Energy EFT Master Practitioner Trainer & Modern Energy Tapping Professional Trainer in Clonakilty, West Cork, Ireland.

Training courses and events with Siadbh Mc Givern:
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Positive Energy Course with Siadbh Mc Givern
26 Oct 2025 - Zoom Online
view event ▶
Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Siadbh Mc Givern
3 Oct 2025 - 5 Oct 2025 - Zoom Online
view event ▶
Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Siadbh Mc Givern
21 Jun 2025 - 28 Jun 2025 - Zoom & Live
view event ▶
Positive Energy Course with Siadbh Mc Givern
1 May 2025 - 29 May 2025 - Live - Clonakilty Cork - Ireland
view event ▶
Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Siadbh Mc Givern
25 Apr 2025 - 27 Apr 2025 - Zoom Online
Contact details and membership information for Siadbh Mc Givern:

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