Supercharging Your Treatments With Therapy Combinations
I have been working as a holistic therapist for over eight years now and am qualified in eight different therapies including EMO.
I tend to attract patients with chronic problems, physical and emotional, and, especially with illnesses such as fibromyalgia, IBS and ME, the mind/body link is often very strong. Because of their complexity these problems usually require a lot more work.
As most of these patients have already been suffering for at least a year before they come to see me, I was anxious to see if I could find a way to achieve faster results for them without jeopardising their healing process.
So I decided to experiment with adding some of my other therapies into these clients’ EMO and EFT sessions.
I launched the idea at a holistic show, advertising “Mega Stress-Buster” sessions combining EFT or EMO with a choice of Indian Head Massage or Reiki and running a competition for a free 90 minute session.
The winner had a long-term relationship problem and, after an explanation of how EFT and EMO work, she chose EMO, followed by a head massage. We worked with the EMO for 50 minutes or so and then I followed up with the IHM. When giving this treatment I also use appropriate flower essence sprays on my hands, including a cleanser spray, and also offer my client a choice of relaxing music, or a silent treatment if they prefer. This lady chose peace and quiet and I found myself giving a very slow, gentle, almost hypnotic treatment.
When I finished, my client seemed reluctant even to open her eyes, let alone move.
“I could just stay here all day,” she said.
Even after I’d used a grounding spray and given her a glass of water with a grounding tincture, she was still slow to leave. As I showed her out, she lingered at the top of the sweeping Georgian staircase in the therapy centre where I was working that day and said “I’m just going to float down these stairs now”.
Yes! Exactly the result I was hoping for! I could have leapt up and punched the air like a jubilant footballer.
Since then I’ve continued to use this combination approach with terrific results.
I’ve never used a “one-size-fits-all” method with my clients and, although I always use protective sprays or other shields, I still try to stay very “open” to the subtle vibes, body language and other cues they give out. This helps me to work very intuitively, instinctively tailoring their sessions to their needs, also adding kinesiology, seichim and crystals when I feel it’s appropriate. In this way I have had some amazing results and experiences.
With one client, who was experiencing persistent guilt feelings after a lover’s death, I suddenly felt ice cold after starting to move the energy through her aura. Knowing that she’d been sitting in circle and managed to contact his spirit, I mentioned to her that I felt we might have company. She confirmed that he’d come to help her move on and the three of us worked together for ten to fifteen minutes. I then grounded her with essences and sprays, and she left very happy and wanting to return to work on other issues.
Having been told by another therapist that she was going to take years to get over her problems, she initially cancelled her next appointment, but subsequently had more treatment and made excellent progress.
I have had so much success with this method of working that I use it whenever I can; either dowsing or taking my lead from my clients’ hints, spoken or unspoken, as to exactly what tools to use as we progress through each session. I can whole-heartedly recommend it to other holistic practitioners who would like to take their treatments to another level.
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