Tapping The Crown
Ananga Sivyer writes: Here's a little background on the crown point to illustrate it's significance as a tapping point. I often add this point to the EFT sequence
when working with clients particularly when working with addictions.
Added Feb 5, 2002
| 10,723 Reads
Here's a little background on the crown point to illustrate it's significance as a tapping point. I often add this point to the EFT sequence
when working with clients particularly when working with addictions. The crown point is situated on the governor vessel - GV20. In Chinese Medicine it is referred to as "the hundred meetings point" due to it's significance as a major connecting & energy centre of the meridian network. According to the ancient texts of Ayurvedic Medicine this point is called Adhipatti (meaning Lord of all) and is considered vital in balancing health and regulating the vata dosha (the vata dosha is very much to do with balancing the mind & emotions). In marma therapy - the original system for working with the points and energy channels of the body - it is used for controlling the mind and central nervous system. It is connected to the crown chakra it also has a direct relationship with the brow chakra (which is located at point GV24.5 on the same energy channel). Hoping this may be of interest :) with best wishes Ananga Ananga Sivyer Licensed Practitioner & Trainer of Meridian Therapies Chandra
Added Feb 5, 2002
| 10,723 Reads
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