Teenager Clears Exam Stress With EMO16 year old GCSE student Hannah shares her experience of how using EMO allowed her to overcome exam stress and discover a new way to study for her Latin exam.
Added Aug 26, 2008
| 7,762 Reads
We have had a lovely experience recently with 16 year old Hannah on our recent Self help and Practitioner workshop. It was great to see her working with all ages and totally at ease helping people clear many issues, one issue being older than her! In one of the exercises Hannah helped clear a 20 year old problem! It was great to witness someone with everyday teenage issues clear them one by one. During the feedback session she shared with us the clarity she had gained from using EMO, it was very inspirational to listen to someone so young to have such understanding to some complex emotional issues. Hannah has had previous experience with EMO using it to help her through her GCSE’s. Here is her testimonial: “I am in Year 11 of my school meaning that I will be taking my GCSE’s (O-Levels) very soon. On top of that I have numerous amounts of coursework due in and some subjects have tests earlier than others. I’m still at school, I have not yet broken up for study time, meaning that as well as all my exam revision I still have to be dealing with homework. All this resulted in a huge amount of stress for me, however, the place I felt I had the most stress was in Latin, my first exam. I was having a complete block as to how to revise for it which made me even more stressed and panicked, my mum, said that she would help relieve me of this stress from Latin and, later on, all my exams in general which I was extremely happy about. After going through the EMO process of locating, softening and flowing out my emotions I suddenly had a brain wave of how to revise for my Latin and I no longer had any worries about it. Mum asked me now how I felt about Latin and my reply was simply that I was perfectly ready for it. She then gave me help with my stress over exams and, after going through the same process, I felt so much more confident in myself. I no longer had a sickening feeling in my stomach every time I think about how close my exams are. I am so grateful for the help my mum gave me, and the fact that it is so simple and easy to do at any time of day and anywhere means that I can use it myself when I ever feel stressed, or anything else for that matter! I highly recommend that anyone give EMO a try because you will straight away feel the amazing difference it makes to your life.” Hannah Student Since doing the workshops Hannah is keen to complete the Advanced Practitioner and is thinking of ways she can use it to help other students going forward in her higher and university education.
Louise Bliss Emotional Freedom Training www.emotionalfreedom-training.co.uk
Added Aug 26, 2008
| 7,762 Reads
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