The GoE April 2009 Newsletter

The GoE April 2009 Newsletter

Welcome to the April edition of the GoE newsletter!

**Case Study: Passing Your Driving Test With EFT by Helen Mc crarren
**News: EFT – In Praise Of The Finger Points by Nicola Quinn
**Article: Using Energy Psychology With Dissociative Identity Disorder by Phil Mollon
**Article: Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders with Energy Psychology by Tom Altaffer
**News: “EMO In Schools” Gets Off To A Good Start by Kim Bradley & Louise Bliss

**Case Study: Passing Your Driving Test With EFT by Helen Mc crarren

Helen Mc crarren has recently had a fascinating experience with a client. This client had, before EFT, failed her driving test a massive 11 times! Read on to find out if she managed to pass on number 12, with the help of Emotional Freedom Techniques.

To read this interesting case study just follow the link:

**News: EFT – In Praise Of The Finger Points by Nicola Quinn

Nicola Quinn Writes: “The recent trend to drop the finger points, not helped by an article in which Gary Craig says he rarely uses them now, is deeply saddening and a big mistake in my view.

I have been using EFT since 1996 and everyone involved then had a fine time playing with it, creating different protocols, as I did, (see the MET Chakra Protocol in the downloads section) and experimenting with it, stretching the boundaries to their very limits BUT all the time the basic protocol stayed the same and everyone acknowledged that in their work.

The full round from EB point to gamut point covers ALL the meridians. That was the whole point of EFT in the first place, a move on from ThoughtField Therapy which used specific algorithms for particular problems. With EFT you tapped all the meridians and you were covered. Easy, quick, thorough.

Well not any more it seems...”

In this article GoE Director Nicola Quinn questions the reasoning behind removing the finger points in EFT, highlighting the benefits and successes that these simple tapping points have had.

Click on the link below for the full article:

**Article: Using Energy Psychology With Dissociative Identity Disorder by Phil Mollon

20 years ago Phil Mollon, one of the GOE's most respected trainers, began working with clients with Dissociative Identity Disorder [DID], which is also known as Multiple Personality Disorder. He finds that using energy psychology is one of the most effective practices to help these people. In this article he discusses various ways people can be helped and the different symptoms and causes of this unusual condition.

Phil Mollon's full article is available by clicking on the link below:

**Article: Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders with Energy Psychology by Tom Altaffer

Sandi Radomski, ND, LCSW, DEP, and Tom Altaffer, LCSW, are finding ways of bringing energy therapies and especially their new technique called Ask & Receive to intervene in the causal cascade that is autism. Finding and healing allergies, resolving toxic exposure, changing and retraining neurology, resolving trauma and encouraging ego development are creating happier and more functional futures for many children with autism. Because of their power, ease of use, and flexibility, energy therapies are vital to bringing healing to this needed population.

Read the full article here:

**News: “EMO In Schools” Gets Off To A Good Start by Kim Bradley & Louise Bliss

Last month saw Emotional Freedom Training’s trainers Louise Bliss and Kim Bradley teach EMO to a group of 11 students aged between 14 and 16 years of age. In this exciting report we find out the overwhelmingly positive results gained from the workshop along with some great reactions from the teachers too!

Louise and Kim's full report is available here:


Thank you to all those who sent in articles for this month's newsletter, all submissions are greatly appreciated. If you would like find out more about any of the topics covered in this edition, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

Josh Alliston

Tel: 646 496 9857 (United States & Canada)

Tel: 01323 700 123 (United Kingdom)

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