The January 2009 GoE Newsletter![]() Welcome to the first GoE newsletter of 2009!
Added Jan 20, 2009
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**Case Study: Sympathy Pain, Or Something More? By Joyce Waring In May last year my younger sister was diagnosed with Cancer of her left Kidney. As soon as she was diagnosed I immediately began to feel pain in my kidney area, but in my right side. As I am an empathic person I assumed that my pain was in 'sympathy' with her. She ended up having her left kidney, her ureta and part of her bladder removed on the 19th June last year and when she came out of hospital she looked better than I had seen her look for years. Unfortunately the pain in my 'right kidney' was getting no better and if anything it was getting worse. I had already done my tapping on 'my kidney' to no avail and ended up seeing the doctor as an emergency... To read Joyce's full article please click on the link below:
**Exercise: Emotion, Colour and Energy by Silvia Hartmann Here is something that's really good fun. You can work this with EMO or with EFT and it is a fascinating experience. Now it is true that many people have given up on "art" and especially, on abstract paintings, as being elitist, silly, decadent or completely pointless in any sense of reality, but I am hoping that we can change that. All art is essentially an energy transmission device, and that is regardless of what medium or modality is being employed. Here is an exciting exercise in contacting, reading and responding to "the energy of a work of abstract art":
**Review: An “Extremely Well Written” New EFT Book Here we have a review from the GOE's Rachel Hunt on the new EFT book “EFT For Dummies” by Helena Fone. “The Dummies series' format is perfect for EFT and Helena has done a fantastic job in writing this very informative book on Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is extremely well written - instruction and meaning are clear throughout the book, you only have to glance at the contents to realise that Helen has covered every possible aspect of EFT for a beginner right through to important information for experienced practitioners. There are also great personal accounts of real life case studies - anyone using this book should find it extremely beneficial. “Well done Helen!” EFT For Dummies is available online at:
**Interview: This month we speak to Margarita Foley on being an GoE practitioner 1)What is your name and what is your company? I am Margarita Foley. I live and work in North London, UK. I work individually or with other colleagues I am EMO Trainer and Practitioner and Relationship Consultant. I am a Meridian Energies(EFT)practitioner as well as a practitioner of Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Reiki Healing. I do individual sessions at Crouch End Natural Health Centre, London N8 and do trainings at this Centre also. At present I am developing courses for families to enable them to cope with the stresses of home and school life and even the stresses arising from the present financial situation. Another of my great interests is developing spiritual life through EMO. For me EMO is a Pathway towards growth in the Even Flow of the Spirit. Whether as a Muslim, Hindu, Jewish or Christian practitioner or as a non religious person the potential of EMO to develop ones personal spiritual life is amazing. I have already experienced the power of my own Christian spirituality by becoming aware of blockages in my spirit-energy and using Even Flow in my prayer-relationship life. I have become aware how powerful the simple gestures of a religion become when we make them with intention and sincerity. As a committed religious Sister you may expect this to be important for me. But my personal commitment is also commitment to finding what will further not only my human and spiritual growth but that of my brothers and sisters everywhere. I also have some opportunities to use EMO especially in my work as a volunteer bereavement counsellor and facilitator on marriage preparation courses. Imagine how EMO could help the leaders of conflicting nations if they were able to release blockages in their spirit. Forgiveness is very difficult when we act simply from our conscious mind. But when our spirit is in Even Flow great things are possible. Also when our head and our heart are integrated miracles can take place. Not only can this change individual relationships but relationships between groups of people as well. The truth is we are all inter connected and when a butterfly flaps its wings in Europe it can cause a tornado in China! 2) When did you first become involved in Meridian Energy Therapies? I first became involved in Meridian Energy Therapies in 1998 when I trained as a Complementary Health Care Practitioner. But I have been interested in Energy and the Energy Flow of our spirit for as long as I can remember. I trained in Meridian Therapies with Ananga Sivyer in 2002. And through this training I discovered EMO and many other Energy Therapies. EFT is another of my great tools and I use it interchangeably with EMO with clients. We are so fortunate that so many generous people share their insights and ideas through the Internet. I am personally interested in Meridian Therapies like TAT, BSSF, and TFT, Through the practice of Reflexology I am fascinated by the interconnectedness of the Meridians and health. In all of these we can find many simple ways to reduce stress and enhance the quality of our lives. I have been a seeker for many years and I am so grateful for people like Jose de Silva who pioneered methods that are easy to use and efficient for the everyday person. 3) Which of the Meridian Energy Therapies do you use most at your practice? I use EFT and EMO mostly in my practice, but I am prepared to use whatever tools are helpful for people. I am a Master Practitioner of Project Sanctuary and I will use aspects of this where it is appropriate. 4) Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? This is a question I always find very difficult to answer. But if I let my imagination run on I can see myself concentrating more on developing the use of the Meridian Therapies in special areas of interest. I see myself using EMO freely with spirituality and I also envisage using EMO and other Meridian Therapies with Children and Families. 5) What advice would you give someone hoping to become a Meridian Energy Therapist? I would say go ahead. This is something that will grow and develop as time goes by. Familiarize yourself with EFT,TFT,EMO and progress towards learning other therapies according to your interest. I believe many of the therapies can complement each other although the versatility of any one therapy is now becoming more apparent. The physical therapies like Massage, Reflexology, in all their various forms are also important as they complete the Energy Cycle. If you develop your intuition and creativity you will discover many wonderful ways of healing growing and developing your skills and talents. To contact Margarita please click on the link below:
**News: The 2009 EMO Conference Tickets Available Now in its seventh year, the EMO conference returns bigger and better for 2009! Tickets are now on sale and there is a 20% discount on the first 25 EMO 2009 conference tickets sold. Book with the fast-track practitioner and/or trainers day and also receive a 20% discount on those tickets too! Also, the beginning of March brings with it the exciting announcement of exactly who will be speaking at this years conference. If last years conference is anything to go on, I know the level of speakers will be astounding, bringing in the best EMO trainers from around the world. For more information just click below:
**Article: What’s NLP got to do with it? - Beliefs, Questions & Realisations - By Peter Delves On the face of it, you might think that using meridian energy therapies is simple. Take EFT for example. You contact the problem, give it a number and tap away until it’s zero. Job done. Easy. Yes? Not always. Problems can be complex and what’s going on under the surface can be hard to fathom. Not only that, but using the right language can be difficult to figure out. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has ways of assisting the MET practitioner. It offers powerful insights into how people think feel and behave, and it’s also about change. To read Peter's full article please click on the link below: Alternatively, visit Peter's website here:
I hope you enjoyed the first GoE newsletter of 2009, I'm sure we will have many more exceptional articles, case studies and interviews to bring you over the next 12 months. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this months edition and please keep sending them in! Best wishes, Josh Alliston
Added Jan 20, 2009
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