The January 2009 EMO Newsletter

The January 2009 EMO Newsletter Welcome to the EMO Newsletter!

This is the first newsletter of the year and I hope we can make 2009 great. In this months edition we have a look at the exciting fan site Facebook and we get some tips on marketing EMO!

**Article: Marketing EMO by Kim Bradley
**News: Project EMO โ€“ A Resounding Success! By Silvia Hartmann
**Article: Self Healing With A Little Self Love by Nicola Quinn
**News: EMO On Facebook!
**News: The Eleventh Annual Toronto Energy Psychology Conference

**Article: Marketing EMO by Kim Bradley

Kim Bradley Writes: At the beginning of last year a fellow therapist, Louise, and I set up Emotional Freedom Training to offer EMO training courses to therapists and the general public. One of the biggest obstacles we have found is that people have not heard about EMO or Meridian Energy Therapies yet. Some have heard about โ€œthe tapping thingโ€ but canโ€™t recall the name of it. Although we as a community may use the techniques regularly and know just how amazing and effective they are, itโ€™s still considered a new field in the Complementary Therapy world. In some ways that makes it exciting as people are interested to hear about a new treatment on offer, but in others it gives us all a greater responsibility to promote and market the techniques to raise awareness within the general public and professional fields alike.

To read Kim's full article please click on the link below:

**News: Project EMO โ€“ A Resounding Success! By Silvia Hartmann

I am delighted to say that Project EMO is proving a resounding success. In the first 12 days of being online, the new site already served over a thousand topical enquiries from real people who were seeking help with their emotions and feelings. And we really do have this help to give!

Here is an example. Listen to this:

Your Message: Dear Silvia,
I had been suffering from anxiety for months now. I didn't know exactly what it was and couldn't put a name on it. I thought I was becoming suicidal and going crazy or just plain idiotic. I was reading an article I got to from Google, and it said stop googling. I didn't listen, and I am glad I didn't. I found your anxiety page, and read it. The adrenaline made perfect sense. I was instantly cured of the thought that I was crazy. It makes perfect sense. Anxiety is cause by adrenaline, which is caused by stress and it builds up. Sooooo simple, but it has taken me soooo long to find this "answer" to what I was feeling. I had to take off before I could read the whole thing, but then went right back at it when I got home. I had already felt 80% better about my self my being. I did the exercise of putting my hands on my heart and tears flowed down my cheeks as I counted down from seven. I just can't tell you how positive just this little article affected me.
Deana Barnes

I don't know about you, but I'm not only in this to make a living. So here is one woman, somewhere in the world, and we don't know where, who was "instantly cured of thinking she was crazy".

That's priceless, really, it is.

If you would like to see Silvia's full article please go to the link below:

**Article: Self Healing With A Little Self Love by Nicola Quinn

Nicola Quinn Writes: While away on holiday recently I had an interesting healing experience.

I was bitten the first night by a mosquito. I react badly to bites and the next morning my right hand was starting to swell up as was my face, chin and forehead. The last time this had happened on both ankles it was 10 days before I could walk again. By the second morning the pain of the swelling over my knuckles was excruciating and hadnโ€™t responded to anti-histamines at all and I went down to breakfast looking like Quasimodo and was feeling quite miserable and angry with myself.

To find out how Nicola managed to heal herself, just click on the link below:

**News: EMO On Facebook

EMO was created in the 21st century, so it needs something new and exciting to help spread the good word. That's where Facebook comes in. Created in 2004, just two years after Dr Hartmann created EMO, it is the perfect way to tell people about the wonderful new healing tool.

Apart from anything else, Facebook is just really good fun! So, if you would more information on Facebook, how to add EMO as a friend and to find our about Nicola Quinn's Facebook competition please click below:

**News: The Eleventh Annual Toronto Energy Psychology Conference

The Toronto Energy Psychology Conference are currently accepting proposals for 2-hour breakout
presentations which will take place on the October 16th-18th 2009 at the Novotel Toronto Centre hotel, located in the heart of down town Toronto, a world-class city and cultural leader renowned for its theatre, art galleries, music venues, and gourmet restaurants. We think this is a great opportunity to spread the word of EMO, so get your proposals in now!

The deadline for proposals is February 15th 2009.

For more information on the conference and how to send in your proposals please click on the link below:

Thats it for this month, but we still have 11 more newsletters for 2009! Thank you to everyone who contributed with articles and case studies.

Until next time,

Josh Alliston

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