Matrix Reimprinting is an energy psychology technique which combines the use of the bodymind with quantum physics and New Science, for rapid personal evolution. Below is a little of the science and the scientists whose leading edge scientific understanding and dicoveries have inspired the basis of and techniques behind Matrix Reimprinting.
‘Our beliefs and perception of the environment are the control mechanism that shapes our DNA and health’ Dr Bruce Lipton
Data is encoded into us in the form of images. These images are literally the hard drive programming that determines how everything else operates.’
‘In other words there would be no wrong beliefs if not for the false and destructive images that are stored in our hearts and minds.’ Pierce Howard PhD
95-99% of your actions in a day are run through your subconscious mind.
These life altering decisions are often made in utero and the first 6 years of life. These decisions are unconscious beliefs which shape how we see the world and our place in it
Negative core beliefs usually have many, many legs holding the table top in place. We will continually draw events into our lives to reinforce these beliefs. Eventually these will manifest as physical and psychological dis-eases and can be seen both as the bodies attempt to adjust to these misperceptions on a cellular level and also as metaphor to draw attention to the issues which are not being dealt with.
Beliefs are the basis of all our lives, Our reality is viewed through theses filters. Our life may not follow our conscious desires and wishes, but our life is a printout of our beliefs.
Beliefs can change healthy genetic messages into unhealthy ones
If you don’t learn to deal with your beliefs they will deal with you through illness, financial and prosperity issues, relationships, feeling powerless and so forth
Our reality, our bodies, our goals, our truths about life, our memories, our possessions, our guilt, our fears, our loves, are reflections of our beliefs
Our beliefs are consciously available, not deep or hidden, but they may be invisible to us because we take them to be facts about reality, rather than beliefs about our reality
Wrong beliefs are destructive interpretations of images of past events held in our local fields, These beliefs motivate thoughts, feelings and harmful actions causing pain to ourselves and others
Based on these beliefs, we make good and bad generalisations which are out of our consciousness, Generalisations are useful, once we learn to open a door we don’t need to keep learning to open doors
The problem is… we also generalise beliefs such as - I’m not good enough, I need to be perfect, I need to be in control, I must please others etc
Wrong beliefs cause us to misinterpret our current circumstances as threatening, this shifts our nervous system into the fight/flight/freeze response resulting in a cascade of biological effects which determine our next perceptions, intelligence and quality of life
When triggered the Amygdala sends a signal to the hypothalamus. Through a series of hormonal messages between the hypothalamus – pituitary – adrenals - the result is the release of Adrenaline Sugar and Cortisol into the bloodstream, this in turn controls/affects
Blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, intelligence, the reproductive system, digestion, sleep patterns, suppression of immune function, affects hunger and thirst and a host of other functions.
Effect of overexposure to Stress.
Adrenaline, cortisol, sugar released into blood
Blood pressure increases
Cholesterol production increases
Digestion shuts down, stomach acid decreases
Shallow sleep, muscles don’t relax
Thyroid function reduced
Ultimately adrenal gland burnout
Cells go into protect mode / stop taking in protein / hold in toxins
Suppression of immune function, white blood cells inhibited
Sexual function, periods, infertility, impotence
Body acidity increased
Gut flora reduced
Key organs become vitamin and mineral depleted – body strips essential nutrients; magnesium, calcium, selenium, etc, from bone in order to alkalise blood
Allergies develop - confused immune system starts to attack itself
Development of autoimmune disease – hypothyroidism, lupus, IBS,
Cognitive faculties compromised
Amygdala trigger threshold lowered; frequent state of hyper-vigilance
Past traumas surface more easily
Raised levels of anxiety, panic attacks, OCD
Exasperates stress resulting in depression
Lowered confidence and self-assurance,
loss of self-esteem
Indulgence in self-medication – quick fixes like sugar, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, medication
The Hearts intelligence
Thoughts are conscious reasoning about something
Feelings are subjective experiences of something
Beliefs are interpretations of something
Behaviour is a goal-directed action to achieve something
The images of our heart are the SOMETHING
Far more than a simple pump
The heart is a sensory organ and a sophisticated centre for receiving and processing and transmitting information into the field
The nervous system within the heart (or “heart brain”) enables it to learn, remember, and make functional decisions independent of the brain’s cerebral cortex
The heart continuously sends electromagnetic signals to the brain which influence the function of higher brain centres involved in perception, cognition and emotional processing
The heart radiates electromagnetic energy up to 10 feet from our bodies in a 360 degree sphere, broadcasting information 24 hours a day
The heart generates the body’s most powerful electromagnetic field, 60 x more powerful electrically and 5000 x magnetically than the brain
The heart’s field acts as a carrier wave for information for the entire body, pulsing waves of energy radiate out interacting with organs and other structures
A person’s emotional state is also communicated throughout the body via the heart’s electromagnetic field
Heart Pictures
‘The disruption of the body’s energy system can be traced back to a disruptive picture; the replacement of that picture creates a permanent healing effect.’
‘Become aware and mindful of the fact that your past, current and future pictures are influencing your life, including your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing’
These destructive, often unconscious, images cause physical and non-physical illnesses.
On a cellular level these pictures are real life memories happening now
These holographic cellular memories about the perceived environment change our cells’ behaviour and DNA
‘Memories are only memories to the conscious mind. To the unconscious mind and heart they are current events. What are your specific “current events” that keep the body from healing and how can we address them?’
The Matrix
In 1944, Max Planck, the man many consider to be the father of quantum theory, shocked the world by saying there is a ‘matrix’ of energy that provides
the blueprint for our physical world. In this place of pure energy everything begins, from the birth of stars and DNA to our deepest relationships, peace between nations to our personal healing
There is a field of energy that connects everything
This field plays the role of container, a bridge and a mirror for our beliefs
The field is holographic, every part is connected to every other, each piece mirrors the whole on a smaller scale
We communicate with this field through the language of emotion
Human DNA has a direct effect on that our world is made of
Human emotion has a direct effect on the DNA that affects the stuff that our world is made of
The relationship between emotions and DNA transcends the bounds of time and distance
It’s our power to recognise and apply these realities that determine everything from our healing to the success of our relationships and careers
Ultimately, our survival as a species may be directly linked to our understanding of the unified quantum field view Gregg Braden
Matrix Reimprinting
The Matrix is another name for what quantum physicists call the Quantum Field, which others have called: the Field, the Mind of God, Nature’s Mind, the Divine Matrix, etc
Imprinting refers to the system by which humans take on the characteristics of their parents by observation and imitation
Most negative self and world views are developed in utero, at birth and the first six years of life
Our thoughts and behaviours become habitual patterns held in local fields
Matrix Reimprinting focuses on ECHOs and other times when important life-altering decisions were made
It’s simple, elegant and profoundly effective
Matrix Reimprinting utilises Gary Craig’s classic EFT techniques
The purpose is to identify, change and resolve trauma and un-resourceful habitual patterns that are held in our fields
By changing our information in the matrix, replacing it with more empowering images, beliefs and resources, we can change our lives
ECHOS are also referred to as Parts, sub-personalities, capsules, the inner child
Matrix Reimprinting is very effective in the following areas:
Easy to use and gentle on clients
Quickly finds core issues
Locates pre-conscious trauma (pre 6 years)
Allows client driven reframes and cognitive shifts
Locates PR, secondary gains etc
Fills the EFT void/creates positive beliefs
Works on dissociated clients with no SUDS levels
Allows forgiveness and wisdom to be gained
Sends a message to the body the trauma is over
Resources the client and rewrites the past
Powerfully utilises the law of attraction
The ECHO phenomena occurs when, energetically speaking, part of our neurology ‘splits off’ in order to isolate traumatic events that were unbearable to the conscious mind due to the lack of physical and emotional resources at the time
Unfortunately, the problem is we subconsciously spend our lives listening to these ECHOs and their mistaken perceptions
These ECHOs are energetic realities existing locally in the matrix
ECHOs are locked in space and time. It doesn’t matter how long after the traumatic event you work with them
Subconsciously, these memories are current events still happening in the person’s life
The subconscious responds to these images; as long as they are locked into the fields that’s how life is perceived
These ECHOS have real personalities that not only react to the original trauma but react to present day circumstances
Matrix reimprinting is a collection of many simple techniques to change these images
A combination of deeply held & unconscious beliefs, traumatic events, stressful life and negative habitual patterns will eventually cause someone to be at significant risk of auto-immune and other serious physical and emotional diseases
Emotional healing means looking at our heart pictures, wrong beliefs and generalisations and judging them not on whether they are true or false but if they are resourceful or not.
If we change these pictures, altering these wrong beliefs, the stress goes away and the immune system will heal the disease
When you heal these wrong beliefs you will also heal the blocks to success, prosperity and relationships.
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