EFT & EMO Case Story: The Unfolding of a Guiding Star Event

EFT & EMO Case Story: The Unfolding of a Guiding Star Event

EMO & EFT Master Practitioner Suheyla Pinar-Alper from Turkey writes: This an account of a combined session (two hours) of EFT and Emotrance with the unfolding of a guiding star event. My client came in with intense back and neck pain. She left totally relaxed, pain-free and smiling.

She was a 42 year-old professional woman, married and mother of a 4-year old. She came to me suffering from intensive back pain, neck pain and stiffness. She had been receiving physiotherapy since September. On the Sue Scale she described her state as a minus 5.

First we tapped to de-stress, then for energy and efteam. As we tapped for her backache and her neck pain, she started describing a very intense pain moving to different locations in her body. At this point I decided to switch to emotrance. She stated she was now a "0" on the Sue scale. I asked her if I could also use my energising hands, to help with the pain, she accepted.

After she dealt with the body pain through emotrance she wanted to tap on "too much responsibility" which she changed after one round, to "responsible for everything and everyone", I followed her changes of set up statements and processed at her speed, with her.

After tapping on responsibility several times, I asked her to think about a time when she felt too much responsibility. She started telling me about how she felt guilty in her childhood for an accident her sister had. Although she claimed it was a minor incident, from her body language I realized this could be a guiding star event. I suggested we tap on this event. I reassured her that this event was in the past, that it was over now, and she was safe with me, now. I told her she could tell me about the event in the third person singular.

The story was that when she was five years old, playing on the street with her friends and four year-old sister they ran and crossed a street. Her sister was left behind and attempted to follow them but her shoe came off and she had to run back to pick up her shoe. She was then hit by a truck and severely wounded. She suffered from these wounds for many long years and my client was there crying and saying in the third person that she should have waited for her sister, that she was the cause of the accident.

In tears, we tapped together for her pain, her guilt. We also tapped as she changed set up statements spontaneously "I focused on school work and success", "I also needed attention", "I did not think much of her", "I watched her every minute after the accident" and finally "I was only a child". She said this attitude had reflected on her relationship with people she was close to, and also her own child. She always felt responsible for everybody and was dead scared that something would happen to people she loved.

We finished the tapping with set up statements such as: I was only a child. I am not responsible for everybody. I love myself deeply and profoundly. I accept myself deeply and profoundly.

When we finished, she was surprised, smiling and on the Sue Scale she described her state as a + eight. Two hours after she left, she called to tell me she was still totally painfree. The next day she called again to tell me that at work, everybody was asking her what she had done, that she looked so bright, energized and healthy.

What else could an Energist ask for? I rejoiced over her transformation Smile

Suheyla Pinar-Alper

December 2012

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