Webinar for Tapping For Stress Management with Isaac LimGoE Trainer Isaac Lim was recently invited to be a guest on a Webinar for 200 Medical Professional and was able to introduce them to Modern Energy and take them through some Modern Energy Tapping. We are delighted that Isaac has been able to connect with this new audience and we very much look forward to hearing their feedback in the future.
Added Nov 8, 2022
| 1,048 Reads
WEBINAR ON TAPPING & EEFT FOR STRESS MANAGEMENTGoE Trainer Isaac Lim was recently invited to be a guest on a Webinar for 200 Medical Professional and was able to introduce them to Modern Energy and take them through some Modern Energy Tapping. We are delighted that Isaac has been able to connect with this new audience and we very much look forward to hearing their feedback in the future. Isaac Writes: I would like to thank Dr.Wong the host and my EEFT/MET Foundation graduate, for the opportunity to highlight Modern Energy to almost 200 medical professionals on the private webinar. You rarely get opportunities like this as the subject of 'energy body' is rather controversial to western train medical doctors. I had to be careful about explaining emotions and stress that they are part of the energy system. The best way to convince them that Energy Tappung is evidence-based therapy is to help them to experience it for themselves, only then can they be convinced that it works. So, I demonstrated by leading everyone to participate in Body Mapping Stress, Heart position, breathing protocol, Energy Tapping and to sense in their body the improvements on the SUE scale. Regrettably I was unable to assess their feedback as I can't see their faces or their chat response. But I hope that from this webinar there will be future feedback from interested participants for future workshops or therapies. I have been promoting EFT and later Energy EFT for more than 20 years. I had given Stress Talks in schools, I-Heal Medical Centre, Nestle, social platforms at Starbucks, Meetup groups, my EFT Tappers Gatherings, AHPM, International Alternative Healing Conferences, Murfest festivals, magazines, a book, and more recently GoE video conferences and Silvia Hartmann talk show. I consider this Webinar for medical professionals is like the icing on the cake for me because they are hard to reach. Thank you, Dr. Wong once again with gratitude and appreciation for helping us to promote and present EFT to medical professionals. ย Learn More:
Added Nov 8, 2022
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Isaac Lim
Information about Isaac Lim
Energy EFT Master Practitioner Trainer, EMO Master Practitioner Trainer, Modern Energy Tapping Professional Trainer, Modern Energy Coach Trainer & Modern Stress Management Trainer in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Isaac Lim has kindly contributed the following titles to the ๐ซ GoE Library:
GoE2021 - P03 - Sixth Sense Body Scanning with Isaac Lim
Posted Nov 25, 2021
Our bodies "talk" to us - and we "listen" with our 6th Sense. What can we discover?
Contact details and membership information for Isaac Lim: