Why The GoE Is Called The GUILD of ENERGISTS

Why The GoE Is Called The GUILD of ENERGISTS
Uncover the historical significance of 'The Guild of Energists,' a name rooted in post-classical guilds, designed to launch the new scientific field (The Third Field, the new science of love) focused on the human energy system.

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Why The GoE Is Called The Guild of Energists

The designation "The Guild of Energists," selected by its founder to represent an organization dedicated to a novel scientific field, carries profound historical significance. This title, far from arbitrary, reflects a deliberate invocation of post-classical traditions and a clear recognition of their relevance to the establishment of new intellectual domains. An examination of its componentsβ€”"Guild" and "Energists"β€”reveals a purposeful alignment with historical precedents and a strategic vision for the future.

The Legacy of the Guild Structure

In the post-classical period, guilds emerged as associations of skilled practitionersβ€”artisans, merchants, and craftsmenβ€”who united to safeguard their expertise, regulate their trades, and transmit knowledge across generations. These organizations were not merely economic entities; they represented a form of collective agency, often operating independently of ecclesiastical or feudal authorities. Historians note that guilds provided a structure for innovation and self-governance, enabling practitioners to assert their authority in domains overlooked or undervalued by prevailing powers.

The founder’s selection of "Guild" draws directly from this tradition. By establishing "The Guild of Energists," the organization creates a cohesive body dedicated to the systematic study of the human energy systemβ€”a subject neglected by contemporary scientific institutions. Furthermore, guilds historically served as counterweights to rigid hierarchies, a role that resonates with the organization’s mission to challenge the reductionist tendencies of modern science and introduce a holistic, human-centric paradigm.

A deeper historical connection lies in the evolution of universities. Institutions such as the University of Bologna and the University of Paris, foundational to Western academia, originated in the 11th and 12th centuries as guilds of students and masters. These early scholarly collectives formalized their pursuits, gained charters, and matured into the universities of today. The choice of "Guild" reflects an ambition to replicate this trajectory: to initiate a nascent fieldβ€”the "Third Field"β€”that might, over time, attain comparable legitimacy and influence.

The Emergence of "Energists"

The term "Energists," a neologism coined by the founder, combines "energy"β€”the central focus of the proposed fieldβ€”with the suffix "-ist," denoting a practitioner or scholar. This nomenclature positions members as specialists in a discipline that examines the "living energy body," a concept articulated in the accompanying manifesto as integral to human functioning alongside body and mind. Unlike established scientific fields, which may eschew the study of energy in this context, "Energists" designates a pioneering group tasked with developing a rigorous, empirical approach to an uncharted domain.

An Open Historical Niche

A practical consideration further underscores the title’s aptness: "Guild" remains an unregulated designation, free from the legal or institutional constraints that govern modern academic or scientific labels. This liberty mirrors the autonomy post-classical guilds enjoyed, allowing the organization to commence its work without the encumbrances of bureaucratic validation. In this sense, "The Guild of Energists" exploits a historical gap, leveraging a term that invites initiative rather than conformity.


The name "The Guild of Energists" encapsulates a dual homageβ€”to the guilds of the past as incubators of knowledge and to their role in birthing the university systemβ€”while signaling an intent to forge a new scientific frontier. Historians may interpret this as a calculated effort to address the question posed by the founder: how does one establish an unprecedented field of inquiry? The response lies in this title: by assembling a community of dedicated scholars under a banner that evokes both historical precedent and future potential, the organization positions itself as a modern analogue to the transformative guilds of the post-classical period, which created science as we know it today.

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