You Are Never Too Young To Tap!

You Are Never Too Young To Tap!

I recently taught a group of children how to tap. The children were aged between 5 – 9, two boys and three girls so we had a nice mix including a nice mix of personalities from quiet children to more outspoken children. Only one of the children had heard of EFT and most did not know what to expect. They arrived eager and giggling and as it was straight after school a little on the hungry side!

You are Never to Young to Tap!

by Dolores Andrew-Gavin

There is nothing like giving a child a self help tool and a personal development tool that they can use for the rest of their lives, whether it be for peer pressure, exam pressure, life pressure or just to make them happier and have more energy!

I recently taught a group of children how to tap. The children were aged between 5 – 9, two boys and three girls so we had a nice mix including a nice mix of personalities from quiet children to more outspoken children. Only one of the children had heard of EFT and most did not know what to expect. They arrived eager and giggling and as it was straight after school a little on the hungry side!

So to relax them all I had a teddy present and I asked them to name him. I told him that “Betsy” (their choice) would be our tapping friend for the session and that he would tap with us (which he did throughout). It is always nice to break the ice so to speak with children and to gain their trust in a happy relaxed way. I told them that “we” together “them” and “I” were called the EFTeam and that we would need to give ourselves a name so they agreed on the name “Giggles”.

I explained to them about energy in our body and that it flowed all around and inside us and that we could use our magic hands to tap on special points to make us feel better, happier or just give ourselves an energy boost in the morning when we find it hard to get out off bed. I started showing them how to use EFT to get more energy “an energy round” where we all tapped on increasing our energy flow, this had a threefold effect of increasing their energy, showing them how to tap and getting the giggles out of the way a little - well a little anyway!! Although it is truly ok for children to giggle!

I then asked if they knew what “emotions”” were. They all eagerly named out different emotions like angry, sad and happy. I told them that they could use EFT for any of these emotions to make them feel better. For example if they felt stress in the classroom because they did not know how to answer a question, if there were afraid of a particular person in the school be it a student or teacher, exam pressure, if anyone called them a name and more. They could tap anywhere any time and could even just massage the points if it was embarrassing to tap in the classroom – more giggles from my young friends!

So I asked them for various things they could think off that they could tap on and I got; “When someone calls me Anna Banana and it makes me feel sad” so we tapped on that, “When the Head Teacher shouts at the class” so we tapped on that. “When I feel angry at my brother for breaking my toys” so we tapped on that. We had several rounds all with different emotions – we even tapped just to make us more happy. How wonderful - happier than happy children!

One of the children asked if he could tap in the middle of the night if he got scared – Great question! “Of course you can”, I told him “it would be a great time to tap”.

I printed out Certificates for the children at the end of the session and they got their EFT certificaties and a hand shake. Even though the children were now quite possibly extremely hungry they were happy as can be, the reason being their energy was flowing so freely through them. We had tapped on such a wide range of issues there was not a sign of stress or hungry to be seen!!!

What a great tool tapping is for everyone … especially the young.

Happy tapping to everyone!

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