Who Are The Guild of Energists?

Who Are The Guild of Energists?

The Guild of Energists (The GoE) est. 1998 is a non-profit learned society registered in the United Kingdom, dedicated to the theory, research and practice of Modern Energy, to lay the foundations for a modern, scientific approach to improving the human condition by covering the Third Field in the Mind, Body, SPIRIT (energy body) triad.

The Guild of Energists is a not-for-profit learned society devoted to the study of modern energy work in all its forms.

Founded in the United Kingdom in 1998, it was the first organisation established in the world for the study, theory and practice of modern energy. With members, practitioners and trainers in over 80 countries, The Guild of Energists is the world’s largest organisation of modern energists, dedicated to the theory and practice of Modern Energy.

The Guild of Energists headquarters is located in East Sussex, United Kingdom.

Our Mission Statement

Silvia Hartmann, Founder of The GoE

Silvia Hartmann
GoE Founder & Creator of Modern Energy

Modern Energy focus on The Third Field in the Mind, Body, Spirit triad. The Third Field, the living energy body, has been ignored for far too long, and it is of the essence to address this in a logical, structural and scientific manner. The living energy body is the source of our emotions, and without understanding how to improve the conditions in the energy body, humanity cannot move forward. 

Through working with the Third Field, the living energy body, exclusively, Modern Energy modalities, methods and techniques have one single goal: To make people happier, stronger and healthier.


Modern Energy refers to the cohesive body of work in theory and practice developed by Silvia Hartmann from 1993 to today.

Modern Energy is not based on ancient, oriental systems. Instead, Modern Energy was researched, tested and developed by working directly with the lived experience of intelligent, thinking modern human beings from the ground up, thereby laying the foundation for the long missing "science of love."

You can find the principles, key concepts and overview what is available in Modern Energy in Silvia Hartmann's groundbreaking book "The Energy rEvoluion."

Membership Levels

There are three membersip levels in the Guild of Energists:

GoE Member: Personal development and Self Help through Modern Energy. Anyone can join the GoE and gain instant access to a word of Modern Energy methods, techniques and information.

GoE Professional Member: For Modern Energists in the professional practice who hold professional certifications in Modern Energy.

GoE Modern Energy Trainer: For Modern Energists who work with groups and deliver Modern Energy trainings to communities, businesses and institutions.

The GoE offers a wonderful array of exciting, life enhancing courses in a wide range of Modern Energy Modalities and techniques at every level, from absolute beginners to the most advanced forms of energy work available in the world today.

Join The Guild Of Energists

Join the Guild of Energists today and support our mission to help people feel better and lead happier lives. Gain your certificate in Modern Energy Foundation with a beautiful 8 part course with Silvia Hartmann herself, free for all members. Join a truly community of wonderful human beings who want to bring more love into the world, and make all our worlds a better place.


General Information about The GoE

The GoE is a not-for-profit learned society devoted to the study of energy work in all its forms. Founded in the United Kingdom in 1998, it was the first organisation established in the world for the study of modern energy work.

The term 'modern energy' describes the overarching concept that holds together a number of observable intrapersonal and interpersonal phenomena which occur naturally and may be changed and influenced through techniques and strategies described under the energy inclusive paradigm.

The "Practitioner of Meridian & Energy Therapies" course was the first original professional Classic EFT practitioner qualification in the world. It has since been superseded by the GoE Energy EFT Master Practitioner qualification in 2011 and again by the GoE Modern Energy Tapping Professional qualification in 2018.

Our interest and expertise covers such topics as energy therapies and energy psychology in theory as well as in practical application. This pertains as much to establishing cohesive and testable theories for energy work in general, as well as developing and testing techniques, creating new research, professional training programs, and  to clearly define the roles, conduct and responsibilities of modern energy workers, researchers and practitioners in the modern age as energists in the Third Field

In 2012, the GoE was restructured as a UK incorporated limited company (The Guild of Energists Ltd), which was formed to ensure that all profit arising from commercial activities is reinvested back into the company and therefore furthering our aims. Being a non-profit organisation means that we are entirely reliant on income from members and the public, including by donation, bequeaths, publishing, membership renewals, licensing GoE IP, distance learning and live training.

In 2013 it was decided to re-name "The Association For Meridian & Energy Therapies" (The AMT) to "The Guild of Energists" (GoE) to broaden the application of modern energism beyond therapy into the mainstream. The transition from The AMT to GoE was completed and celebrated at the 2016 International Energy Conference in the UK.

Modern energists are proud to combine love and logic and are continuing to push the frontiers of modern energy research and application. We welcome all who understand the importance of energy to make the world a better place.


  • Professional Practitioner & Trainer Listings: To safeguard members of the public, all GoE licensed professional practitioners and trainers have been highly trained and adhere to our strict code-of-conduct governing practice.
  • Scientific Research: The guild fosters the research and documentation of modern energy work worldwide, and makes the results of such study available to all, whether members of the learned society or not. see Energy Tapping Studies & Research
  • Publications: The GoE has encouraged the publication of a wide range of monographs and pamphlets on modern energy work, as well as collaborating in the books of many authors and publishers.
  • GoE Library: All members have complementary access to a vast number of videos, articles, ebooks, audio files and more for their enjoyment and further education. The guild holds a substantial library and archive, which are available online and constitute a unique resource for the study of modern energy since its inception. The library and archives are accessible to members of the GoE and scholarly researchers, and our information services are available to everyone. GoE.ac/Library
  • Conferences, Meetings & Events: The GoE and its members hold regular conferences, lectures, seminars and other events worldwide, and the GoE supports other modern energy work related organisations' conferences and events.
  • Social Media: The guild runs a number of social media channels for the discussion of modern energy work including the largest Modern Energy Discussion Group on Facebook & GoE Page on Facebook, EMO Page on Facebook. We also have a number of GoE member only groups offering support, practice partners and advice.

Professional Membership and Trainer Membership is generally only available to people qualified through GoE courses, however we do sometimes waive this requirement for existing professional and qualified energists. Standard Membership is available to anyone who has an interest in the wider field of modern energy work in both theory and practise. 

Further Information:

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