Council Funding for Modern Energy Tapping with KidsGoE Trainer Wendy Birse and colleague Lesley Shardlow have obtained public funding for their project in Perth, Scotland, which introduces Modern Energy Tapping to children at nurseries, playgroups and primary schools in their area.
Added Mar 28, 2018
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Wendy Birse wrote in response to a post on social media: "Our council operates a Participatory Budgeting Scheme. Modest sums are devolved to Community Action Partnerships in various parts of the authority. People and groups submit project ideas with costings in our case up to £1,500 to be completed in 12 months. "As Stress Free Future we proposed visiting nurseries, playgroups and primary schools to lead children and staff in Tapping. Residents in the community vote online for the projects they want to have funded. We secured enough votes. So this is community led, people power, rather than top down, council imposed activity. We like that!" Everyone at The GoE is extremely thrilled about the success and potential of this project, so we spoke to Wendy to find out more.
"We had to devise and cost a one-year project and pitch for a maximum of £1,500. There was a form to complete, we had to encourage friends (and strangers) to vote on line for our project, and we had to appear at an exhibition day to display our project to the public."
"We undertake to make two visits to each of a group of nurseries, playgroups and primary schools in the area which voted for our project. We teach the children and their teachers the Modern Energy Tapping protocol, using our original form of words, and accompanied by Hero the Dog. "We hand out A5 cards with the words and tapping points on, and offer books and trainings for purchase. The award money pays for printing, travel and our attendance. We will get each teacher/playleader to evaluate our contribution to build a case for rolling out the project throughout our authority and beyond.
"We had already visited a local school nursery and primary classes and an independent local playgroup. The children all responded well and the staff saw the impact and were impressed."
"This project has to end by 31 March 2019. We hope to have gathered sufficient credibility with playleaders, teachers and parents to be able to go to local authorities and the Scottish Government with evidence that Modern Energy Tapping is an appropriate fit with their ‘emotional wellbeing support in all schools’ policy. Thereafter I will front and lead the training of school staff to EEFTMP level throughout Scotland, and beyond if requested. Modern Stress Management will be offered, too, of course."
If you'd like to personally wish Wendy and Lesley a big "Congratulations!" head to the GoE Members Facebook Group. We wish them all the success with this project over the coming years and we look forward to hearing from them again soon!
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Added Mar 28, 2018
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