EMO Master Practitioner

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EMO Energy In Motion, created by Silvia Hartmann, is recognised by The GoE as being one of the most advanced, yet deceptively simple energy techniques available today.

In April 2014, Silvia Hartmann revealed the EMO Master Practitioner qualification which takes all that has been learned and researched since the original EMO technique was developed in 2002, and integrates it into a wonderful three day course like you've never been on before.


EMO Masters Course

The EMO Masters Course is THE exciting and delicious journey into the Oceans of Energy, and delivers powerful, exceptional results.

Feel, experience and delight in beautiful exercises, take your energy skill and knowledge to a totally new level as you discover the creative new ideas and principles which have immediately become essential in modernf energy work.  

Course Details:

  • Number of Units: 12
  • Course Author: Silvia Hartmann
  • Course First Presented: April 2014 at London Gatwick UK by Silvia Hartmann
  • Before You Attend This Course: You must have read EMO by Silvia Hartmann and completed Modern Energy Foundation (free with membership)
  • Distance Learning Options: This course is often offered by our trainers via Skype or Zoom, please take a look at 'Live Events'.


Course Units:

Day 1

1 Meet The Energist
The Sixth Sense
The Emotion Spectrum
The Energy Body Health Chart
* Exercise: Find Something To Love
The Amazing Energy System
Touching The Energy Body
* Exercise: The Energist's Touch
The Couple Bubble
The Attention To Love Principle
* Exercise: Becoming Fascinated With An Other
* Exercise: Sensing For The Creative Template
Heart, Love & Energy
* Heart Power Exercise
Raising Energy
2 Modern Energy Healing
ENERGY Healing
The Laws Of Energy
The Even Flow
The Energized End State
The EMO Base Pattern
Engaging With Your Partner - The EMO Dance
* Exercise: The Basic EMO Pattern 1
* Exercise: The Basic EMO Pattern 2
* Exercise: The Basic EMO Pattern 3
Oceans of Energy
3 Powerful Energy Healing
The Energist As A Healer
Working With Ereas
* Emotional Problem Exercise
* Physical Problem Exercise
* Energy Nutrition Exercise
You Are The Gift
4 Healing Energies
The Harmony Program
Trusting The Sixth Sense
* Colour Energy Exercise
* Crystal Energy Exercise
Unconditional Energy Healing
* Exercise: Colour Energy - Feeling The Love
The Shield Protocol
The Pursuit Of Happiness
* Exercise: Fair Trails

Day 2

5 The Events Matrix
Events & The Energy Body
More Than Trauma
Complete Events
* Find Something To Love
* Exercise: A New Journey
Events & Echoes
The Magic Of The Moment
* Exercise: Completing a Guiding Star
Moving Energy FAST
* Exercise: Completing A Trauma
Energy Work With Events
Events & The Sixth Sense
6 How To Love Yourself & Others
Events & Aspects
The Aspects Model
Energetic Relationships
* Exercise: Re-Connecting With An Aspect
* Exercise: Connecting To Someone Else's Aspect
* Exercise: Praising An Aspect
* Exercise: Empowering A Future Aspect
Love & Freedom
Unconditional Love
7 Energy Objects & Artefacts
Living In The Energy World
Artefacts & Energy Objects
* Exercise: Energy & Artefact
Home Harmony
* Exercise: House & Room
* Exercise: Stuck Artefacts
* Exercise: Lost Artefacts
* Exercise: Make A Little Love Generator
8 Energy Relationships
Meet The Entities
Energetic Relationships
Conceptual Relationships
* Exercise: The Rainbow Connection
Power & Love
* Exercise: Increasing Your Personal Power - Permanently
The Covenant

Day 3

9 Energy And The Body
Energy & The Body
Energy Dancing
* Exercise: Energy Dancing
The X Factor
Body “Image”
BeauTy T
* Exercise: BeauTy T On The Hand
Flowing Words
* Exercise: BeauTy T
10 Art Solutions
Art & Energy
Art & Intention
Symbols & Movement
* Symbols Exercise
The Click
* Exercise: Colour Energy Click
* Exercise: Family System Click
* Exercise: Wild Cards
Practising Your Sixth Sense
Reading & Writing Energy
11 The HEROS
Meet The HEROS!
Heart Healing
* Exercise: Heart Of Gold
Thought Flow
* Exercise: Thought Flow For Goals
The Gift
* Exercise: The Gift For New Frontiers
Positive Energy Evocations
Magic Words For Prayer, Healing & Transformation
* Exercise: Magic Words
The Blessing
12 Love And Light
Elegant, Easy ... and FUN!
Love is LIGHT
Everything Works Better With EMO ...
* Exercise: Whatever, Re-Visited ...
* Exercise: Whatever, Re-Engineered ...
Super Goals
* Exercise: Super Goals
Group Energy Power
* Exercise: Evolving PowerFields
The Sikoria Method
Master Practitioner Of EMO: The Modern Energist

Note: course content is subject to change


I confess to being attached to the old EMO training and so I began the new course with curiosity to see how it would unfold. To my surprise and delight it was so easy and so enjoyable, so natural and everyone loved the format, their experiences and learnings, did plenty of healing and evolution work.” -Sandra Hillawi


I do not remember ever having so many 'light bulb moments' in one training.The EMO Master Practioner Training gives us Energist's the full tool kit to go and use in any and all situations”. -Tine Beckham


The training was delivered from the heart and this you could feel with the ripples and explosions of energy in the group, at times this atmosphere was electric. I really enjoyed how the information unfolded and backed up with exercises to really feel and let the learning resonate within” -Marie Chappell

Course Details
Qualification EMO Master Practitioner
Experience Recommendation Before You Attend This Course: You must have read EMO by Silvia Hartmann and completed Modern Energy Foundation (free with membership)
On completion, your GoE trainer will offer you either... 
  • 1 Years GoE Professional Membership or
  • 1 Years GoE Standard Membership

To find out the list of benefits of each level of membership see:

If you are already an GoE Member then your membership will be extended for:

  • Professional Member or Standard Member: 1 Year
  • Trainer: 4 months
Course Requirements

It is essential that you complete the following before starting the course:

Course Author Silvia Hartmann
Number of Course Units 12
Course Units

Day 1:

Meet the Energist

Modern Energy Healing

Powerful Energy Healing

Healing Energies

Day 2:

The Events Matrix

How To Love Yourself & Others

Energy Objects & Artifacts

Energy Relationships

Day 3:

Energy And The Body

Art Solutions

The Heroes

Love And Light

Course Available via:

This qualification may be taught by:

  • Live Training - Yes
  • Distance Learning via Email - No
  • Distance Learning via Skype/Zoom - Yes
Who Can Teach This Course Licensed GoE Trainers who have completed this course to the required standard.
Details About The Live Training
Number of Days Most trainers teach this course over three days.
Training Materials

 When you start the course, your trainer will provide you with the comprehensive EMO Master Practitioner manual:

  • Practitioner Edition - 97 Pages, A4

Have we answered your question? If not, please contact the GoE.

EMO Master Practitioner Live Training Dates

EMO Master Practitioner Trainers

Aynur  Apaydin Aynur Apaydin (Istanbul, Turkey)
Gökhan  Ayar Gökhan Ayar (İzmir, Turkey)
Jacqueline  Besseling Jacqueline Besseling (Netherlands)
Kim  Bradley Kim Bradley (Pembrokeshire, England)
Estefanía  Carretero Mancheño Estefanía Carretero Mancheño (Tenerife, Spain)
Ber  Collins Ber Collins (County Clare, Ireland)
Tanya  Davies Tanya Davies (Wa, Australia)
Peter  Donn Peter Donn (Hertfordshire, England)
Brenda  Dutertre Brenda Dutertre (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Sandra  Hillawi Sandra Hillawi (Red Sea, Egypt)
Jamila  Jamie Jamila Jamie (Maryland, United States)
Katerina  Kalchenko Katerina Kalchenko (Turkey)
Isaac  Lim Isaac Lim (Selangor, Malaysia)
Teresa  Lynch Teresa Lynch (New Jersey, United States)
Emily  Pearson Emily Pearson (Northamptonshire, England)
Jackie  Scarcella Jackie Scarcella (Pennsylvania, United States)
Tom  Schaeper Tom Schaeper (Texas, United States)
Yasemin  Şen Yasemin Şen (Finike, Turkey)
Janine  Turner Janine Turner (Kent, England)

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