EMO Article - The Energy Of Prayer![]() As a Catholic Sister and EMO Master Practitioner, Margarita Foley shows us how to enhance the power of prayer using EMO techniques, leaving you empowered and full of positive, spiritual energy. Read on for the full article...
Added Sep 19, 2014
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All my life I have searched for a way of releasing emotions which could easily arise at times of prayer. Since I am a Catholic Sister you could say that I am in the ‘profession’ of praying. The reality of my life is I am human just like everybody else and so I encounter all kinds of emotions when I come to prayer. I may feel tired, emotionally upset, worried, and not tuned into my inner being, even feeling bored and lacking a feeling of joy in prayer. I have tried many different ways to enable me to be present in my prayer. The woman who founded my Congregation wrote, ”Oh wealth of the present moment for in it we find God.” This has been like an anchor for me. No matter what I feel if I stay with it can transform into a very precious awareness. From early in my spiritual journey awareness of feelings, emotions, physical tensions have interested me. This awareness enables me to be in the moment. Another quote that is very inspiring for me is the words written by our Foundress, Marie Therese de Soubiran, at a time when she was experiencing tremendous suffering in her life. Her words “The Divine Goodness was shown to me like an immense ocean”, allows us to see that she found spiritual depths in herself that are amazing. Although she lived in the 19th Century, her message for us today is so what we need. I am privileged to have grown up nourished on the spirituality of this woman from a little town in the South of France, Castelnaudary. Although she was rejected by some of her followers and died without knowing that the group (congregation) she had founded would survive and go on to have communities in three continents. Each of us is also part of this “ocean of love” whether we are aware of it or not. All we have to do is to open our hearts. This of course brings us face to face with some of our own fears and doubts, it can happen at any stage of our lives as we evolve we find ever deeper layers of our being that need to transform. So when I heard about Silvia Hartmann’s discovery and her story of how she discovered EMO, I was overjoyed and I easily identified with the process. The basic EMO is child’s play to learn but so powerful in how it can be used. It is simply about becoming aware of our bodies and where we hold emotions in our bodies. We focus on this place and with our intention we allow the energy of the blocked emotion to ‘soften and flow’. We listen to where it wants to move and allow it to exit in its own way. We can use the SUE scale to check on the feelings inside our body. This is a scale from 0 when our energy is neutral to an extreme negative when our energy extremely distorted, or we can increase the positive energy flow until we are at +10 and our energy is at its very best it can be. Afterwards, we can either continue to release the emotions until we come to a 10+ on the scale or until we feel at peace and at one in our being. We can then attend to whatever we need to do or be. In my case, it is being able to be fully present in my prayer time and even during other activities throughout the day. I needed to help people to be in their bodies rather than in their heads. I learned from Joshua Boom of Quantum Energy Transformation that dropping down through our body and staying at the base of our spine allows us to be more connected to the Energy Matrix. I find that for me this enhances the practice of EMO even more. Of course many people have no problem being in their body and connecting easily to the Energy Matrix. Project Sanctuary is a marvellous way to do this. It is the combination of these that has completely transformed my way of praying. It would take another article to explain how to do this so it is simply allowing your inner or energy/spirit mind to enable you to be present to people and situations so that you can be in a relationship with them. It is a place where relationships, situations, energies we need, places we need to visit, in short, an amazingly simple and profound way of healing and transformation. EMO emerged from Silvia Hartmann’s experience of Project Sanctuary and is an easy and wonderful way to connect the conscious mind and the energy mind. Let me guide you into an exercise so you can experience for yourself how powerful it is. In one place he says “When you pray say: “Our Father in Heaven, may Your name be held holy" ...The source of our interconnectedness We can discover our “family” connections with all peoples. We can discover the benefits of deep connection to the source of our being. Use all your inner senses to experience whatever images present themselves to you. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you taste? What do you feel? You may feel you want to have a conversation with the father/mother God. Speak as you would to an earthly parent. Let your heart speak what you are experiencing and express it. By taking each phrase and entering into it, allowing ourselves to be fully in the experience using all our senses as above we can discover the whole meaning of what God’s love for the world means in practice. Margarita Foley is a Catholic Sister who has dedicated her life to human and spiritual growth. She is an EFT & EMO Master Practitioner and an GoE Trainer based in London. Further Information
Added Sep 19, 2014
| 10,437 Reads
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