Energy EFT For Teenagers![]() Energy EFT Master Practitioner Paula Kennedy tells her story of how she got inspired to write her first book, Energy EFT For Teenagers: The Simple Solution For Success & Happiness, and how we can all use the simple tapping technique to help young people and those close to us.
Added Feb 2, 2017
| 10,699 Reads
With so much stress, (anxiety, bullying, school phobia, anger, frustration, low self-esteem and body-image, test upon test at school and exams), our teenagers have no room to breathe, little time to daydream or produce that lust for life or creativity that we hope all our children will experience through school and their teenage years. All we can hope for is that we can find a way to help them evolve into well-balanced, well-educated and happy adults. Life for a modern teenager is a minefield. They start their secondary years at school full of hope and enthusiasm, with just a little anxiety thrown in. Then the fun begins. They try to be brave enough to form new friendships as primary schools merge together; they are challenged to see if they match up on social media and homework comes in hard and fast, giving them little time for outside interests. As the years progress, they are tested at school until it exhausts them and told to ‘work their socks off’ or their life will amount to nothing. This does not include home life and problems outside of school, which can also add to stresses and strains when life doesn’t always go to plan. Life becomes this one, big, stressful platform that can rock the confidence of even the most confident young person. Add into the mix the teenagers that are on the autistic spectrum, those with A.D.H.D, social anxiety, eating disorders, illness or grief in the family, family breakdowns etc. To meet the anxiety and stress levels involved, in trying to successfully make it through the teenage years unscathed, is a tough call. My days at secondary school were generally positive and fun. Okay, I can’t say that it wasn’t hard work and we didn’t fall out from time to time, but arguments were usually resolved and school life revolved around a good mix of work, laughter and good fun. There were no social media to carry arguments into the evenings or weekend and no online bullying. We had homework and tests, but nowhere near the level of stress involved, as experienced by the youth of today. The teachers laughed with you or at you, but they didn’t have the same amount of stress, pressure and targets to meet each day at school and spilling into home life. Today’s teachers are lucky if they last their first year, let alone survive their whole career in teaching. That isn’t to say school can’t be fun, but it is just made that little bit harder for everyone, with all the added stresses of Ofsted (UK government school inspectors) reports, and constant tests and targets, thus adding to tons more paperwork and less time for their pupils. My main inspiration for writing Energy EFT For Teenagers was to pave the way for young people and provide them with a simple, but very effective tool, in the form of Energy EFT, which they could quickly learn to use, to help them literally tap away the stresses and anxieties that teenage life produces. I hope my book will be accessible to Schools, Teenagers’ Homes, Libraries, Doctors Surgeries, CAMHS, Young Carers, Care Homes, Youth Groups, and anywhere else teenagers may benefit from its contents. Please read it, share it and talk to everyone you can about Energy EFT For Teenagers. Paula ![]() Teenage life is stressful - here is a simple, profound method to release stress and start to shine. In the thoroughly practical Energy EFT For Teenagers: The Simple Solution For Success & Happiness, Paula Kennedy gives us a real tool that mums, dads, teenagers, carers and teachers can use to reduce stress and improve performance quickly and profoundly. Further Information
Added Feb 2, 2017
| 10,699 Reads
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