** News: The 2010 EFT & Energy Psychology Conference – More Details & 40% Discount
The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies have just announced full details of a number of the presentations at the 2010 EFT & Energy Psychology Conference which takes place in November, at the Europa Hotel, Gatwick. We are pleased to say that EMO is well represented this year, along with other brilliant therapies from exciting & wonderful presenters:
Energy Dancing with Detlev Tesch
EMO is a therapy tool - and it is much moor than that. Energy Dancing is a therapy tool - and it is much more than that. Whilst for many using EMO or Energy Dancing the focus is on therapy and healing there is also the other side of the coin: using it all to create joy, happiness, delight, bliss. And that is exactly what we will go for with this presentation. Detlev Tesch is an internationally respected EMO Master and personal development expert from Germany and is a highly experienced and exuberant public speaker.
Be Spellbound with the Energy Cone Technique by Ray Manning & Tom Wynn:
Come join Ray Manning & Tom Wynn at the 2010 European EFT & Energy Psychology Conference, and experience this gentle effective technique that is easily mastered by practitioners at all levels in releasing blocked energy quickly and effortlessly from the body.
Provocative Energy Therapy with Margreet Vink:
Margreet Vink is a Dutch EMO trainer, Project Sanctuary master and in daily life e-learning expert. Margreet studied career counselling but currently works as a trainer/teacher. Margreet thoroughly enjoys her work and will be presenting Provocative Energy Therapy at the 2010 European EFT & Energy Psychology Conference.
As well as the two-day main Conference, there will also be a number of pre- and post-conference workshops like the first GoE Certified Practitioner of Energy Cone Technique training, and a very rare opportunity to work with Silvia Hartmann, as she presents her groundbreaking Events Psychology.
For more details on the Energy Cone Technique training please visit:
For more details on Silvia Hartmann's Events Psychology Workshop please visit:
Keep up to date with all the latest Conference news here:
Or follow the GoE on Twitter:
** Article: EMO - So That People Can Help Each Other by Silvia Hartmann
Silvia Hartmann writes: “EMO is a simple technique to help people deal with negative emotions.
EMO works by focusing on the feelings in the body. Rather than talking "about" anger, sadness, fear, shame, heartache and depression, we simply ask directly, "Where do you feel that in your body? Show me with your hands!"
Now we know where the place of pain is, and now, there are things we can do.”
To read Dr. Hartmann's full article, which is a reminiscence on the fact that at the heart of EMO is simplicity and that we must never forget that, please click below:
** Case Study: EMO at a Funeral
This is a case study from an anonymous EMO self-helper, but it is quite a special case study, which tells us of those rare occasions when the energy is so tightly packed in that it doesn't just flow – it explodes!
“I had to go to a funeral yesterday, it was for the wife of a colleague from work who had lost her long battle with cancer. So not a relative or anything like that.
I wasn't looking forward to it, but I thought I can do some EMO if the worst comes to the worst.”
Click below for the full, heart-warming article:
** Article: Softening & Flowing Feelings of Anxiety by Sandra Hillawi
This is a complete transcript of a Skype EMO session by Sandra Hillawi with a young gentleman who was filled with anxiety and couldn't sleep for the racing thoughts in his mind.
Being very used to "over-thinking everything" he was very unsure if EMO could possibly work for him ...
A very interesting and educational example of an EMO session with what might be thought of as a particularly difficult client who was also anxious and stressed from the onset.
Read on for this transcript:
** Article: Healing Relationship Troubles with EMO by Proxy by Patricia Dancing-Elk
During the workshops and EMO Meetups that I have facilitated I have seen a growing need for healing in relationships. EMO is the perfect tool for working with conflict, whether it is your co-workers, parents, children, friends, spouse, etc. Working with proxy is also a fantastic tool for expanding your intuitive skills. Let me give you some short examples/case histories:
1. Shirley/father - Shirley's father was no longer able to care for himself and moved in with her family. His need to control everything through criticism and disruption was really frustrating her. I asked if she was willing to proxy him. As I coached Shirley on being the proxy for her father, I was led in different directions then I normally would have taken in a proxy situation. It became clear that his need to be controlling was out of his fear of losing his independence and status as the "father" and caretaker. And, as Shirley proxied her father she gained new insight into his pain and emotional distress. As a result, Shirley's frustration and resentment of her father's control was replaced with empathy and understanding. And, as a result of the proxy work, her father was much calmer and happy.
2. Lea/daughter - Lea had called me for an introduction to EMO. When I asked what she wanted to work on she said that her relationship with her daughter was under strain right. The daughter (a teenager) was really angry because she was grounded for not doing her work at home. I asked the mother if she was willing to be a proxy for her daughter and she agreed. After the second go round of the exercise, she reported that her daughter had come and curled up in the chair with her and she was going to go and spend some time with her now. When I talked with her later she commented on how amazed she was at the speed at which her daughter had gone from angry teenager to wanting to hug and talk.
3. Debra/mother - Debra had come back to Texas and was temporarily living with her mother. She complained that her mother was so negative all the time and that the energy in the house was so dark and unsettling that she couldn't stand to be there and never got any rest. I asked if she would try an experiment with me and had her proxy her mother. During the proxy we worked on her mother's resentment of her husband dying and leaving her in financial distress. We also worked on her mother's fear of her losing her home because of the finances. After a few days Debra reported that when she got home that her mother was so calm and the energy in the house was so much better.
In working with the technique of proxy, not only are they assisting the other person to heal by relieving the energy blockage for them so that they can make better decisions, they are also helping themselves to remove their own emotional energy blockages in relationship to the person and situation in the process. How fantastic is that!
There is so much more to learn and so much more that you can do for yourself and offer your clients. I strongly encourage you to take the next step in your training.
Patricia DancingElk
EMO Trainer
** Article: EMO-Geburtstag! / EMO Birthday! by Detlev Tesch
Last month we celebrated EMO's 8th birthday, and to carry on the celebration, Detlev Tesch, EMO international Trainer, has put together a short article which is available in both German & English
Kaum zu glauben, daß EMO schon (erst?) acht Jahre alt geworden ist... Diese so genial einfache Methode, die so erstaunlich gut wirkt, belastende Emotionen auflöst und uns zu Glücksgefühlen führt. Wenn wir EMO anwenden, dann kommen wir unserem natürlichen Wesen wieder näher. Nach und nach reparieren wir, was uns im Leben so passiert ist und unser Energiesystem beschädigt hat. Genial ist, daß wir keine elend-lange Ausbildung brauchen, keine ausgeklügelten und komplizierten Systeme lernen, oder geheimnisvolle Elemente eines Systems kennen müssen, die wir nicht mal sehen, geschweige denn anfassen können! Wir brauchen uns nur auf das zu verlassen, was wir tatsächlich spüren. Kann es noch einfacher sein?? Silvia Hartmann, die Urheberin, hat für den Geburtstag einen article geschrieben, den ich ins Deutsche übersetzt habe, um ihn auch denen zugänglich zu machen, die nicht so gut Englisch verstehen. Viel Spaß damit - und herzlichen Glückwunsch.
EMO Birthday
Hard to believe that EMO already (only?) turned eight… This ingenious modality that works so amazingly well, resolves burdening emotions and leads us to feelings of happiness. When we apply EMO we re-approach our our natural being. By and by we repair what happened to us in our lives and left the energy system damaged. It is so cool that we do not need to undergo miserably long teachings or learn oversubtle and complicated Systems or know mysterious elements of a system that we cannot even see, let alone touch! We only need to rely on what we actually feel. Could it be any simpler?? Silvia Hartmann, the originator, has written an for the birthday and I have translated it into German so it may be accessible also to those who don‘t understand English well. Enjoy – and “Congratulations!”
Dipl.-Ök. Detlev Tesch Master EMO Trainer & Project Sanctuary Master Bonn, Germany
Original English version of Dr. Hartmann's EMO Birthday article:
German translation of Dr. Hartmann's article by Detlev Tesch:
** Testimonial: Don't Knock It until You've Tried It!
This wonderful testimonial was sent into us by EMO Trainer & ambassador Kim Bradley, who received it from a client who she had treated.
Kim's client had been struggling after the death of his mother and had become detached and short tempered. Did EMO help? Of course it did! Read the full testimonial to find out how...
“It is now a couple of months since I received the help from Kim, and I still feel as if I am back to how I used to be. I have found renewed energy and enthusiasm again!”
** News: Free MindMillion 'Mind Over Money' e-Course Online Now
www.MindMillion.com are pleased to announce that the completely free 'Mind Over Money' course is back online.
The unique exercises in this course which were created for you will reduce stress, help you stay on track with your daily tasks, give you new ideas and just sometimes, they will even make you smile!
There are many different exercises, all of which can be done in just a minute, which will help you stay on track to create your own personal wealth in its widest definition.
Each exercise will give you a boost of energy, inspiration, encouragement and help you create the structures you need to make poverty and lack of money flow a thing of the past.
You will receive a free exercise every three days. Do the exercise right away and if you keep to that program, you have here a powerful and very special prosperity course in which YOUR mind, YOUR body, YOUR heart and YOUR business is what we are talking about, and what we are dealing with at all times.
Sign-up for the free course here:
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this months newsletter, if you have any articles which you would like to appear on the website or in the newsletter, then please send them in to us.
Best wishes,
Josh Alliston
Communications Officer
Added Jul 30, 2010
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