Modern Energy Tapping for Success in Business![]() Join Wendy Fry, Modern Energy Trainer and Small Business Coach in this special report and discover how Modern Energy Tapping can take you and your business to new levels of success. Having been a sole trader in her own business for close to ten years Wendy shares honestly the wisdom and learning she has gained along the way as well as strategies you can use to take your life and your business to new heights. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and Wendy's aim is to show you the shortcuts to achieving and reaching your full potential.
Added Feb 9, 2018
| 6,783 Reads
Modern Energy Tapping for Success in BusinessStarting out on my journey as a Life Coach and later expanding in training in many other healing modalities there have been times when I've hit rock bottom both financially, emotionally and physically as well as many times felt like I was losing the plot. I found myself questioning if I should give up on my dreams and my business and settle to going back to a 9-5 job, that was until I discovered The Guild of Energists and Modern Energy Trainings. ย I wasn't born 'lucky', or 'with a silver spoon in my mouth' and to show you a wider picture of setting up as a sole trader, I had no financial backing, little support from family and friends and basically had to depend on myself, my wherewithal and self-motivation to get where I am today. There were many times the well-meaning people said, 'why don't you get a proper job' though at a time in my life when I decided I was no longer going to follow other people's rules and what they through was possible for me, I've never looked back on quitting my day job and proud of myself that I've had enough self-belief to make my business work in the way I want it to work. If I knew then what I know now and if I'd discovered Modern Energy Tapping ten years ago, I know I would have achieved the level of success I currently have in a much shorter time frame. Where you are now, reading this is the perfect time and space to be, because YOU get to discover the positives benefits of using Modern Energy Tapping in your business and everyday life. It is the core ingredient to shining like the star you are. Aren't you the lucky one! I have found that when you change your mindset and focus on your future and the positive outcomes you want to achieve and why you want what you want, you are more likely to self-actualise these very experiences when you focus on what's possible. Training your mind to focus on what you 'do want' rather than focusing on what you 'don't want' or don't yet have changes the outcomes of your business creation and how you show up in the world. Modern Energy Tapping is the key to emotional self-mastery and business acumen as well as supporting you to getting your motivation mojo back and focusing, step by step as to what positives are needed personally and professionally to make YOUR business a success and what that means to you. Modern Energy Tapping has what I call 'secret powers' which sets forth a magical fountain of happiness, joy, vibrancy and confidence as well as making you feel more in control of your life. Modern Energy tapping unlocks the door to inner knowing that you are a powerful creator and manifestor, it's the beginning of a new beginning. In my experience since taking the training as a Modern Energy Tapping Trainer Training new and exciting opportunities to speak at events have come my way, colleagues are asking to partner with me, my high end client VIP programmes are getting booked out for the year ahead, 1-2-1 clients are seeking support programmes to get them on track to achieving their personal goals, finances are improving, students are asking for earlier training dates than the ones I have set and I'm also finding money on the streets and being gifted some wonderful opportunities and presents. To add to this, wonderful heartfelt testimonials from students and clients are flying in, I feel healthier, happier and more alive and energised that I ever have. I also have more free time to write, walk, create, play, connect or just 'be'. In a relatively short time frame, the positive changes have been amazing and of course I put this down to Modern Energy Tapping and keeping my vibration high. Now I know some of you may relate to my next honest sharing and I can admit to having been a course junkie for many years before I discovered Modern Energism. I was always moving onto 'the next best thing' and finding the areas I was training in weren't necessarily making me or my business more successful. I know for sure my course addiction has come to an end and being a Modern Energy Trainer fulfils all my needs and more and the services I offer in the form of training courses or supporting clients with the tools Modern Energists use is where my journey completes as such. For sure I may take additional professional trainings from time to time as well as creating my own through I'm no longer searching for something outside of myself to complete me, I have everything I need within. I have grown in confidence not only in myself through in terms of my business and what I am capable of and have found everything I need within the umbrella of The Guild of Energists. Using the power of the positives in every day life has certainly ramped up the positive changes I experience every day and it is my hope you too will in the near future be sharing your own transformations and success stories. So, perhaps you are in the process of starting your business or are already set up as a sole trader or limited company or working in or on your business and not yet achieving as much as you know you are capable of? It's possible, you too, can relate to the emotional roller-coaster of business highs and lows and realising if you fall too far down The Sue Scale often no business action or positive thought is taken. It's not a productive place to be - this is where the simple process of Modern Energy Tapping comes in. You simply think about what you want and let this be your first step stone to climbing up The Sue Scale as well as the enjoyably dizzy heights of business and personal success living life at a +10. Not one to keep all this amazingness to myself, I'm going to share with you some strategies to take you and your business from stress to success - which let's face it, when you're feeling energised and happy in your work it doesn't seem like work at all and life in general is a much happier place to be. Please look out for my Special Reportย 'Shine like the Star You Are' which will further support you in achieving business fulfilment and success as well as raising your profile as a professional. Let's get the party started! Decide today you are going to be a winner! Modern Energy Tapping is the foundation for all successful people and businesses. Begin today with positive intention. What's the best that can happen when you focus on the positives? Start you Modern Energy Tapping Journey with