Modern Stress Management on Turkish TV!![]() Turkish GoE trainer Aynur Apaydin has appeared on a national TV channel, presenting and talking about the benefit's of Silvia Hartmann's Modern Stress Management and The SUE Scale.
Added Aug 30, 2017
| 6,926 Reads
"My original plan was to promote Energy EFT on the TV programme," writes Aynur Apaydin. "There were even announcements in the TV programme for this. Last but not least, I was told that I can not talk about Energy EFT on this channel or even use the word "energy". "I can not say "Energy Expert", I was not able to even use "energy" word! How exactly can I transfer all my knowledge without talking about energy? "A moment of stress! "We managed to get rid of the situation by using Modern Stress Management. "I explained what is MSM during the live broadcast, the stress chart, and the connection of each stage with our feelings. "Without using the "energy" word, I described it using powerful and happy words. I have told you that stress at the recommended level of -3 / -5 (on The SUE Scale) is not true, that it will lead us to exhaustion, that negative emotions are a symptom of stress, that we should never make any decisions at this stage, and that we can give the most healthy decisions at +10. "I felt very lucky to have this information. "We continue to develop. Keep on telling love! There are so many souls waiting to be saved!
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Added Aug 30, 2017
| 6,926 Reads
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Aynur Apaydin
Information about Aynur Apaydin
Energy EFT Master Practitioner Trainer, EMO Master Practitioner Trainer, Modern Energy Tapping Professional Trainer, Modern Energy Coach Trainer, Energy Dating Coach Trainer, Modern Energy Healer Trainer & Modern Stress Management Trainer in Göktürk Eyüp, Istanbul, Turkey.
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