Invited on 'Smile with Nora' Talk Show - Isaac Lim

Invited on 'Smile with Nora' Talk Show - Isaac Lim We were delighted to hear the GoE Trainer Isaac Lim was invited to join a former client on her talk show 'Smile with Nora'.

by Isaac Lim

I was invited to be on the twice monthly talk show ‘Smile with Nora’ on the 3rd. July 2024. The topic was ‘Emotional Freedom Techniques for Healing. I took the opportunity to showcase Energy EFT. It felt strange and unusual and yet privileged to be invited by a former client whom I had helped overcome her cleft lip palate phobia. Not many therapists had ever been invited by their former client on their talk show. I felt confident knowing the interviewer was one of my success stories. ‘Smile’ was something a cleft lip person could not do physically and emotionally, yet here she is smiling warmly throughout the show.

I remember vividly the first time she came to my therapy office some 12 years ago. I noticed a chauffeur driven car stopping in front and then a very well dressed and groomed lady came out. She introduced herself as ‘Nora.’ She revealed to me about how she was born with an unsightly cleft lip palate and the childhood taunting and bullying she endured. She had repair surgery as a child and revision at 17 years old and later refinement that made her so beautiful. She struggled for years to become beautiful and socially accepted and yet living in fear of her past. I could see a very beautiful person who had done so much to improve herself physically and yet still she remains fearful that her past would be exposed. She was a beautiful person but felt ‘ugly’ on the inside. Slowly I had to remove her childhood trauma, gave her confidence to step by step reveal her ‘ugly’ secret to her husband, then to her children, then to her social circles and finally to the world with her amazing book ‘Born to Smile’! I am very proud of her for the courage and determination to seek healing. The result is so amazing as it changed her life to become this fabulous person, a social activist for cleft lip and famous inspirational author and speaker. I could not have imagined that one day I would be doing this talk show with her.

In the show we covered several questions like, ‘Tell us a bit about Isaac’. ‘Why did you decide to become an EFT healer?’, ‘What is emotional freedom technique?’, ‘How does tapping approach changes emotions?’, ‘What are the evocative questions’ and more. I even demonstrated the tapping procedure, leading the audience with ‘People Stress protocol’. One of the questions she asked was, ‘What would you say to critics out there who may not believe in EFT? My answer was an unequivocal, ‘Look at Nora!’ Yes, she was the epitome and undeniable prove of the effectiveness of EFT. I also qualify it, that EEFT is only a tool but it is the skill and experience of the therapist using it that makes the difference, as I know some people who said that they tried EFT and it did not work on them. One of the memorable remarks she made in the show, was that she fondly recalled how whenever she visits me, I would greet her with a big smile and asked her, ‘How can I help you today?’.


🗣 Chat!
Isaac Lim
Information about Isaac Lim
Energy EFT Master Practitioner Trainer, EMO Master Practitioner Trainer, Modern Energy Tapping Professional Trainer, Modern Energy Coach Trainer & Modern Stress Management Trainer in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Isaac Lim has kindly contributed the following titles to the 🏫 GoE Library:
GoE2021 - P03 - Sixth Sense Body Scanning with Isaac Lim

GoE2021 - P03 - Sixth Sense Body Scanning with Isaac Lim

Posted Nov 25, 2021
Our bodies "talk" to us - and we "listen" with our 6th Sense. What can we discover?
view in library ▶

Contact details and membership information for Isaac Lim:

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