The Energist - November 2012![]() Welcome to the November 2012 edition of The Energist!In this issue:
Added Nov 27, 2012
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![]() 2012 EFT & Energy Conference – Report, Photos & Feedback![]() With record numbers recorded for both tickets sold and presenters speaking, AMT12 was already set to be a landmark event, and it didn't disappoint. We are also pleased to announce that tickets are now on sale for the AMT13 EFT & Energy Conference which takes place next November and the ET13 Emotional Transformation Conference in April. Each event is available for the staggeringly low price of £99.99! Links: The MBS Energy Fest & Hawaiian Huna with Marilyn Devonish![]() For more details and to purchase your ticket visit: Marilyn's presentation on Hawaiian Huna energy was one of the highlights of this year's GoE Conference, and as there were so many people eager to learn more we're pleased to announce a special offer for readers of The Energist. 40% off the full price of the Huna training – contact Marilyn for more details. Links: Let's Get Naked with Matrix Reimprinting by Penny Croal![]() We are very pleased to offer the full collection of slide from the presentation, which includes a great deal of information about Matrix Reimprinting and the skin we all live in. Links: The EMO Primer – Now Available in Portuguese![]() If you haven't read the EMO Primer, then we highly recommend that you do. Find it in your language here. Links: EFT Case Story: Silent & Invisible by Martina Konecna![]() Marie looked me for help. At first sight pleasant and friendly woman, over 40, but somehow shy, frightened and constricted. I could feel it from her and her voice confirmed it when she started to speak. “The world is dangerous and unpredictable.”, was her non verbal message for me. We started our collective work with destressing and tuning in EFTeam. She liked tapping on points, her six sense worked and answered very nicely. Her face released and Marie started to speak about her longstanding problem that brought her a lot of pain and feeling of personal failure. When she visited class meeting and wanted something to say during discussion with other parents and class teacher, she simply was not able. She stiffened at that moment, terrible fear and stress. Her heart started to pounding, vocal cords constricted, she couldn´t breath, her hands started to tremble and got wet. “I am at that moment as if I should die,” stated Marie sadly. “And this happens in other situations too, when shall I something say and there are some authorities - adults. I feel like a small child before them.” Links: Report: Energy Is Growing in Turkey! by Sandra Hillawi![]() Energy EFT is fast becoming the new standard for Emotional Freedom Techniques, with just under 300 GoE EFT Master Practitioners around the world. Sandra Hillawi, GoE Master Trainer, is at the forefront of this fantastic expansion, travelling far and wide to train the next generation of EFTers. In this article Sandra reports on the EFT Master Practıtıoner Traınıng and EMO Traınıng in Istanbul, Turkey and welcomes new Practıtıoners and two new Traıners to The AMT. After the traınıng Sandra had some tıme for tourism, so this report ıncludes some photos of İstanbul too. Sandra writes: Thıs ıs now the second trıp to Istanbul and really I love ıt. Though EFT is establıshed ın Turkey the Turkısh people love the new Energy EFT concept and EMO ıs stıll very new here. After the traınıngs the warmth of the Turkısh hearts blossoms even more followıng 5 days of EFT Master Practıtıoner and EMO Practıtıoner Traınıng and partıng at the end ıs a regular heart breakıng event after we all spent so much wonderful tıme together. Links: EFT Case Story: The Joy of EFT by Denise Frakes![]() Using the body protocol, her focus was on the pain in her hamstring as we tapped. At the end of the 1st round of tapping, she still had a pain feeling of -4 but her range of motion had greatly increased. I changed our position and had her stand and try to activate the feeling in her hamstring so she would have a greater connection to it in the tapping. This round we tapped, still using body protocol on “still painful”. She moved and swayed during this round to keep feeling her hamstring. At the end of this round, her pain dropped to a -2, much to her surprise and delight. The next round we sat on the floor, with her quads gently activated and tapped on full range of motion. Once again using the body protocol, we tapped with full awareness on her quads with flow. During the round I started noticing an energy in my own legs so I went with it and had her breathe in range of motion and breath out range of motion on each tapping point. At the end of the round, I had her breathe 2 more times but on the out breath have all the breath and energy flow out her feet. Our session was about over, so we visited about how she could continue this at home. When we were done Martha stood up to go. As soon as she stood up, she was shocked. She had forgotten all the pain, tightness, worry and just stood up- no problem!!! She was absolutely and happily stunned- as was I. This unexpected and joyful shift in energy is the best part of Energy EFT!!! Links: Thank you to everyone that has contributed to this month's newsletter. If you would like submit a news item, article or case story please send it in to us. Best wishes, JoshJosh Alliston
Added Nov 27, 2012
| 7,218 Reads
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