We're pleased to welcome and congratulate all our new and current members who completed new EFT & Energy qualifications last month.
Please congratulate and welcome...
Eman Alabdulghani (ET P)Lawrence Androes (EFT MP)Heves Atasoy (+EFT & EMO MP)Judy Bassett (ET P)Margieann Bell (ET P)Susan Browne (EFT MP & +EFT)John Burke (+EFT & EFT MP)Elaine Cammish (+EFT & EFT MP)Banu Çeçen (EMO MP)Joseph Cheser (ET P)Stephanie Courtney (+EFT & ET P)Marie Easom (EFT MP)Luis Farrajota Luciano (EFT MP)Desi Flynn (+EFT & EFT MP)Catherine Foley (EFT MP & +EFT)Amanda Friel (+EFT & EFT MP)Tahsin Gok (EMO MP)Paul Grant (ECT Practitioner)Hildegard Groves (ET P)Faisal Hameed Ahmed (ET P)Dr Biddy Househam (EFT)Anita Hughes O'Brien (ECT Practitioner)Stephen Kent (+EFT)Dr Teresa Lynch (Trainer Trainer)Adrienne McAllister (+EFT)Katia Miniovich (ET P)Eilish Murphy (EFT MP & +EFT)Junanita Navarro (ECT Practitioner)Christa Nebel-Curran (ECT Practitioner)Belma Özkan (EMO MP)Irene Phillips (EFT MP)Robin Premo (ET P)Seda Rodop (EMO MP)Sevgi Şahin (EMO MP)Alice Shield (MET P)Alicia Silvia (EFT MP)Berrak Siper (EMO MP)Senem Tuğcuoğlu (EMO MP)Emmy Vadnais (+EFT)Brigitte Wiss (ET P)
Further Information
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