Welcome New GoE Members - January 2014

Welcome New GoE Members - January 2014

We're pleased to welcome and congratulate all our new and current members who completed new qualifications last month. The first in 2014!

Please welcome...

Carmen Albaladejo Penalva (Positive EFT Practitioner)

Sally Canning (Trainer Trainer)

Maria Chappell (Trainer & Positive EFT Practitioner)

Michael Donaldson (EFT Master Practitioner)

Belén Lópes Esclapez (EMO Practitioner)

Julie Fink (EFT Master Practitioner)

Yeşim Başak Gökçen (EFT Master Practitioner)

Brenda Hansen (EMO Practitioner)

Bahar KiliÇaslan (EMO Practitioner)

Pilar Lozano Torralba (Positive EFT Practitioner)

Michael Millett (Positive EFT Practitioner)

Maria José Morenilla Romero (Positive EFT Practitioner)

Eva Torralba Pradillos (EMO Practitioner)

Maribel Villa Perez (EFT Master Practitioner)


Further Information


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