Welcome New GoE Members - July 2015

Welcome New GoE Members - July 2015

We're pleased to welcome and congratulate all our new and current members who completed new EFT & Energy qualifications last month. Great to see so many EFT Master Practitioners and EMO Master Practitioners, as well as our second graduate for the all new Energy Healer for Animals.

Please congratulate and welcome...


July 2015

Susannah Acworth (EFT)
Laurie Adams (EFT)
Rengin Ak (EMO MP & EFT MP)
Kerry Anderson (EFT MP & +EFT)
Seda Bağcan (EMO MP & EFT MP)
Anne-Marie Barrs (EFT)
Linda Blampied (EFT)
Deborah Bow (EFT)
Anne Brannick (+EFT & EFT MP)
Tina Caplice (EFT MP)
Ashling Carolan (EFT MP)
Jenny Chalmers (EFT)
Patrick J Cleere (EFT)
Beverley Cooper (EMO MP)
Teresa Costa (EFT)
Susan Cowe Miller (EFT)
Carol Crowther (EFT)
Sue Currant (EFT)
Marion Dias (EFT)
Amy Fitzgerald (EMO MP)
Nelle Flynn (EFT)
Kevin Garrington (EFT)
Janice Godden (EFT)
Marysue Hansell (EFT)
Linda Harris (EFT MP)
Vikki Holloway (MET P)
Rev. Robin Jordan, O.M.C. (EFT MP & EHA Practitioner)
Patricia Jordan-Hay (EFT)
Corlea Keeney (EFT MP)
Annie Lambley-Steel (EFT)
Peter Leakey (EFT)
Eileen Lichtenstein (EFT)
Valerie Lis (EFT)
Noreen Maynard (EFT)
Rita McAlonan (EFT MP)
Ciara McCullagh (EFT)
Marilyn McWilliams (EFT)
Joan Martha O'Connell (EFT MP & +EFT)
Clodagh O'Mara (EFT)
Irem Ozyurtcu (EMO MP)
Rurari O’coileain (+EFT & EFT MP)
Rosalba Pau (EFT)
Andrea Pusey (EFT)
Oana Ratiu (EMO MP)
Irena Relyovska-Barton (EFT)
Iman Saad (EFT MP)
İpek Şekerdil (EFT MP)
Keren Shamay (EMO MP & EFT MP)
Kathleen Smith (EFT)
Carl Stonier (EFT)
Estella Sugawara-Adams (EMO MP)
Yıldız Terzioğlu (EMO MP & EFT MP)
Russell Thompson (EFT)
Ayse Turker (EMO MP)
Susan Joy Walters (EFT MP)
Adara L Walton (EHA Practitioner)
Katherine Williams (EFT)
Danielle Wonkovich (EFT MP & EMO MP)
Maxine Wright (EFT MP)
Zoe Zimmerman (EFT)


Further Information

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