Creative TemplateThe Creative Template is a key concept in EMO - it is a personal map of a person's energy system in full working order as it was designed by the Creative Order.
Added Jun 8, 2019
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The Creative TemplateThis is how a person or the client would have to be AT THIS TIME if all that they were born with was perfectly actualised and was working perfectly, and all systems of mind, body and spirit in Even Flow. In other words, if a person was fully at their own +10, how would they present in mind, body and spirit? This is their Creative Template, the blueprint from the Creative Order for this particular person. This Creative Template from EMO is a flowing unfoldment through time; so if the client is 30, so is the Creative Template; if they are 65, the Creative Template is the expression or vision of that person if they were absolutely healthy, absolutely perfect and with all their Creator given faculties fully online at age 65, no younger, no older.
Please note: The *temporal* aspect of the Creative Template being EXACTLY the same age as the person who is seeking healing and a healing movement TOWARDS THE EVEN FLOW, whatever that may be for them specifically, is extremely important. The reason this is so important is that when we are dealing with trauma, pain, energetic injuries, "bad memories" and so forth the natural tendency for people as it stands is to "to try and turn back the clock" to a state of being from BEFORE the event ever took place. This attempt to make time go backwards is deeply UNNATURAL and is resisted at a very profound level by ALL SYSTEMS - physical and otherwise - which ONLY KNOW HOW TO GO FORWARD by nature.
When people attempt to contravene that natural movement and stop time, or try to turn back time on natural systems, a truly dreadful conflict comes into being that is absolutely irreconcilable and damages the systems profoundly, making matters for the client even worse, and making any attempts at healing and therapy unnecessarily hard, difficult, and in the long run, entirely doomed to failure as nature will always re-assert itself - it can do no other than to follow with the Universal program, go with the Universal laws and move FORWARD.
This collapses the "fight against nature" which man cannot ever win, no matter what they think, and the treatment of EMO becomes what it is, easy, natural and surprising in its joy and RIGHTNESS. There are many other practical applications of using the Creative Template, in conflict resolution, in teaching, counseling and healing, caring for a sick relative, and especially in parenting and this works both in self help, working with the current self or past aspects, as well as when dealing with others. The Creative Template is one of the core concepts of EMO. . ย ย The EMO Creative Template
The EMO Creative Template is a key concept in EMO Energy In Motion. It is described as a unique blueprint of an individual's energy system in Even Flow which comes into being at the moment of conception.
This template is compared to a set of genes that define an individual's physical functioning. Just as every person has a unique physical body and fingerprints, they also have a completely unique energy system that is constantly changing and evolving.
The Creative Template represents the ideal state of this energy system, the way it would function if it were in perfect balance and harmony. โ
The Creative Template is not static but changes and evolves as a person ages, providing an ideal state for each stage of life.
The Creative Template serves as a guide for EMO practitioners to help their clients move towards their optimal state of energy flow.
By focusing on the Creative Template, practitioners can:
Gain a sense of what the client could be like if they were in Even Flow, even if they present with emotional pain or distress.
Set realistic and achievable goals for healing and energy work, tailored to the individual's unique needs.
Avoid getting overwhelmed or sidetracked by focusing on the client's unique energy system and its inherent drive towards Even Flow.
The concept of the Creative Template is a powerful reminder that even when a person is experiencing difficulties, there is an underlying blueprint for their optimal functioning.
By working with EMO, individuals can tap into this inherent drive towards Even Flow and restore their energy system to its natural state of balance and harmony.
Added Jun 8, 2019
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