Triad ModelTriad Model - HEROS Higher Energetic Reality Operating Systems - refers to the system of Energy Heart, Energy Mind, and Immortal Soul.
Added Jun 8, 2019
| 1,389 Reads
The Triad ModelThe Triad Model refers to the three human human energy systems called the HEROS (Higher Energy Reality Operating Systems) which form a functional triad. Each one of these super-systems is "at the heart of" its own level in the energy system. The Heart Of EnergyThe Energy MindThe Immortal SoulThese three energy systems are light-heartedly referred to as the "superHEROS" which come to the rescue of a single human being when they are online, providing all the healing, solace, support, strength, information and power for love and life a human being needs and craves at the very basic level.ย Triad Model Visualisation by Silvia Hartmann
Added Jun 8, 2019
| 1,389 Reads
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