EFT reduces Anxiety and Depression![]() A study published in the Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, has studied the effectiveness of psychological interventions in treating secondary psychological outcomes of obesity. Comparing Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Results revealed that EFT is capable of producing reductions in anxiety and depression symptoms, and is comparable to gold standard approaches such as CBT.
Added Jun 13, 2017
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Secondary psychological outcomes in a controlled trial of Emotional Freedom Techniques and cognitive behaviour therapy in the treatment of food cravingsFrom: Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Highlights
AbstractObjectiveExamining the effectiveness of psychological interventions in treating secondary psychological outcomes of obesity has become prioritized in recent times. The objective of the present study was to compare an eight-week Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) intervention program, in the treatment of food cravings and secondary psychological outcomes among overweight or obese adults (N = 83). MethodA controlled non-inferiority trial was performed comparing group-delivered CBT to group-delivered EFT. Participants completed the Patient Health Questionnaire at pre- and post-intervention, and at six and 12-months follow-up. ResultsThe CBT group did not report any significant changes in anxiety scores over time, but the decrease in depression symptoms pre-to post-intervention was significant and this was maintained at 6-and 12-months. Anxiety and depression scores significantly decreased from pre-to post-intervention for the EFT group, and was maintained at 6- and 12-month follow-up. Somatoform scores significantly decreased from pre-intervention to all follow-up points for the CBT group, while the EFT group did not report any significant changes in somatoform symptoms. Results also revealed that EFT is capable of producing reductions in anxiety and depression symptoms, and may be comparable to gold standard approaches such as CBT. ConclusionThe current study supports the hypothesis that psychological intervention is beneficial for treating psychological comorbidities of obesity and points to the role mental health issues may play in this area. Read the Study here
Are You Suffering From Similar issues?If you or someone you know is suffering from similar issues or signs of emotional trauma, please contact a professional GoE EFT Practitioner to see if EFT can help: How Do I Become Qualified in EFT?The GoE is a non-profit organisation established in 1998 and was the first provider of professional EFT training. We have since gone on to support Energy EFT which is a more up-to-date tapping technique. For information on Energy EFT training courses available via live training and distance learning see the following pages:
GoE and EFT - Further InformationAlongside Energy EFT training programs and maintaining a public register of certified EFT Practitioners, the GoE provides the following additional information and services:
Added Jun 13, 2017
| 7,386 Reads
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