Modern Energy On TV With Aynur Apaydin![]() GoE Trainer Aynur Apaydin shares her story of how she got her own weekly show on Turkish televsion where she talks about helping people with modern energy techniques including Energy EFT and EMO Energy In Motion.
Added Nov 28, 2016
| 8,529 Reads
Hello I'm Aynur. THIS IS MY STORY: I host a TV show! This is a live TV show called “Life Energy with Aynur Apaydin” broadcast every Thursday for 105 minutes. The goal of the show is basically creating an awareness regarding modern energy. Yes, I talk about Energy EFT, EMO Energy In Motion and Positive EFT for exactly 1 hour and 45 minutes. I answer questions on the phone and give them the opportunity to experience energy through little exercises. This was my dream and it started to manifest! But it is just a beginning :) I came to learn these fantastic techniques when Sandra Hillawi came to my city to teach 3 years ago. This was a blessing. I was lucky enough to receive all the knowledge in my own city, in a place 5-minutes’ walk from my apartment. Even though I had known about different bioenergy techniques and Classic EFT before, Energy EFT, EMO Energy In Motion and Positive EFT were new methods that I did not know anything about. I wanted to learn them all. And I did. I even went further and received the trainer’s training program. After I have received the trainings, I felt that everyone should learn these fast transforming methods. I felt: “Everyone should know as everyone needs healing!” So I first shared excerpts of exemplary exercises on my YouTube channel. I still receive feedback from people who tell me that they experienced change through these exercises, without receiving any trainings. It feels wonderful to help people heal themselves; to be able to touch their lives! Yes, this was my goal; to reach people, share my knowledge and create an awareness about modern energy. I felt that my YouTube channel could serve as a source for those who search on this subject. I wanted to reach more people, even those who do not know anything about energy. And TV shows provide the best opportunity to reach them. Some TV channels who learnt about my work have invited me. I tried to summarize what I knew in very short periods of time in those TV shows. I then saw that these TV shows have been very effective in introducing these techniques. Although most of the people knew about Classic EFT, Energy EFT, EMO Energy In Motion and Positive EFT were new for many… There had to be more time to explain and create an awareness on modern energy! And this came true as well! Now I can make in-depth and detailed explanations and do many exercises on my live TV Show. I can see the growing interest in modern Energy EFT and my show through the phone calls I receive during the show. What is best is to be able to reach and touch those who have no idea about the subject! I will keep talking about modern energy, I always will! These are the practices that I re-discover and fall in love with, each time I use them! I am so grateful to you for all this knowledge Silvia Hartmann! You are WONDERFUL! I feel so lucky to have reached this knowledge! Everyone should reach it, everyone has to have the chance to recognize it! And Sandra Hillawi, my precious-hearted angel, I am so thankful to you for touching my life!
This is what transformation and evolving are all about! This is my evolution… I am deeply grateful to all those people who have made this possible… With my intention to help people on their path of evolution… With love... Aynur Apaydin - Istanbul, Turkey
Aynur explaining The SUE Scale and the Energy Chart. For more information, please see The Trillion Dollar Stress Solution Aynur teaching the viewers how to tap Energy EFT. For more information, please see Aynur recommending studying the Energy EFT Master Practitioner manual Aynur recommending the Energy EFT Foundation course for self help, personal development and as the first step to a professional Energy EFT practice.
Added Nov 28, 2016
| 8,529 Reads
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Aynur Apaydin
Information about Aynur Apaydin
Energy EFT Master Practitioner Trainer, EMO Master Practitioner Trainer, Modern Energy Tapping Professional Trainer, Modern Energy Coach Trainer, Energy Dating Coach Trainer, Modern Energy Healer Trainer & Modern Stress Management Trainer in Göktürk Eyüp, Istanbul, Turkey.
Contact details and membership information for Aynur Apaydin: