September 2011 Newsletter

September 2011 Newsletter

Welcome to the very final edition of the EMO Newsletter! Why is this the last edition? Full details inside...

In this issue:

** EMO Now Part of The AMT
** 10th Anniversary EMO Conference – Call for Presenters
** Enlightenment for Modern Human Beings by Silvia Hartmann
** The 2011 EFT & Energy Psychology Conference – Latest News
** EMO Snow Globe by Silvia Hartmann
** The Snow Globe & God's Love by Sister Margarita Foley
** EMO Reviewed by Paradigm Shift Magazine
** EMO Multiple Proxy by Patricia DancingElk
** The StressFish Guide to EMO by Dr Teresa Lynch ePub Now Available


** EMO Now Part of The AMT

To start this month's newsletter we are very pleased to announce that EMO is now becoming part of The Association for Meridian & Energy Therapies. This means that our Practitioner and Trainer Trainings will be accredited by The AMT, one of the first and most respected organisations in the world dedicated to the study of meridian & energy therapies, and our membership listings will be featured on

All EMO members should have received an email with full details, but full details are now available on the AMT website just in case.

With the move to The AMT comes the opportunity of incorporating this newsletter into their much larger Energy Psychology newsletter. Please do keep sending in your EMO articles and we'll be able to promote them to a larger audience than ever before. We say thank you and goodbye to the EMO newsletter, but we'll keep you abreast of any specific EMO developments and
announcements that you need to know about. We look forward to working with The GoE next month to create the most comprehensive source for all things Energy!

So, without further ado, I would like to present the very final edition of the official EMO newsletter!

** 10th Anniversary EMO Conference – Call for Presenters

On the 21st and 22nd of April 2012 we are hosting the latest edition of the EMO Energy Conference, and it is going to be all the more special as it marks the 10th Anniversary of EMO! That's 10 years of bringing peace and happiness to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

We are now accepting presentation proposals for 2012, so if you have a development that you are dying to share please let us know by sending in your presentation outline to us.

Please give us much information about what you would like to present, as well as an introduction to yourself, documenting your experience. Proposals to be formatted in plain text Word documents, please.

Tickets are currently on sale with an extra special Early Bird discount, so even if you don't fancy presenting you can still guarantee your place!

Send in your Presentation Proposal

Find out more about the 2012 EMO Conference
Book you place now

** Enlightenment for Modern Human Beings by Silvia Hartmann

Silvia Hartmann, creator of EMO writes: Today as ever, people seek enlightenment.

Many don't even know that they are seeking enlightenment and may think erroneously that they are seeking love, or wealth, or respect, or happiness; either way, human beings have a built in drive towards enlightenment.

But what is enlightenment, exactly? And if we knew what it was, would that make it easier to experience enlightenment ...?

Read the full article

** The 2011 EFT & Energy Psychology Conference – Latest News

The AMT's 2011 Conference is shaping up to be the Energy event of the year, with Practitioners, Trainers and Energy enthusiasts from around the world heading to Gatwick to learn new techniques and make new friends.

Our new GoE family are making us feel very welcome because EMO is well represented, with keynote presentation Seeing Energy with PIP & EMO presented by Dr Thornton Streeter, supported by Silvia Hartmann who will be holding EMO sessions during the talk, in order to show the profound effect the therapy has on the human energy field.

On top of this there are exciting presentations from Karl Dawson, Dr Martin Luthke, Sandi Radomski, Dr Terry Lynch (author of The StressFish Guide to EMO) and many more!

The Conference is just 2 months away and the organisers have announced plenty of new details including the full schedule and the updated Conference Manual titled Energy! which will contain full practitioner listings and more. There are great rates for advertising in Energy! so we recommend you take this opportunity to promote your practice and trainings.

One final exciting announcement is that Silvia Hartmann will be presenting the inaugraul training of the GOE's new EFT Master Practitioner qualification. However, this first ever training has already sold out, so we recommend you have a look at the Distance Learning Course, which is also taught by Silvia Hartmann.

Latest Conference news
The full schedule is now online
Purchase tickets
Home study EFT Master Practitioner Training
Advertising opportunities

** EMO Snow Globe by Silvia Hartmann

A short introduction to the EMO Snow Globe which is a simple and intuitive way to hand over a lot of different information/energy to the higher operating systems all at once.

A very handy meta pattern with many uses which belongs to the Thought Flow set from advanced EMO.

Read the full article
Also see The Thought Flow

** The Snow Globe & God's Love by Sister Margarita Foley

Sister Margarita Foley writes: She has been struggling for a long time with her feelings around her relationship with her husband and her family. She has been through many distressful situations at her workplace and is experiencing frustration at not being able to find a job, which she says she really needs as their money is scarce.

Overall she seemed unable to truly connect with her body and her spirit although she is a woman who has a strong faith in God’s love and care. Somehow, it seemed to be at an intellectual level. We tapped and EMOd, energy danced, visualized, met her future self and tried so many ways. While she made great progress in her personal development things did not seem to fall into place.

The Snow Globe and the Thought Flow have long been favourites of mine. As I waited for this woman to come to see me I reached in to my Own Source to ask for guidance. Many people know that for me this is the Father/Mother/ All Possible Aspects of God, expressed in the Word/ Jesus and their Breath/ Spirit or Holy Spirit. As I did this and listened the Snow Globe came to mind. So too did the very clear image of the benefit of the Snow Globe in connecting the Conscious Mind, with the Heart, the Soul and the Source of our being.

Read the full article

Also see EMO Snow Globe
Also see The Thought Field

** EMO Reviewed by Paradigm Shift Magazine

Paradigm Shift – the UK's best loved spiritual magazine – has reviewed EMO: Emotions, Energy, Information and Love in their latest issue. They called it “interesting and informative” with an “honest and down to earth approach”.

EMO by Silvia Hartmann was released earlier this year as the definitive guide to EMO, replacing the Oceans of Energy trilogy.

Read the full review
Learn more about EMO: Emotions, Energy Information & Love
Find out more about Paradigm Shift magazine

** EMO Multiple Proxy by Patricia DancingElk

Patricia DancingElk, an EMO Master Trainer based in Texas, has put together a pair of case studies on EMO by proxy. Take a read...

Patricia writes: As a class project during the September 11th Practitioner seminar in Richardson, Texas, we did a group proxy on two separate family situations. I have received feedback from both subjects that I wanted to share.

Read the full article
Visit – the home of EMO in Texas

** The StressFish Guide to EMO by Dr Teresa Lynch ePub Now Available

Written by Master EMO Trainer Dr Teresa Lynch, the StressFish Guide to EMO is both an introduction to the therapy - which can be used for everything from overcoming a relationship breakup to making a good life an amazing life - and a simple guide to overcoming the day to day stresses and trials of life. EMO is the newest energy modality in the world, created by real people for real people.

We are pleased to  let you know that the StressFish Guide to EMO by Dr Teresa Lynch is now available in various ebook formats including PDF, Kindle and now ePub from Kobo.

Order the ePub from Kobo Books
Order the PDF from DragonRising
Order the Kindle edition from Amazon (UK)
Order the Kindle edition from Amazon (US)

Thank you to everyone that has contributed to this newsletter and all of our previous newsletters over the years. As mentioned before, starting from next month our newsletter will be integrated with The GoE's monthly newsletter, and you will receive it as normal in order to keep informed on the latest EMO news.

Best wishes,

Josh Alliston
Communications Officer

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