Client Practitioner DanceThe EMO Client Practitioner Dance denotes an interactive way of working with energy clients where both are equal and work together as equals to bring about positive changes.
Added Jun 8, 2019
| 3,940 Reads
The Client Practitioner Dance1. The practitioner knows before they even meet the client or find out anything about them that it is THEIR JOB to get the client from the problem state to the "energized end state" - to create an event, in other words.
As in EMO, the changes that are sought are always and ONLY to get the very best you can out of the system you've got, and that is highly individual to every client exactly how, where and when that works out, this intention is perfectly aligned between the practitioner, the client, AND all the systems of the client. 5. Structurally in EMO, the client AND the practitioner keep their focus and attention on the problem and the desire to solve it throughout the treatment by the practitioner asking questions and thereby, directing BOTH THEIRS AND THEIR CLIENTS ATTENTION to those places in the energy that need healing. 6. It is in this exchange of information, the question and answer format that keeps the attention directed in the right places and controls the attitude of consciousness throughout the session that the "client - practitioner DANCE" arises that will take the client to a time and place and a state where they can experience the event of healing. 7. The outcome for the client/practitioner dance is the energized end state which is experienced by BOTH the practitioner AND the client in their own way and rewards both, as well as informing both that the healing event has been reached, and the session has been completed.
Added Jun 8, 2019
| 3,940 Reads
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