EFT reduces Anxiety and Improves Communication SkillsIn a recent study highlighted in The Journal of Social Work Education, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) was used as a tool to help reduce apprehension and anxiety, for those in an environment prone to situations provoking anxiety, and negative performance. Findings report that EFT significantly reduces distress and anxiety, and notes that participants found EFT calming, relaxing and helpful. Read on for more information...
Added Mar 17, 2017
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From: Journal of Social Work Education Tapping your way to success: using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to reduce anxiety and improve communication skills in social work studentsAbstractBy the nature of their professional training and practice placements, social work students are prone to situations provoking the onset of anxiety. A programme of academic and placement support, termed the 'Skills Lab', provides help and support for students to develop their communication skills and prepare for their practice placements and transition into professional social work practice. Skills Lab evaluations indicated a high level of appreciation, linked with a strong sense of apprehension and anxiety, which some students report has negatively affected their performance. MethodTo address student anxiety, a pilot study using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) was developed. EFT is an intervention, which may potentially be effective in reducing academic anxiety and enhancing public speaking. This mixed-methods pilot study measured participants' (n = 45) subjective distress and anxiety before and after using EFT. Subjective distress/anxiety was invoked through a 15-min assignment lecture. Twelve of the 45 students also participated in one-one interviews to elaborate on their experiences of EFT. ResultsQuantitative findings indicated participants reported significantly less subjective distress and anxiety after using EFT. Qualitative findings indicated three themes whereby participants found EFT calming, relaxing and helpful; considered the transferability of EFT in other settings; and proposed some of the mechanisms of EFT's action. Read the Study here Are You Suffering From Similar issues?If you or someone you know is suffering from similar issues or signs of emotional trauma, please contact a professional GoE EFT Practitioner to see if EFT can help: How Do I Become Qualified in EFT?The GoE is a non-profit organisation established in 1998 and was the first provider of professional EFT training. We have since gone on to support Energy EFT which is a more up-to-date tapping technique. For information on Energy EFT training courses available via live training and distance learning see the following pages:
You can also try Energy EFT with developer Silvia Hartmann in this online video: GoE and EFT - Further InformationAlongside Energy EFT training programs and maintaining a public register of certified EFT Practitioners, the GoE provides the following additional information and services:
Added Mar 17, 2017
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