First US Trainers Training - The Report!

First US Trainers Training - The Report!

Sandra Hillawi writes: The first US EMO Trainers Training was a totally wonderful experience in all ways on all levels for all participants and we now have brand 13 new US EMO Trainers!!!! The trip started with a very excited Lisa and myself, Sandra arriving in New York for the first time ever ...




EMO Launch In America
New York 11-13 November 2007

Report by Sandra Hillawi

sandra hillawi and lisa bundfuss going up in the world
Sandra Hillawi and Lisa Bundfuss at the top !

It was a totally wonderful experience in all ways on all levels for all participants and we now have 19 new qualified practitioners and 13 new Trainers!!!!

Maybe the quantity is not a lot for a launch but the quality was and is phenomenal !

The trip started with a very excited Lisa and myself, Sandra arriving in New York for the first time ever.

View From The Empire State Building

We spent the Saturday at the Empire State taking in the spectacular sky and landscape of Manhatten, followed by an energizing walk up Broadway to Times Square.

We were both struck by the sheer energy of the city, the tall buildings and long clear lines of the streets, channelling the city's energy.

It was a strong powerful, lifting, strengthening and a total ˜WOW!!' experienced in true EMO style in, through and out, wonderful!

I loved New York !!!

times square
Times Square On Broadway

The Training

On Sunday the group assembled in the Crown Plaza Hotel at JFK airport for their first introduction to EMO.


There were some amazing healing and releasing, dropping of shields, allowing in of much needed nourishment and by the end of the 2 practitioner days we had a room of completely bonded open radiant happy joyful shining wonderful amazing people.

The love, joy and connection between everyone was beautiful.

They really got the message of what EMO can do.

New York Practitioners


Just a few of the highlights ...

On the way to the hotel each day, one member had to take the subway, an experience he hated and used to feel threatened by. He decided to open up, drop the shields and take it all in and had an amazing energizing experience, taking in the people, the sounds, the surroundings, the train's movement, the underground.

He had a deep insight about how he had been holding back life for so many years, keeping those and so many other energies out, and how EMO had now transformed his way of interacting with life in a deep and nourishing way.

One lady received some news during the course about the loss of a family member.

EMO allowed her to process this energy bit by bit until she could drop the shield of shock and denial and accept everything about this news and its consequences reaching a place of acceptance peace joy and celebration and love of the person who had passed on. That was totally amazing to see and to assist !

Another member who could never cry and had ‘no issues', never let anyone's pain in, found her shields, managed to open them with the help of EMO and began a new life, feeling positive warmth in her heart, tears of joy, for the first time that she could ever remember, now being able to ‘really feel'.

In the BeauTy T workshop, everyone received deep healing and nourishment about their physical bodies. One member even said her nose actually felt smaller afterwards (she'd always thought it was bigger than it was) and another said her skin under the chin felt tighter now. The starving autogenic bodies drunk in the attention and appreciation during the exercises and everyone was deeply nourished.

How everyone's eyes sparkled after that was a precious sight to behold. All loved up in a beautiful sacred honouring of each other !!!


The New EMO Trainers



The Trainer's Day for the 13 new ET Trainers was also a chance to apply EMO to create the state of readiness for success on their next step, clearing the vision, waking the passion and using the passion to dissolve away likely obstacles ahead.

New York trainers


Feedback from the final day from those who had done all three days was a joy to hear.

They said ...


  • How EMO was their missing link for healing the emotions;
  • how EMO has allowed them to open up, drop their shields and experience life more fully;
  • how EMO has changed their whole perspective on relationships;
  • how EMO has allowed them to receive deep nourishment and understand love in a whole new way.


Abraham Bruck, Lisa Bundfuss and myself shared in the teaching and facilitation.
For me as a trainer, every EMO event seems to top the last one!!

This training was indeed the most beautiful powerful deeply transformational and nourishing for participants and also for myself yet. It is indeed the greatest privilege to be the facilitator of such changes in people. Participants came from across all of the USA and so EMO seeds have been scattered across the country from this event.

I really feel these practitioners and trainers will be the pioneers and driving force behind a new wave of healing, transformation in the USA.

Clearing Clutter From Your Life With EMO


We enlightened and entertained the participants about different types of clutter and its strong effects in every area of people's lives. It was explained how EMO can be brilliantly used before, during and after the de-cluttering process. Participants practiced EMO on the ereas where they felt the effects of the clutter in their lives. In addition to addressing the feeling of overwhelm, participants also learned how to apply EMO whenever an emotion was triggered while sorting through memorabilia.


Lisa, Sandra and Abraham:
The Last Few minutes of the Trainer's Training: Closing Comments.

Abraham Bruck said, "I have to agree with Sandra: this is by far the best training I have ever attended; whether as a trainer or trainee!

"This group is really special: a gathering of America's best!"

The following are just some of the feedback messages we have received already:



Hi Abraham & all,
I absolutely loved the EMO workshop, and am using it a LOT, for myself, and with my clients all over the world. It was interesting to note that I had to use EMO to releasemyblocktousingEmotrance.:>)

The work I am doing using EMO is very profound.

And, the connections we made at the workshop were really lovely!

Thank you so much for bringing EMO to the US.

Many Thanks and Blessings,



Hello everyone,

It's been quite a Magickal Journey meeting all of you, and sharing/experiencing/exploring Emotrance!

I had already been doing a form of emotional processing quite similar, but learning Emotrance has 'given me permission' to go further and faster with it.

I was high as a kite after the seminar, and am continuing to Flow and Soften every day.
I'm finding that my favorite time/place to Flow and Soften is in bed, in the morning, while I'm half-awake, getting ready to greet my Day.

Been doing this the last three days.

I wish to thank all of you, and especially Abraham, Sandra and Lisa for flying across the ocean and conjuring this Whole Thing Up! for all of us.

I can feel and sense my 'inner work' deepening into deeper and more subtle levels.
One gain already is that I am feeling both safer and more comfortable and 'at home' both with the outside world, and here inside my own skin.

I am, and feel, deeply and profoundly Grateful ...

All for now, and
much beautiful, radiant, glorious Energy and Love
to you all ...


From Lisa Bundfuss:


What a wonderful place! The energy, the straight lines, the buzz, flowing all that energy through was just amazing.

What a wonderful, energising privilege and humbling experience to see and be a part of the transformations that took place. It was during the Energy Dancing that the member that had been shielded from emotion had their breakthrough and never looked back.

One person who'd had trouble with sleeping for years due to unresolved issues causing emotional and physical pain found the changes incredible and slept really well for the first time that night with only a tiny niggle of pain which she cleared on waking.

Also during energy dancing another person who'd been held back from her passion of dancing for many years, was able to release this at last and feel the joy freedom and energy of dancing once again.

Throughout the whole of the three days the changes were incredible, a fabulous experience for all of us.


In closing I wish to acknowledge and thank Silvia Hartmann for her creativity and vision and for being the catalyst for such a great wave of positive change for us all today and in the future through this gift of EMO.

Sandra Hillawi
16 November 2008
Master EMO Trainer and International Trainer's Trainer




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Sandra Hillawi
Information about Sandra Hillawi
Trainer Trainer for the Guild of Energists.

Training courses and events with Sandra Hillawi:
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Modern Energy Trainer with Sandra Hillawi
15 Nov 2025 - 16 Nov 2025 - Online
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EMO Energy In Motion Master with Sandra Hillawi
4 Oct 2025 - 12 Oct 2025 - Zoom Online International
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Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Sandra Hillawi
20 Sept 2025 - 28 Sept 2025 - Online - International (Zoom)
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Star Line Therapy - Step 4 of STAR Therapist with Sandra Hillawi
8 Sept 2025 - 24 Nov 2025 - Zoom Online International
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Star Matrix Master - Step 3 of STAR Therapist with Sandra Hillawi
3 Jun 2025 - 19 Aug 2025 - Zoom Online International
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Healing Retreat - Sinai Egypt with Sandra Hillawi
17 May 2025 - 24 May 2025 - Dahab Sinai Egypt 46117
Sandra Hillawi has the following products in the store:
The Love Clinic

The Love Clinic

Posted Nov 26, 2009
In the "Love Clinic", Energy Expert and international GoE Trainer Sandra Hillawi reveals the real reasons for the problems with love and relationships, and explains in accessible, every day...
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Sandra Hillawi has kindly contributed the following titles to the 🏫 GoE Library:
DragonRising Radio Show

DragonRising Radio Show

Posted Jan 8, 2018
DragonRising is the publishing arm of the Guild of Energists and they've released some of the most outstanding and innovative audio products available, including: HypnoSolutions, HypnoDreams,...
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GoE2016 - P14 - Energy Poetry and Song with Sandra Hillawi

GoE2016 - P14 - Energy Poetry and Song with Sandra Hillawi

Posted Jun 7, 2018
Art is important for our soul. It’s our soul and energy expressing itself in the real world. Being in an energy flow state, and writing from that flow state is much easier than we think, and...
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GoE2021 - P05 - SuperMind Healing in Sanctuary with Sandra Hillawi

GoE2021 - P05 - SuperMind Healing in Sanctuary with Sandra Hillawi

Posted Nov 25, 2021
Nobody knows us better than our own dear Energy Mind! Discover the wonderful effects of SuperMind healing and find your perfect Healing Habitat in time and space.
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GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

Posted Nov 13, 2024
In "The Future of Modern Energy," Silvia Hartmann introduces a transformative vision of energy, grounded in 30 years of exploration and research into how energy flows between individuals and their...
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GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy

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GoE2024 - S3 - The Future of Modern Energy Training

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GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!

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Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

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Wishing Silvia Hartmann a fabulous retirement!
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The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings

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Spring 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives

The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives

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Winter 2018 edition of The Energist magazine. Available to read online on smart phones, tablets and in browsers, plus also the option to download as an Adobe PDF file for printing out at home or...
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