From Credit Crunch To Opportunity with EMO

From Credit Crunch To Opportunity with EMO

So it’s the credit crunch, what does that mean to you? We’re surrounded by media messages of lack, difficulty, redundancies, people struggling, nobody having any money.

What is this doing to your beliefs about money, your business and your success? Have you taken this energy in and held onto it? If so, let’s release that energy now and create the flow that there is an abundance of opportunity.

From Credit Crunch To Opportunity

With Sandra Hillawi

That which is our greatest challenge holds with in it our greatest gift.”


In this unstable and highly stressful time of economic meltdown, can you prosper?

The answer is, of course, YES, YOU CAN! - with EMO and a few simple strategies for success.

Step 1: Release Blocks to Earthly Wealth

So it’s the credit crunch, what does that mean to you? We’re surrounded by media messages of lack, difficulty, redundancies, people struggling, nobody having any money.

What is this doing to your beliefs about money, your business and your success? Have you taken this energy in and held onto it? If so, let’s release that energy now and create the flow that there is an abundance of opportunity.

Did you know that even with 10% unemployment 10% of the population has less disposable income. That means 90% are still in employment with disposable income.

What are you focussing on?

And do you think the people who don’t have jobs and the people who still are in employment are happy right now?

Did you know visits to Relate for relationship counselling has increased?

Again, people are not only worried about money but this is impacting other parts of their lives.

You know what you can do for them.

You can help them FEEL better AND you can help them EARN more money. But how do you reach them and how do you get their attention to hear what support is available to them?

And what do you charge them for your services?

What is it worth for a person to:

  1. release their stress, get their energy health and joy for living back?

  2. release their stress and get that loving feeling back in their relationship?

  3. overcome their own worries about money and get a positive attitude of hope and creativity value worth and opportunity back into their life?

  4. release the aches and pains of life and feel bright free and able to cope again?


What would you pay for a workshop or a few private sessions that would turn your life around like that? We know what it’s worth in spiritual currency, but what about ‘earthly currency’?

What are you worth? What do you charge for your time? Do you feel good about that? What is this healing and transformation work worth?

And while we are talking about money, how is your relationship with money working right now. Is it flowing well? Is more coming in than is going out and you are accumulating? Or is more going out than is coming in? Is anything coming in at all?

Let’s use EMO to release blocks in our relationship with money and our concept of self worth.

Step 2: Get Some Strategies That Work

Strategy 1 FREE Introductory Talks and Demos

Now we have more flow about money and worth, we need some action to get the earthly money flowing. A great way to get people interested in EMO is to arrange a taster evening with a talk, demonstration and their first experience of using EMO themselves. Staged in a low cost venue, e.g. a large living room, or village hall with tea and biscuits served at the end, you can educate your audience about what you can do for them and make special offers for booking on the night.

The audience gets :

  1. A free night out that’s fun, inspiring and educational

  2. A chance to meet their local EMO practitioner/trainer

  3. To learn the latest research in understanding emotions, energy and what we can do about it

  4. Their first experience of EMO to release and transform something that’s bothering them

  5. A chance to feel really great and have fun as you introduce them to energy nutrition

  6. A cup of tea and a biscuit

  7. THREE opportunities :

    1. Make a positive change in their life for themselves

    2. Help others to make positive changes in their life and earn extra income

    3. Join you by helping to spread the word about EMO and earn extra income.


THREE Things you can offer your audience :

  1. To book some private EMO sessions e.g. book 2 get one free

  2. To book a place on the next workshop with a discount

    • For self help

    • Or to become a practitioner to help others creating a new opportunity to earn more money

  3. To join your EMO promotion team, helping to create positive change in your area, and earn a profit from their efforts.


Ideas for Content of Your Talk Demo Night

There are a number of points to include and consider in your talk demo night. Here are a few suggestions that I included :

  • Take registrations on the door as people will bring their friends along (name, tel, emails – will let you follow up for future events)

  • Thank everyone and introduce the main speaker

  • Be passionate, speak from the heart and enjoy yourself, tell your ET story

  • Give the structure of the evening and tell them the aims of the evening and that they will be invited to take action to find out more later with a special offer on the night

  • Introduce EMO

  • Give them their first experience of releasing emotional energy – group exercise

  • Longer demo with a volunteer – ideally ensure your volunteer will be a quick demo – could prep someone with ET demo to make sure all flows well in the event i.e. it doesn’t take too long

  • Talk about energy nutrition – group exercise : tell your neighbour ‘you’re wonderful’ then tune into that energy and let it soften and flow, illustrating positive emotional states with great energy flow states, and everyone will feel great

  • Share a few ET stories – clients and personal

  • Open up for any questions

  • Share what ET has done for you and why you want to share it with them

  • Make your offers to them on the night

  • Hand over to the introducer

  • Thank the speaker, explains paperwork and booking procedures, talk about the books on sale

  • Serve tea and coffee at the end – mingle and help people book their workshop, their private sessions

  • Anyone interested in joining the promotion side to earn extra money, arrange a follow meeting.


A recording of a talk demo night I did in Christchurch on Thursday 26th March with Trevor Noble is available as an mp3 for download from my website. See end of this article.

Strategy 2: Team Work and Collaboration

TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More

There is absolutely no need to feel isolated and to struggle working on your own. Why not join up with other ET practitioners and work together to put your demo nights on. Join up with your local ET trainer and add workshop and training courses to your portfolio of what you can offer to your community. Enlist the support of friends and associates for promoting events and work out a profit sharing scheme between you.

It’s more fun for you, your community sees you’re not the only practitioner, so it helps them to build trust and accept new concepts and you can complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. You will also get an overall greater uptake for your services.

Marketing and Promotion - Getting People Through the Door

Marketing and promotion is the hard bit for some, but for others it’s easy. That’s why it’s good to work as a team. You could employ someone to do this part of your business or work with a colleague on a joint venture.

Here is the exact marketing plan we used to fill two talk-demos in March in village halls in Hampshire. The flyers and the emails we used to promote our events are included at the end of this article and also available for you to download and customise from my website. See the end of this article for web links. In our case, Trevor Noble, was my partner in the project. Trevor did the promotion. I did the speaking and I will do the training with Trevor facilitating.

Marketing Plan

  1. Two village halls were booked for the events with a lead time of 2-3 weeks for promotion. The workshop event was planned for the following month and a future event provisionally booked in case anyone couldn’t attend the first one.

  2. Talk to and email as many people as possible via Groups that either you attend or know about:- ( spiritual, light-workers, mediation, yoga, Chi Kung, sound etc.)

  3. Tell friends and some clients you think appropriate about the talks

  4. Put posters up in as many shops as possible, health food, organic food shops or your local post office, hairdressers etc.

  5. Leave posters and talk to people anywhere they have therapist in Therapy centers, hairdressers, sports centers,

  6. List and call as many local therapists from Yellow pages, Thomson local. Goggle local therapists on PC.

  7. Follow up reminder calls by phone the day before and on the day of the event.

  8. Make follow up calls after the talks to those who needed to consult diaries before booking.

Our Costs

Hall hire £20 each evening, plus £5 tea & biscuits. Workshop venue : Trevor’s home, so no cost involved. Budget allowed for village hall type venue for workshops is a max of £100 per day.

Our Results

20+ people at each event. 16 Bookings taken on the two nights and by the end of the week totalling about £2,500. After deduction of expenses and licence fees we earned £1000 each from those two demo nights.

Expansion and Development

This business model can be duplicated and expanded. You could expand your promotion team, by inviting those who are interested in promoting healing and change, and therefore create continuity and larger audiences in different areas to keep business momentum going, with an agreed profit share based on actual bookings achieved from the guests that they invited.

Step 3: Release Your Blocks to New Strategies

So which part of the new strategies do you find challenging, scary, daunting?

  • Release blocks to new strategies.

  • Tune into your passion for healing and transformation work.

  • Soften, flow and grow your passion.

Step 4: Passion, Action and Teamwork

.... and make money doing what you love!


* First published in the EMO Conference Manual 2009

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Sandra Hillawi
Information about Sandra Hillawi
Trainer Trainer for the Guild of Energists.

Training courses and events with Sandra Hillawi:
view event ▶
Modern Energy Trainer with Sandra Hillawi
15 Nov 2025 - 16 Nov 2025 - Online
view event ▶
EMO Energy In Motion Master with Sandra Hillawi
4 Oct 2025 - 12 Oct 2025 - Zoom Online International
view event ▶
Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Sandra Hillawi
20 Sept 2025 - 28 Sept 2025 - Online - International (Zoom)
view event ▶
Star Line Therapy - Step 4 of STAR Therapist with Sandra Hillawi
8 Sept 2025 - 24 Nov 2025 - Zoom Online International
view event ▶
Star Matrix Master - Step 3 of STAR Therapist with Sandra Hillawi
3 Jun 2025 - 19 Aug 2025 - Zoom Online International
view event ▶
Healing Retreat - Sinai Egypt with Sandra Hillawi
17 May 2025 - 24 May 2025 - Dahab Sinai Egypt 46117
Sandra Hillawi has the following products in the store:
The Love Clinic

The Love Clinic

Posted Nov 26, 2009
In the "Love Clinic", Energy Expert and international GoE Trainer Sandra Hillawi reveals the real reasons for the problems with love and relationships, and explains in accessible, every day...
information ▶

Sandra Hillawi has kindly contributed the following titles to the 🏫 GoE Library:
DragonRising Radio Show

DragonRising Radio Show

Posted Jan 8, 2018
DragonRising is the publishing arm of the Guild of Energists and they've released some of the most outstanding and innovative audio products available, including: HypnoSolutions, HypnoDreams,...
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GoE2016 - P14 - Energy Poetry and Song with Sandra Hillawi

GoE2016 - P14 - Energy Poetry and Song with Sandra Hillawi

Posted Jun 7, 2018
Art is important for our soul. It’s our soul and energy expressing itself in the real world. Being in an energy flow state, and writing from that flow state is much easier than we think, and...
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GoE2021 - P05 - SuperMind Healing in Sanctuary with Sandra Hillawi

GoE2021 - P05 - SuperMind Healing in Sanctuary with Sandra Hillawi

Posted Nov 25, 2021
Nobody knows us better than our own dear Energy Mind! Discover the wonderful effects of SuperMind healing and find your perfect Healing Habitat in time and space.
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GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

GoE2024 - S1 - The Future Of Modern Energy

Posted Nov 13, 2024
In "The Future of Modern Energy," Silvia Hartmann introduces a transformative vision of energy, grounded in 30 years of exploration and research into how energy flows between individuals and their...
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GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy

GoE2024 - S2 - The Future of Modern Energy Therapy

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In "The Future of Modern Energy Therapy," Silvia Hartmann outlines her vision for the future of Modern Energy Therapy.
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GoE2024 - S3 - The Future of Modern Energy Training

Posted Nov 13, 2024
In the 'The future of Modern Energy Training' Silvia Hartmann emphasizes the need to create uplifting experiences that enable trainers and students alike to grow and evolve. 
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GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!

GoE2024 - S4 - Our Future Starts Now!

Posted Nov 13, 2024
Here we are, my dear fellow multi-dimensional beings, at this precise moment where we always are – always sliding along our personal timeline, always in the moment of unfoldment, and our futures...
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Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

Sandra Hillawi: Wishing Silvia Hartmann A Fabulous Retirement

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Wishing Silvia Hartmann a fabulous retirement!
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The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.1 - Voyager

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Summer 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special

The Energist - Vol 2014.1.2 - Conference Special

Posted Oct 1, 2014
Autumn 2014 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.1 - New Beginnings

Posted Jan 21, 2015
Winter 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.2 - Project Sanctuary

Posted Apr 9, 2015
Spring 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights

The Energist - Vol 2015.2.4 - Harvesting From The Tree of Lights

Posted Sep 1, 2015
Autumn 2015 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation

The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation

Posted Mar 19, 2016
Spring 2016 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!

The Energist - Vol 2017.4.1 - The Best Year Ever!

Posted Feb 1, 2017
Spring 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2017.4.2 - The Energy of Learning

The Energist - Vol 2017.4.2 - The Energy of Learning

Posted May 26, 2017
Summer 2017 edition of The Energist magazine.
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The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives

The Energist - Vol 2018.5.1 - The Power of the Positives

Posted Feb 20, 2018
Winter 2018 edition of The Energist magazine. Available to read online on smart phones, tablets and in browsers, plus also the option to download as an Adobe PDF file for printing out at home or...
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