A Star Therapy Case Story: My Name Is Susan

A Star Therapy Case Story: My Name Is Susan

Star Therapy is a new positive direction for healing, unlocking the extraordinary healing powers of love, joy and laughter which are stored inside our star memories.

Here's a example of a Star Therapy Session.

Emerging from a romance that she hoped would have been lasting my client Susan was feeling low, lacking in confidence, with stress pains in her body and was trying to move on.

I asked what her aims might be from the session. She said ‘to feel like I am enough and to feel abundance instead of lacking somehow.’

Can you connect with a memory where you did feel that enough, even if it was once?

Where and when was this? Can you tell me the story.

Susan started to smile.

“I went to a rock concert with my friends. While standing in the bar, holding my glass of coke in the break a man came up to me and started talking to me and about the show as if I were one of the performers in the show.

“I was taken by surprise, amused and flattered. The performer she was referring to was really attractive. I smiled and corrected her, saying No, I’m not in the show but my name is Susan.”

That moment however was a star moment.

In that moment Susan felt singled out and recognised.

She felt attractive, like the performer on stage.

She felt significant and desirable.

I asked where she felt these emotions in her body and we softened and flowed the positive emotional energies to maximise them.

Then we discussed a slight adjustment. What if we changed the ‘but’ to ‘however’?

Going back to that moment, she now spoke the words “No I’m not in the show, thanks for that however, my name is Susan” and she reached out to shake hands.

This affirming language created a total strengthening and affirmation within. It was powerful to watch.

In that ‘I am Susan’ she became her own hero, felt like she was walking on air, no longer needing validation from others, feeling worthy of being seen. That simple ‘I am Susan’ felt and embodied was powerful.

In that moment Susan showed up for her true authentic self. It was a moment of completeness, of liberation.


We reflected on the significance of this in relation to her past relationship and the future going forwards with further insights and realisations.

Susan now felt she had self worth, self respect. “I am attractive, I am a woman in my own right, and not in competition with anyone. I feel Grace.”

She was affirming the truth of her being.

This session reduced her chronic body pain from past traumas by half. She felt lighter with more inner flow. She stood tall like there was something pulling her up straighter in herself.

I could observe the obvious shift in her energy myself and a sense of Susan feeling relaxed and comfortable in herself. Presence.

Star Client’s Reflections and Learnings

Susan also became aware that where she placed her attention, her energy flowed and this was a choice. Furthermore, what she focussed on would grow and multiply.

We reflected on how amazing it was that a single moment could contain such richness, such light, such revelations and insights about the truth, and how quickly and easily it created a transformation of her state.

Star Therapist’s Reflections

I also reflect on all the years of exploring the stress roots of our problems, to heal, to transform our scar memories and how much time and energy was needed to bring about a transformation there.

I compare this to the ease lightness and fun of discovering star memories and the astonishing speed of connecting with what is already within us through this direction of our attention.

Whilst healing the scars and trauma is also an important way to reconnect with ourself, Star Therapy really does create a new faster way to feel and embody our best self again.

Star Therapy to Discover Your Star Matrix

Susan was so happy with her Star Therapy transformation that she has booked several more Star Therapy sessions to discover and activate further star memories.

In finding the star memories in our life journey, activating them to illuminate our past and future, we build our Star Matrix. This allows us to reconnect with and embody much more of our true authentic self.

Book a Star Therapy Session with Sandra

If you are touched by this story and would like to explore Star Therapy or Star Therapist Training for yourself then book a free introductory Star Therapy call with me.

Wishing you a shining day and week ahead!

Sandra Hillawi

Star Therapist & GoE Energy Trainer

Christina Mills
Love this, really good,lovely gentle and fun way to connect to your authentic self."do you not know wonderful you are"💙💙💙
Sandra Hillawi
Absolutely Christina, its fun, enjoyable, lifts energy, and gets us back in our power again. And its simple and fast!

Ouedraogo Adams Billy
Amazing story!!!! Super. Technique for life coaching 💪
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Sandra Hillawi
Information about Sandra Hillawi
Trainer Trainer for the Guild of Energists.

Training courses and events with Sandra Hillawi:
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Modern Energy Trainer with Sandra Hillawi
15 Nov 2025 - 16 Nov 2025 - Online
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EMO Energy In Motion Master with Sandra Hillawi
4 Oct 2025 - 12 Oct 2025 - Zoom Online International
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Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Sandra Hillawi
20 Sept 2025 - 28 Sept 2025 - Online - International (Zoom)
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Star Line Therapy - Step 4 of STAR Therapist with Sandra Hillawi
8 Sept 2025 - 24 Nov 2025 - Zoom Online International
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EMO Energy In Motion Master with Sandra Hillawi
14 Jun 2025 - 22 Jun 2025 - Zoom Online International
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Star Matrix Master - Step 3 of STAR Therapist with Sandra Hillawi
3 Jun 2025 - 19 Aug 2025 - Zoom Online International
Sandra Hillawi has the following products in the store:
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