Welcome to the May 2011 edition of the GoE newsletter.
In this issue:
News: Tickets to the 2011 EFT & Energy Psychology Conference on Sale Now โ Save 50%!
Article: Snooker Psychology โ The Kick is the Enemy by Silvia Hartmann
News: World Energy Awareness Event โ 8.8.8.
Article: Testing Set Ups or EFT Opening Statements by Silvia Hartmann
Book Review: True Happiness by Dr. Mark Atkinson
AddedMay 12, 2011
| 6,086 Reads
News: Tickets to the 2011 EFT & Energy Psychology Conference on Sale Now โ Save 50%!
We are pleased to announce that tickets for the 2011 European EFT & Energy Psychology Conference are now on sale. What's more, we are offering a whopping 50% early bird discount until the end of May!
The keynote speakers have been announced, with the other presenters being announced in the near future. Our line up so far includes:
Dr. Mark Atkinson โ Author of True Happiness Silvia Hartmann โ Author of EMO Karl Dawson โ Author of Matrix Reimprinting with EFT
The 2011 posters are back from the printers and look great, they will be popping up in practices and shops all around the country. If you would like a poster to put in your window or display in your practice please let us know and we will have one sent to you.
Article: Snooker Psychology โ The Kick is the Enemy by Silvia Hartmann
In the aftermath of the most eagerly watched Snooker World Championship in years, Silvia Hartmann has put together an article on limiting beliefs based on stress reversals and how they can cause problems in the game of Snooker. These include the dreaded kick and players attitudes to the game especially as they get older.
Perhaps energy is the one thing that can bring people together - all true religions have energy at their core by any other name, and it is in the understanding of energy within us and around us that human beings truly connect. May the World Energy Awareness Day bring light to all, and light is love.
On August 8th at 8pm we are having a moment to do some real energy work - to change the powerfield of the ages that has made people be blind to the reality of energy. With more energy awareness, the world for all of us must change and becomes a better place.
Please join in in what ever way you can, whether it is organising an Energy Party or just doing some tapping.
Article: Testing Set Ups or EFT Opening Statements by Silvia Hartmann
Silvia Hartmann writes:
The big "hang up" in EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques for beginners is to find the right EFT set up or EFT opening statement - what you say when you tap your round of EFT.
Once you've done EFT for a while and with a few other people as well (which gives a much better perspective than always tapping only on yourself or wondering about your own problems) finding EFT set ups is easy, logical and natural. Here is a tip how to speed up learning how to find the right set up phrase or opening statement for EFT self treatment for beginners.
Dr. Mark Atkinson, energy expert and presenter at the 2011 EFT & Energy Psychology Conference has written a brand new book, published by Piatkus, titled True Happiness. We were happy to receive a review copy...
"True Happiness: Your Complete Guide to Emotional Health by Dr. Mark Atkinson stands out amongst the vast ocean of self-help guides available today. The easy to follow instructions coupled with the authors obvious passion and knowledge, make for a complete and concise guide to gaining โTrue Happinessโ.โ
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this month's newsletter. We've upgraded our email software so we can include images into our newsletter and make them easier to read. If you've got any comments about the new feedback then please reply to this email.
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