📅 GoE Year In Review 2022

📰 2022 Was A Busy Year For The GoE!

📷 Congratulations To All The Students!

Temel EFT / Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with İpek Şekerdil

Gokce Cicek Mol

Star Matrix Master - Turkish Launch with Sandra Hillawi

Elif Arıkan Dön, Nimet Özkan, Bilge Yalçın & Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu

SuperMind Master Home Study 2021 with Sandra Hillawi

Jennine Allen, Debra Byers, Christine Chari, Tanya Davies, David Ingvoldstad, Jenny Legrand, Dr Teresa Lynch, Adrienne McAllister, Helen McCrarren, Julie Park, Emily Pearson, Jacqueline Rogers & Donna Wirth

Energy EFT Foundation with Alexandra Tavares

Rita Antunes & Ana Maria Castro

Modern Energy Healer with Sandra Hillawi

Corné Jooste, Paul Smith & Julie Elizabeth Rose White

Modern Enerji Tapping Fondation with Nimet Özkan

Nur Bolat, Evrim Erkılıç & Orhan Sakin

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Hulya Samhili

Esma Gökçe Güven & Filiz Uğraş

Modern Energy Trainer - Turkey 2022 with Sandra Hillawi

Ayşenur Ahıshalıoğlu, Hayriye Arık, Esra Atmaca, Berat Yeliz Eren, Dönay Eruz, Yağmur Kaya, Hilâl Küçük Özdamar, Funda Saraç & Fatma Üstüntaş

MET Foundation Eğitimi with Funda Saraç

Gamze Aköz, Sermin Ozan & Deniz Schack

Star Matrix Master with İpek Şekerdil

Selcan Aktas, Dilek Akturk Varol & Canan Guney

Energy EFT Master Practitioner with Nimet Özkan

Nur Bolat & Evrim Erkılıç

Energy EFT Master Practitioner with Alexandra Tavares

Rita Antunes & Ana Maria Castro

Modern Energy Healer - Distance Learning with Sandra Hillawi

Joanne Blachut, Cathy Cavanagh, Christine Chari, Lorna Firth, David Ingvoldstad, Saxon Knight, Peter Marsland, Robert McBeth & Esther McGaw

MET Professional Eğitimi with Funda Saraç

Gamze Aköz, Sermin Ozan & Deniz Schack

Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Gulay Gecu

Şükran Aracı, Sümeyra Coşkun, Birgül Hutton, Betül Işık Güngör, Handan Özcan, Şerife Nisan Özdemir, Nil Öziş, Nur Öztürk, Zeynep Silahtaroğlu, Hatice Songür, Ayşe Gül Soylu & Hesna Üye

Temel EFT / Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with İpek Şekerdil

Ayse Akbulut, Ece Basokur Ekincioglu, Feriha Seda Demircan & Ayşe Mutlu

Modern Energy Trainer - Modern Energy Healer with Sandra Hillawi

Estefanía Carretero Mancheño, Jamila Jamie, Fatma Otkur, Oana Ratiu, Tom Schaeper & Liliana Stanciu

Temel EFT / Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with İpek Şekerdil

Ozlem Korkmaz

Modern Energy Tapping Professional - 12 Weeks Online with Sandra Hillawi

Tanya Davies & Celine Valantin-Trinquart

Modern Energy Tapping Professional with İpek Şekerdil

Feriha Seda Demircan

Star Matrix Professional - NEW COURSE FOR 2022! with Silvia Hartmann

Karin Böhme, Estefanía Carretero Mancheño, Carole Ann Catterall, Zoe Hobden, Alex Kent & Lucy McCormack

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Kelly Mayne

Fiona Hewkin, Sean King & Hollie Monhemius

Modern Energy Trainer - MSM Professional with Sandra Hillawi

Estefanía Carretero Mancheño, Jamila Jamie, Fatma Otkur, Oana Ratiu, Tom Schaeper & Liliana Stanciu

Moderní zvládání stresu – základní kurz with Lukas Nemec

Tibor Nemec

EMO Master & 20th Anniversary - FULLY BOOKED !! with Sandra Hillawi

Dr Alan Balfour, Kim Bradley, Yana Burmistrovich, Linda Campling, Magdalena Danielak, Adriana Fontan, Paul Grant, RobertaAnn Greene, Jamila Jamie, Ayce Karadag, Laura Kidger, Marni Lee, Jenny Legrand, Roslyn Maxwell, Robert McBeth, Jan Meldrum, Julia Riewald, Sue Scott, John Ward, Donna Wirth & Julie Wright

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Sandra Hillawi

Kim Bradley & Marni Lee

Modern Energy Trainer Training - Online with Sandra Hillawi

Estefanía Carretero Mancheño, Jamila Jamie, Fatma Otkur, Oana Ratiu, Tom Schaeper & Liliana Stanciu

Modern Energy Tapping/ Energy EFT Foundation with Isaac Lim

Peter Huntsman, Pauline Puah & Judith Tanzil

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Sühendan Coşan

Asude Argun Akçöl, Sümbül Kayaoğlu, Jülide Marangoz, Hacer Muhacir & Cihan Tuna

Project SuperStar with Silvia Hartmann


Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Sühendan Coşan

Asude Argun Akçöl, Sümbül Kayaoğlu, Şengül Kocaağaç, Jülide Marangoz & Hacer Muhacir

Fundamentos del Manejo del Estrés Moderno with Estefanía Carretero Mancheño

Gregoria Aguilar Díaz & Kybel Rosado González

3 Steps to Champion Energy with Sandra Hillawi


(Energy EFT Foundation) Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Isaac Lim

Thanes Gunasegaran, Teresa Gan Kiat Beng, Lim Mei Tsi, Gomathi Rajendran & Logappriya Rajendran

Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Sandra Hillawi

Kim Bradley & Marni Lee

Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Sandra Hillawi

Kim Bradley & Marni Lee

Temel EFT / Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with İpek Şekerdil

Ipek Izem KoÇak

3 Steps to Champion Energy with Sandra Hillawi


Modern Energy Tapping Professional with İpek Şekerdil

Meltem Er Posnanski

Modern Stress Management Professional with Sandra Hillawi

Kim Bradley, Jilly Bromage & Marni Lee

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Funda Saraç

Yasemin Altıntaş, Nurgül Başaran, Işıl Erdoğan & Tahire Hüseyniklioğlu

Money kurz – Pozvedněte své peníze na další úroveň with Lukas Nemec

Marie Chytilova

3 Steps to Champion Energy with Sandra Hillawi


Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Kim Bradley

Debbie Atkins, Claudia Bartosik, Dee Beer, Sarah Blanchard, Diana Broughton, Angela Cannon, Jacqueline Mary Carleton, Sarah Colbeck, Rachael Collins, Callie Di Nello, Jayne Dillon, Helen Fetzer, Nicki Fielder, Anita Graham-Bateson, Hilary Gurner, Jackie Hodson, Lucy Howe, Noeleen Kelly, Nicola Kenworthy, Kay Lyon, Julia Reeves, Julia Riewald, Tracey Trusselle, Lucinda Wallop & Julie Wright

EEFT Foundation with António Rebocho

Madalena Almeirão, Fernanda Lopes & Rosa Serôdio

EEFT Master Practitioner with António Rebocho

Madalena Almeirão, Fernanda Lopes & Rosa Serôdio

3 Steps to Champion Energy with Sandra Hillawi


Energy EFT Master Practitioner Online Zoom Course with Suzanne Zacharia

Alya Houdaf

🥇 Top Trainers in 2022

🥇 1st Place: Sandra Hillawi

Congratulations and thanks to Sandra Hillawi for being the GoE's top trainer!

Sandra joined the GoE in 2002 and has now trained 1363 people.

For more information or to contact Sandra see:

Sandra's Next Events:

🥈 2nd Place: Gulay Gecu

Congratulations to Gulay Gecu for coming second!

Gulay joined the GoE in 2017 and has now trained 607 people.

For more information or to contact Gulay see:

🥉 3rd Place: Burcu BayKeser

Congratulations to Burcu BayKeser for coming third!

Burcu joined the GoE in 2020 and has now trained 502 people.

For more information or to contact Burcu see:

4th Place: Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu

Congratulations to Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu for being a runner-up!

Ozlem joined the GoE in 2016 and has now trained 188 people.

For more information or to contact Ozlem see:

Ozlem's Next Events:

5th Place: Saliha Eroglu

Congratulations to Saliha Eroglu for being a runner-up!

Saliha joined the GoE in 2014 and has now trained 464 people.

For more information or to contact Saliha see:

6th Place: Dilek Kirikkanat

Congratulations to Dilek Kirikkanat for being a runner-up!

Dilek joined the GoE in 2016 and has now trained 211 people.

For more information or to contact Dilek see:

7th Place: Siadbh Mc Givern

Congratulations to Siadbh Mc Givern for being a runner-up!

Siadbh joined the GoE in 2008 and has now trained 95 people.

For more information or to contact Siadbh see:

Siadbh's Next Events:

8th Place: İpek Şekerdil

Congratulations to İpek Şekerdil for being a runner-up!

İpek joined the GoE in 2015 and has now trained 47 people.

For more information or to contact İpek see:

9th Place: Sümeyra Gorgun

Congratulations to Sümeyra Gorgun for being a runner-up!

Sümeyra joined the GoE in 2018 and has now trained 71 people.

For more information or to contact Sümeyra see:

10th Place: Kim Bradley

Congratulations to Kim Bradley for being a runner-up!

Kim joined the GoE in 2007 and has now trained 72 people.

For more information or to contact Kim see:

Kim's Next Events:

🙏 Thanks Also To...

Bilge Yalçın Bilge Yalçın
Nimet Özkan Nimet Özkan
Aisling Killoran Aisling Killoran
Aynur Apaydin Aynur Apaydin
Ber Collins Ber Collins
Funda Saraç Funda Saraç
Hilâl Küçük Özdamar Hilâl Küçük Özdamar
Sühendan Coşan Sühendan Coşan
Cumasiye Ozgur Cumasiye Ozgur
Ilka Wandel Ilka Wandel
Isaac Lim Isaac Lim
Estefanía Carretero Mancheño Estefanía Carretero Mancheño
Sadullah Sönmez Sadullah Sönmez
Rana Korkunç Rana Korkunç
Yurdanur Güleç Yurdanur Güleç
Tanya Davies Tanya Davies
Brenda Dutertre Brenda Dutertre
António Rebocho António Rebocho
Suzanne Zacharia Suzanne Zacharia
Teresa Lynch Teresa Lynch
Şebnem Koral Eruç Şebnem Koral Eruç
Kelly Mayne Kelly Mayne
Karen Aquinas Karen Aquinas
Hulya Samhili Hulya Samhili
Alexandra Tavares Alexandra Tavares
Yasin Taha Erisgen Yasin Taha Erisgen
Saruhan Sari Saruhan Sari
Elif Arıkan Dön Elif Arıkan Dön
Berat Yeliz Eren Berat Yeliz Eren
Denise Jacques Denise Jacques
Lukas Nemec Lukas Nemec
Lorna Firth Lorna Firth
Dieter Maas Dieter Maas

📅 Gain A New Qualification In 2023!

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