Tapping With The Angels - EFT ArticleIn this insightful article from GoE Energy EFT Master Practitioner Susan Browne, she tells us how modern Energy EFT meets the angelic realm with the help of the wonderful Angel EFT. Read on for the full article...
Added Aug 6, 2015
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Working with angels and EFT have been the two most life-changing energy healing approaches I had ever come across, so it was a natural progression for me to combine them. I found myself doing this initially by adding in angel visualisations either before or after tapping for myself and for clients. And then, when it suited, tapping whilst addressing the angels. I went on to develop nine different techniques for bringing the angels into my EFT work. There are many Archangels, and each one can assist us in various different ways. Archangel Michael helps us to cut cords of toxic energy, attaching us to people, material possessions, organisations, memories and such. He also governs the throat chakra, our communication centre and helps us with psychic protection and courage. Archangel Raphael is the healing angel, helping us to heal our energy, physical ailments and those of the mind and thoughts. You can call upon Archangel Raphael when working to heal addictions. This Archangel also governs the third eye chakra, and we can work with him to manifest things. I have worked with Archangel Jophiel to literally ‘tap into’ having a beautiful, tidy home. It was well needed as seasoned clutterer in the past, a family, plus an enduring disdain for housework. There are always more interesting things to do, right? But with Angel EFT, I got things in order. By tapping whilst addressing Archangel Jophiel and asking for assistance with making the home clean, clear and beautiful, I was able to make some pretty big changes. This happened in a short space of time, and I began to feel confident, instead of cringing with embarrassment when people walked into my home. A first for me. Archangel Raguel helps us with relationships, and overcoming conflict, but also in attracting new friends or helping work relationships. Archangel Gabriel can help light up our energy and bring clarity on our life purpose, as well as helping issues around children, and communication. As a writer I call upon Archangel Gabriel to help out with my writing. Archangel Gabriel also oversees the lower chakras, the sacral (and navel), base and earth star chakra. I once used proxy tapping to help a sheep with Archangel Fhelyai (pronounced Fell-Yay). One day I was asked to watch a sheep that was supposedly in labour. I went down to see her in the field and she was very nervous of me, I am not a farmer of any sort, and I really didn’t want to make things worse. She eyed me with mistrust, her breathing was laboured. I got something to sit on and sat about ten feet away from her using my best animal-reassuring voice to try to soothe her. I placed my hands on my heart centre and simply used the words Archangel Fhelyai, doing a few rounds like this. In doing this, I was asking the energy of this Archangel to join us and help her out. The farmer returned later and intuitively rang the vet. It turned out that she had milk fever and was very sick as opposed to being in labour. He then gave her medicine and she began to recover against the odds, and went on to have a healthy baby lamb. I will never know whether or not my tapping and asking Archangel Fhelyai helped, but it certainly helped me because I was able to do something other than just sit there worrying about her. There are many more Archangels you can work with, and there is no right or wrong way to ask the angels or Archangels, once your intention comes from the heart. If you aren’t sure what angels to call upon, simply ask for “angels for peace, healing, abundance, relationships…”, there are angels to help with everything. Even though I talk about tapping in this article, for Angel EFT holding the treatment points is the technique I mostly use. Angel visualisations either before or after using Energy EFT have been very useful for myself and clients who are open to working with angels. Doing a visualisation beforehand can help to unearth things we can then tap on, as the angels have a way of gently showing us things we need to know. One such visualisation would be cord cutting with Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael. I have made a free download of this particular visualisation for newsletter subscribers which can be found online at: bit.ly/freeangelvis. Tapping first and then doing a visualisation has the effect of anchoring what was brought about by the tapping. Visualisations can be used with flexibility and can be made as short or as long as you like. Also, if working on something that needs a bit of elbow grease, such as a long standing issue or big project, I have found that writing or typing out a script and visualisation to do daily for thirty days is very powerful. Yes, the words in the script can evolve and that’s okay, you don’t need to feel tied to what you have written. But the power of thirty is great for making long lasting changes. When we work with the angels we naturally raise our vibration, just as we do when we do Energy EFT. So Angel EFT quite naturally raises your frequency, and from what I have experienced, produces incredible results. Ask the angels to join you in your tapping round, ask them to energise your healing hands with the colour gold. Tap with a gemstone whilst calling in the angels. There are many ways of bringing the angels into your EFT practice, and you can use Angel EFT and other types of EFT interchangeably, such as Energy EFT or Positive EFT. Not every client that walks in the door is open to angels, but the interest is definitely on the rise and people are always surprising me. As a practitioner, asking the angels to guide you in your work before the client arrives can help bring that extra help into play. Susan Browne is an GoE EFT Master Practitioner, Energist, and Accredited Counsellor based in North Co. Kerry, Ireland. She sees clients for EFT internationally via Skype as well as in person. For more info visit AngelEFT.com. This article was first featured in the The Energist magazine (Vol.2 No.3), the GOE's full-colour quarterly print magazine which is shipped worldwide to our 1400+ active members every three months. Click here to join The GoE and receive your copy of The Energist, with membership starting at just £30/per year. For more information about The Energist and to read the digital version online for free, click here. Further Information
Added Aug 6, 2015
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Susan Browne
Information about Susan Browne
Energy EFT Master Practitioner in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, Brixham, Torbay, England & Coventry, West Midlands, England.
Susan Browne has kindly contributed the following titles to the 🏫 GoE Library:
GoE2016 - P09 - Angel EFT for Success & Abundance! with Susan Browne
Posted Feb 16, 2018
56 min video presentation by Susan Browne on "Angel EFT for Success & Abundance" plus PDF handout.
When we use Energy EFT we naturally create an easier connection with the angels, who are...
The Energist - Vol 2016.3.1 - Energy EFT Foundation
Posted Mar 19, 2016
Spring 2016 edition of The Energist magazine.
Contact details and membership information for Susan Browne: